End Times Dust Light

Chapter 853: Back to dream

   "Scorpion girl, come out and breathe! Holding it all day will cause prickly heat..."

As soon as Lu Ziming’s words fell, a pile of sandbags swelled on the sand. The yellow sand rolled and slipped from the top of the sandbags, first revealing a crimson scorpion needle, then a scorpion tail, and then a whole crimson. The giant scorpion slowly poked his head out of the sandbag, two giant scorpion tongs waved in the air, and found that Xiao Si who was playing next to him was caught and threw it on the back of the scorpion.

  Xiao Si didn't panic, and didn't even make a call for help. She got up from the scorpion's back, patted the gravel on her body, and even hugged the scorpion's tail to swing.

  "Bear boy! Are your children all like this? Why do they seem to be the wrong breed!"

  The poisonous scorpion woman can see at a glance that Xiao Si is not an ordinary person (really not an ordinary person), and is very sensitive to the zombie odor left on Xiao Si's body, and a pair of black and shiny eyes stares at Xiao Si.

   "I happened to pass by you today, come and see how comfortable you are living here?"

   "It's okay! The place is a bit small, it's difficult to turn around, so I can barely make do with it!"

  One square kilometer of desert is too small, so the poisonous scorpion woman can say it, making Lu Ziming painful for a long time.

  Lu Ziming was too lazy to talk nonsense with the scorpion girl, there is really nothing to communicate with the different concepts, "How is your dark legion's preparations, ten days later, you will start to attack Xincheng, your legion is the main force."

"Bait it! What do you say so nicely, you humans are true hypocrisy!" The poisonous scorpion woman shook the scorpion tail, and the little Sile on the scorpion tail laughed, looking good with the little thought, "I will want to I personally command the Dark Legion, I don’t want my subordinates to really be cannon fodder!"

   "Yes, as long as you help me capture Xincheng and Pingyuan City, you will be guaranteed not to invade Chiyou Space at that time, and you will be released when I return from the giant spirit world?"

   The poisonous scorpion woman cursed viciously: "I hope you can die in the giant spirit world!"

  "Don't worry about this, you won't get anything when I die!"

  The poisonous scorpion woman waved her tongs and said: "It doesn't matter! As long as I can break through the ninth-order shackles, your little restraint is useless to me!"

"Then when I return, I hope to hear the good news from you." Lu Ziming is not angry. He doesn't like intrigue, but likes to go straight with the poisonous scorpion girl. "In fact, if you don't attack humanity, we may have a common topic. It’s not that I can’t accept a dark creature as a friend. We have different stances. It’s a **** when it comes to life and death, and living is the truth."

   "Do you think these words can lie to me?"

"Believe it or not! I'm tired of telling you so much. Don't forget to inform your subordinates to gather in the north of Xincheng in ten days." Lu Ziming found that the poisonous scorpion girl had nothing more than a tendon. This Probably it is the humanoid monsters and ghosts mentioned before!

Lu Ziming found that his joy has gradually faded after he calmed down. After all, the child is still in Xiangxiang’s stomach, and no matter how happy he is, he will have to live day by day. Especially thinking that he is in the giant spirit world after the child is born, he adds a bit of sorrow and Reluctant.

Seeing Xiangxiang as if he was facing a big enemy, Lu Ziming couldn't laugh or cry, and he kicked Lu Ziming out of bed for no reason. He was silly, and he started to study maternity meals. The plan to prevent the fetus was started in advance.


  Lu Ziming decided to go to the trial ground to study his own swordsmanship. In any case, life-saving is also an act of responsibility for Xiangxiang and the child, at least what Xiangxiang thinks.

   Lying in the nutrition warehouse, Lu Ziming felt that he hadn't found the nutrition warehouse to be like a coffin before. It's always weird to be told by a little girl.

   "Here is that?"

  There is no inheritance hall, no one, and everything around is familiar and unfamiliar.

   "Beep..., 嗤..., you are looking for death!" A white shadow appeared in front of him, heard a sudden brake, and then a man cursed angrily: "You don't have long eyes to walk, you are going to die!"

"This is..., how come back to the original dream again", looking at the traffic on the road and the endless stream of pedestrians, Lu Ziming felt his brain crashed, "What's going on, it shouldn't be a trial. Field?"

  "Are you deaf? Did you hear me? Get out of here!"

  Lu Ziming found that he was standing in the middle of the road, and a white Audi was less than a punch from him. The man in the car glared and regarded himself as a shameless person crossing the road.

  Lu Ziming reached out and touched the Audi car cover, it's hot! Pinched hard, it hurts! Everything here is extremely similar to the simulation of the trial field, the same senses, the same judgment, without any abruptness, everything seems so natural and harmonious.

The man in the Audi car finally couldn't bear it. He got out of the car and stretched out his hand to Lu Ziming's shoulder and slapped him hard, "Boy, do you want to touch porcelain? I have a driving recorder in my car, please be honest with me. , Get out!"

  Lu Ziming looked up at the man, his shoulders sank, and his backhand clasped the man’s wrist.

   "Oh!...It hurts to death, let go!"

   "Say! What's the date today?"

   "June 8, let go, I want to call someone?"

"June 8?" Lu Ziming felt that something was wrong there. He let go of the man's hand and disappeared into the crowd a few times. The man's curse came from behind: "Neurotic, lunatic, let you run away this time. Let Lao Tzu see you again and break your dog legs!"

  Lu Ziming, who got into the crowd, did not go far. He had to figure out what happened. This is not the first time such a strange dream has appeared. Could it be a program error in the trial field?

  Lu Ziming knew that this was absolutely impossible. It was not that the trial field could not go wrong, but the dream here and the trial field were completely different. At least Lu Ziming knew that he could not do whatever he wanted in a dream.

  I appeared in a dream for the first time. I thought it was my obsession and regret that had problems. I brought myself back to that unforgettable past. It doesn't seem to be the same thing now. This feeling is very strange, it is completely real, there is no trace of falsehood, and it is even more real than the trial field.

   "It is necessary to figure out what is going on?"

   "June 8 should be the day of the college entrance examination, go to the school to have a look?" Lu Ziming made up his mind and walked towards the school.

  Before arriving at the school, he saw that the entrance of the school was filled with family members who were waiting anxiously. Lu Ziming suddenly thought of a question, “Is the other one at this time?”

  "Time?" Lu Ziming finally found that something was wrong, it was time. I forgot to ask about the time of the year. When I looked up, I saw the huge slogan hanging on the entrance of the school: Welcome to the 2018 National College Entrance Examination, I wish all the students in the city get excellent results!

  In 2018, isn’t this before the end of the world? At this time, I should be still in school preparing for the exam, and then go home on vacation, and the end of the world will come soon.

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