End Times Dust Light

Chapter 854: Assumed to be true

   "But why is it June 8th?"

   is still the time, because it is also June 8 in the real world, but the year seems to be wrong. It has been five years away. Isn’t the end time happening in the dream, then why should I go back to the dream again?

  What is a dream? Lu Ziming can be sure that he is definitely not dreaming now, but he can't explain why he is here. It's weird! It was completely different from what he knew, as if there was a break in some place, Lu Ziming felt a headache, and even began to doubt which one of truth and falsity was more worthy of his belief.

   "No! Let's take a look at the other self, maybe you can get the answer from the other self?"

  A dark shadow slipped into the dormitory quietly. There was no one in the dormitory and was almost hit by the guard.

   "Lu Ziming, didn't you just read in the library? Are you back again?"

  "Hey! Lu Ziming, you changed your clothes. I bought them there, and they look good!"

   "Come back and get a book?" Lu Ziming ran into a few roommates at the top of the stairs, and could only unavoidably bite the bullet to meet him. Lu Ziming usually seldom speaks and did not arouse his roommate's suspicion. He just glanced curiously, and then talked about topics they were interested in.

   "Library! Yes, at this time I should read in the library and earn some free air-conditioning money by the way!"

   Then I thought, there are many people in the library. Didn’t I go in now and cause a supernatural event? I don't know how big a sensation it will have. no! Must think of a safe way, preferably only two people are present (of course the other person is himself).

"How to do?"

  Lu Ziming suddenly realized that he didn’t seem to have any hobbies. At three o'clock in the school, classrooms, dormitories, libraries, and if there were other places, it could only be the cafeteria and toilets.

  Too boring, too singular, life is like this, there is no fun at all, Lu Ziming now can't even believe how he lived before, just like a pool of stagnant water.


  Lu Ziming lowered his head and walked down the path of the campus. Two girls came to face each other. They suddenly patted his shoulder, "Hey, okay! So you came here, did you try to meet the girl?"

"It's you!"

"How come you run into a ghost, don't you recognize me?" The girl opposite stopped Lu Ziming curiously, and looked at Lu Ziming like a thief. "You nerd don't read in the library, why? Is there an ulterior motive for running here?"

Still Xiaojiao's temper, and his impression hasn't changed at all, staring at Lu Ziming with a pair of **** eyes, sweeping around himself like a CT scanner, looking at Lu Ziming with a smirk. .

   "Oh, oh, who are you looking at? With a confused face, is it a **** when you see a beautiful woman?"

Lu Ziming couldn't believe his eyes. Standing in front of him turned out to be Li Qiujing, a high school student. The male classmates who chased her lined up to the Pacific Ocean and turned around, and he seemed to be familiar with Tang Yu. I have never heard Tang Yu talk about it.

   "You are Li Qiujing, not taking the college entrance examination this year and preparing to apply for the Xi'an Art Department, why are you here?" Lu Ziming completely ignored Tang Yu and found that he seemed to be able to do something.

"Lu Ziming, I warn you, don't see the big beauty and you won't be able to walk...Look at me! How weird Lu Ziming today", Tang Yu found that Lu Ziming was a bit wrong, and they often talked and laughed. Laugh, are you kidding, but Lu Ziming feels a little strange to him today.

Li Qiujing doesn’t know Lu Ziming (no money, no power, no background). Lu Ziming is not the first time he has seen Li Qiujing, but he has never said anything before. It is not how timid and inferior Lu Ziming is, but Li Qiujing was always surrounded by a group of flies.

  Li Qiujing has a slight anger on her face. Men like Lu Ziming have seen too much and have no feelings. "It is very clear to ask, do you want to pursue me? Are you still tender?"

"You have a younger sister named Li Rumei. This year's high school entrance examination. Your father is named Li Zheng, the editor-in-chief of a TV station in this city. But this is not the main one. Your father has an intern reporter named Wei Ming. Your father wants to match you up. Two..." Lu Ziming said all the secrets in one breath.

  Tang Yu looked at Lu Ziming and Li Qiujing in shock, as if the paparazzi had discovered the privacy of others. He looked at the two in disbelief and found that their aura was wrong.

   "You're investigating me, it's so mean!" Li Qiujing was angry, and the wretched Lu Ziming turned out to be the paparazzi.

"Your father should be investigating a case of corruption in the National Grain Depot during this period, but the case has not progressed at all, and it is suspected that someone is obstructing it. I also know that your family does not live in the city, and you live in a suburban area on holidays. The villa..., I said that there is only one purpose for these, I am going to visit your father, have important matters to discuss?"

  Li Qiujing calmed down from the shock. The woman's unprovoked intuition told herself that Lu Ziming's real goal was not herself, but her father Li Zheng.

   "Lu Ziming, do you know what you are talking about?" Tang Yu and Lu Ziming usually have a good relationship, but at this time they feel like they don't know Lu Ziming in front of them.

  Lu Ziming can no longer take care of a lot. First of all, he has to figure out where he is, and secondly, will the end of the world happen in this place, and finally, the most critical question is why he appeared here. If the apocalypse will also happen here, your own time is running out, and whether your own existence is meaningful or not is worth considering.

"I know you are good to me, but this matter is beyond your control. You are also very confused in your heart, but I can't tell you clearly now. I can only tell you now, I know your mother's name is Rong Huijun, father It’s called Zhong Zhongyan. There is a mechanical processing factory in the suburbs. Now there is a large order on hand. During this time, I often leave early and return late, and it has to be completed in September!"

  "How do you know these?" Tang Yu began to move. He had never told anyone about these things before, and others didn't know them, but Lu Ziming could see them every day, and it was even more impossible to know about his family's affairs.

   "Insane!" Li Qiujing on the side suddenly found out how she could talk about some unbelievable topics with a male classmate she didn't know, even if he knew what was going on at home.

"Lu Ziming, are you mad, or do you bump your head when you go to the school doctor? Or eat something unclean, you think slowly? I have something to do, so I won't accompany you! "

  Lu Ziming smiled frankly, and found that he was indeed stupid. Assuming that what he saw was true now, what could he do? What did he want to prove that could change the coming of the end times?

  All this is obviously impossible. In that case, does it make sense to do it now?

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