End Times Dust Light

Chapter 856: Exchange terms

  The visitor was Lu Ziming. When Wei Ming entered the door, he saw Lu Ziming wandering at the door. He thought that someone had gone the wrong way, so he didn't even think about it.

  Lu Ziming looked at the three people in the room, with strange expressions on their faces, and asked again: "Is this reporter Li Zhengli’s house?"

  At this moment, Li Qiujing ran down from the stairs and saw Lu Ziming standing at the door, "Why are you, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to talk to reporter Li Zhengli about something, I'm sorry to disturb you." Lu Ziming didn't have the slightest apology on his face, with a faint smile on his face: "This is my aunt, Wei Ming! You are here, Li Rumei... …".

  Li Qiujing didn’t know what to say, she looked at the gate strangely and found that the gate of the yard was locked tightly, “How did you get in?”

   "Of course I walked in." Lu Ziming saw Li Zheng coming out of the study, and he didn't feel the hostility and vigilance of others at all. "Reporter Li, I'm bothering you, can I talk to you in private?"

  "Who are you? Do we know?" Li Zheng seemed calm to the person who suddenly appeared in the room.

"Dad! He is a classmate of my school. This morning he suddenly said a lot about our family and you..." Li Qiujing quickly said Lu Ziming's abnormal behavior, and then said : "Our house does not welcome you, please leave!"

Lu Ziming waited quietly for Li Qiujing to finish her words. There was no reflection on her face, as if Li Qiujing was not talking about herself. "Reporter Li, I know that you are investigating the corruption of the Nanyang National Grain Reserve, and there is no progress. I There is a clue here. I wonder if you are interested?"

  "Dad! Don't listen to his nonsense", Li Qiujing was anxious, "He is just a freshman in our school, and he is nervous and has problems in his head, please get rid of him!"

   "Reporter Li, don't you want to know the truth about Nanyang National Grain Depot?"

   "Okay!, Wei Ming took this classmate to the study!" Li Zheng's professional instinct told himself that this matter is probably not easy.

Seeing Lu Ziming and Wei Ming going upstairs, Li Zheng quickly asked: "This man named Lu Ziming is really your classmate? How do I think his temperament is not like a high school student from Chengfu? Tell me His business?"

  Li Qiujing knew about Lu Ziming's situation, and only saw Lu Ziming for the second time today. If Tang Yu hadn't told her his name, I am afraid that he would not have any intersection with Lu Ziming in his life.

   "You don't know Lu Ziming, how do you say that his appearance was completely accidental?" Li Zheng thought for a while and said, "I will ask him first, maybe it's different from what you think."

  Li Zheng is not worried about Lu Ziming, how come Lu Ziming is not like a villain who comes to the house, besides, there is Wei Ming, a strong-looking man in the family, who can't think of anything big?

  Li Zheng walked into the study and handed Lu Ziming a cup of tea ceremony: "Please have tea! Listen to Li Qiujing, you are alumni and you know something about Nanyang National Grain Depot. Tell me what do you know?"

  Lu Ziming glanced at Wei Ming and said: "What I said right away involves some state secrets. You can choose not to believe it, but you must never inquire about it. In exchange, I hope you can provide me with some information?"

  Li Zheng frowned and found that the situation seemed different from what he thought. To be precise, Lu Ziming did not make any monetary demands. This is a bit different from other whistleblowers. "What do you want to know?"

  "I know that you have some connections. In exchange, I want to know the location of the national strategic reserve warehouse near Jincheng. This sounds a bit weird, but it is very important to me. Don't ask me why, just answer me?"

   Li Zheng realized that Lu Ziming in front of him did not look like a high school student at all. He even asked the location of the national strategic warehouse as soon as he opened his mouth. Is he a spy?

   "I can't agree to your terms, unless you give an undisputed reason!"

   Out of professional caution, Li Zheng felt that things were a bit out of his control. The student named Lu Ziming in front of him was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Lu Ziming turned his head to look at Wei Ming and said, "I know that your apprentice is investigating the H13N19 avian influenza virus. I can disclose some internal information to you. If you want to read the patient's information, you will find the shadow of the army and the patient. They have all been transferred to military hospitals for isolation, and the number of patients will double every day... These patients have not been in contact with any poultry, and the rumors from the outside are false... Even their family members don’t know where the patients are. , Can’t even make a phone call. If you want to know the inside information, I will come again tomorrow, when you have the information I want ready!"

Li Zheng wanted to continue to ask, but found that Lu Ziming had stood up and walked out of the study. Wei Ming followed him out, only to find that Lu Ziming had disappeared in the corridor. Li Rumei in the living room had not seen Lu Ziming unexpectedly. Leave.

  Li Zheng immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. Lu Ziming suddenly appeared and it was good to understand, but it was too weird that Lu Ziming suddenly disappeared under his nose, **** in the day (of course it is evening).

   "Qiu Jing, think about it again, really haven't dated Lu Ziming before?"

  Li Qiujing knew what had happened there, and said innocently: "This is the first time I saw him this morning. If it wasn't for Tang Yu, I wouldn't remember having this alumnus at all?"

   "Wei Ming, what do you think of this matter?"

  Wei Ming is still an intern reporter, so he didn't dare to make any comments indiscriminately. He thought for a while and said, "Uncle, why don't you just use some information to prevaricate and see what other important information he can provide?"

  "I'm afraid not. Since he wants the information on the location of the national strategic warehouse near Jincheng, it is impossible to know nothing. If he finds that we are lying to him, we may not get anything?"

   "What did the uncle mean, give him real information? But where do we get these information?"

  Li Zheng was taken aback, right! Ordinary people can’t get these confidential information. The national strategic warehouse is top-secret information. It can’t be found by just clicking on Du Niang. I didn’t even react just now. Why did Lu Ziming open his mouth and ask for these information? What does he know?

   "Uncle, what's the matter with you, let's call the police!" Wei Ming saw that Li Zheng's face was not good, thinking that Li Zheng was nervous and afraid because of top-secret information.

   "No, please let me calm down and talk about the whole thing for a while?"

  After Lu Ziming’s uproar, Li Zheng’s thoughts for Li Qiujing to celebrate were gone. He locked himself in the study and didn’t know what to do. This would make other people anxious, for fear of what Li Zheng would do.

  Wei Ming saw that Li Zheng was unwilling to say it, so he had to hold the words in his heart. After thinking for a long time, he felt that it was not a thing to hold down this matter. As a future son-in-law, he should solve problems for the father-in-law.

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