End Times Dust Light

Chapter 855: uninvited guest

  Lu Ziming doesn't know where he is. First, suppose it is a dream, a virtual and real dream, or a dream. What he does is a dream.

does it matter?

No! It doesn't matter at all, it's just a dream. I will continue to do it tomorrow after I finish it today. It's just as normal as eating, sleeping, breathing and going to the toilet.

  What if it is really real? Just like the trial field of life and death, when the mind and consciousness judge that it is dead, the brain and body organs also stop working, which is usually said that brain death determines physical death.

  Lu Ziming clearly remembered that he was lying in the nutrition warehouse, and then his mind began to connect to the trial field, but the place where he could appear became another virtual space.

It’s very strange that I entered here twice in the multifunctional warehouse of Chiyou Space. The first time was for post-injury treatment. This time it was a routine trial field training. It seems that there is no inevitable connection between them, and there is no strong relationship between them. I haven't figured out what this place is.

  “It seems that after leaving this time, I have to ask Zixin what is going on. Is it the new feature of the painful easter egg developed by the trial field?”

  Lu Ziming still upholds the usual cautious style, and it is better to stay still without knowing what happened. This doesn't mean that I don't do anything, waiting for the time to leave the dream, it is no different from Zhanmaokeng not shit.

Tang Yu and Li Qiujing didn't know what Lu Ziming was thinking, but suddenly they found that Lu Ziming had knocked on the medicine **** and was babbling like a demon. A trace of fear flashed in their eyes, regretting that they had nothing to ask for something to say hello to Lu Ziming.

  Don’t talk about Tang Yu and Li Qiujing, this kind of thing changed a standpoint, someone suddenly came over and told him what would happen to him in a few days? The first reaction is to disbelieve, and then I feel that the other party is insane, and it is okay to find the type, whether there is a **** label on my head, and others will worship when they see it. I am afraid that this kind of thing is only in the novel.

  Lu Ziming just wanted to test the reaction of the two, and found that it was exactly the same as the real situation, nervous, frightened, confused, puzzled, and fear of the unknown, so he was almost thrown into the Nanning Mental Hospital.

   Seeing Li Qiujing and Tang Yu fleeing like a plague god, Lu Ziming almost laughed with a cramp in his calf, feeling that he already has the potential to be a **** stick, maybe he can make a half-immortal, living Buddha out?

After teasing Tang Yu and Li Qiujing, they found that they still didn’t do what they had to do. They didn’t even know why they were looking for another one. Whether this dream is real or not is something fictitious in my mind. judge.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand, looking for another purpose of oneself, still want to figure out whether this dream really exists, Lu Ziming can not guarantee that what he sees is real, and conversations with others can be pre-set and happen. Things are also carefully planned, everything can be fabricated, but it is difficult to fabricate another self.

  It is natural that the other one does not listen to his own command. At the same time, it should be the way of thinking a few years ago, and it will not be synchronized with the self a few years later. What will happen in the end is worth looking forward to.

Thinking about it, but it’s not easy to do it. Lu Ziming knows very well how he spent his school life a few years ago. Apart from violent kidnapping, he can’t think of any safe way to calm the two of them. See the previous side.

  Lu Ziming rolled his eyes and thought of a place to go, maybe he could get some useful information from him to disprove the authenticity of this dream.

······Li Qiujing met Lu Ziming, who did not know the so-called, in the morning, and quickly forgot about this absurd thing. When she saw her family members coming to pick her up, she completely relaxed and let out a long sigh of relief: “It’s over. it's finally over!"

  Li Rumei pounced like a lark, pulling Li Qiujing and saying, "Sister, Dad made your favorite dish for you today. I want to have a big meal today!"

   "I know I eat, the high school entrance exam is not over, go home and read a book quickly", Li Zheng got out of the car, "Qiu Jing, how is the test today, how is it going well?"

   "No problem, very smooth!"

   "Your mother is waiting for you at home, let's go!" The three got into the car and drove to the villa on the outskirts of the city, "Where are you two going to play after the Mei Senior High School entrance examination is over?"

   "I haven't figured it out yet..., wait until the May exam is over." Li Qiujing looked outside the car and was in a daze, as if he saw a familiar figure in the crowd, but she couldn't find it again.

   "What's wrong?" Li Zheng found that Li Qiujing's expression was wrong.

   "It's nothing, let's go home!" Li Qiujing thought she was too nervous during this period of time, and didn't think too much.

  The three of them returned home. Her mother asked Li Qiujing about the exam, and began to prepare dinner with Li Zheng. Li Rumei took her sister upstairs and whispered.

  After a long time, Li Qiujing and Li Rumei were looking through a bunch of presents in their boudoir. Li Rumei was startled and said: "Wow! Yupei, it seems to be very valuable. See if it was given by that idiot!"

  Li Qiujing tapped Li Rumei's head with her hand and said: "If you like it, I will give it to you!"

  Just as Li Rumei opened her mouth to refute, she heard her mother downstairs yelling: "Qiu Jing, come down, Wei Ming is here!"

  "The flower protector is here, I don’t know what good things he brought to my sister today." Li Rumei jumped up from the bed, unexpectedly even more excited than Li Qiujing.

   "I think you are thinking that Wei Ming brought you food!"

   "I'm Wei Ming's sister-in-law. If you offend me, I will sue my sister to make him unable to eat and walk around!"

Standing in the living room was a 1.8-meter tall man with a handsome face and a burly figure. He was carrying a big bag of gifts. He saw Li Rumei running downstairs, showing a smiling face: "Rumei, see what I bring you today. Is it delicious?"

  "This kid, what gifts to bring home for a light meal, spoiled Rumei!"

   "Auntie! Qiu Jing is over for the college entrance examination today, Rumei is about to take the entrance examination, please celebrate in advance." Wei Ming handed the gift in his hand to Li Rumei who rushed up.

   "Sit down! Where's this girl Qiujing? Wei Ming will not show up when she comes..." Li Qiujing and Wei Ming's mother had made the match between them. The mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law and became happier.

  Li Rumei was preparing to go upstairs with a bunch of presents. When she suddenly saw that there was a person at the door, she yelled "Ah".

  The people in the room were taken aback by Li Rumei, turned to look outside, and saw a young man standing at the door, looking into the room with a smile, "Is this reporter Li Zhengli's house?"

  "Who are you and how did you get in?"

  Wei Ming looked back, and said in surprise: "You are...!"

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