Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1057: One Hand Slaughter

"You're looking for death, you dare to attack our people at Yumen, a dead end ..."

The middle-aged man didn't expect this teenager to have such strength, and he was relieved and wanted to stand up

"You die first!"

Nie Yun was too lazy to dismiss, stepped over and struck his head.


The head blew into powder and blood splattered.

"This kind of waste also wants to stop me, joke!"

He killed the middle-aged man in Jinxianjing, and Nie Yun swiftly rushed towards the place where his voice just sounded.

I have no worries about debts, anyway, I have offended many people. Whatever Yu Yumen, whoever he is, dare to stop himself and kill him.

Soon, a huge palace appeared before him.

In this temple, there are golden lights everywhere, set off like golden oceans, the Sanskrit sound is bright, listening to the center of the ears is soothing, and the anxiety disappears.

I have to say that the practice of Buddhism is truly extraordinary. Even Nie Yun's state of mind, after listening to it for a long time, will give rise to the illusion of lack of desire.

深 In the depths of the golden ocean, a huge Buddha bone sits with his knees in the middle, and a tall tin rod in his palm emits a gentle glow.

In front of the tin cane, a young man kept instilling strength in his palms with fingerprints, and an old man next to him held a magical ghost head scepter, constantly eliminating the Buddha's nature in the cane.

Buddhas and demons are in harmony with each other. If you want to destroy the Buddha's nature in the treasures of the Buddhist gate, you must use the most fierce to the demon.

It seems that this ghost head wand is such a thing.

"Yu Yuan, you're here. It's just right, help me suppress this tin ... Hmm? Who are you? Yu Yuan?"

Hearing that someone was coming behind, the young man thought it was the middle-aged man before him. He said half of it, and a coldness spread.

有人 Someone appeared here, but Yu Yuan didn't come, it only showed one problem, he was dead!

I don't care about Yu Yuan's life and death youth. What he cares about is that the other party actually dared to kill the people of Bu Yumen. Don't they want to live?

"You killed Yu Yuan? Who are you?"

He was angry, the youth was not reckless, and his eyes were so cold.

"Don't inquire about my bottom line, I'm just a casual repairer. Seeing that you can't refine this tin rod, give it to me!"

I know that the other person asked this question to find out the details, to see if the value is worth offending, Nie Yun did not hide to walk forward.

The other person knows the middle-aged man who just killed, it should be the son of Bu Yumen who releases the world!

"San Xiu? Zu Qian, kill him! By the way, don't make this place dirty, or it will anger the tin rod, and it will be difficult to refining!"

I heard that it was casual repair, and the young man was no longer vigilant and instructed to concentrate on refining the tin rod again.

I took a casual repair and killed it, and it was not worth his attention.

"Boy, it seems you don't know our Buyumen, who dare to kill our Buyumen, who gives you courage, who gives you the right!" The old man holding a ghost head wand turned and looked sneer. , His eyes with a trace of magic.

I am actually a demon!

"Don't talk nonsense, you want to kill me, you must have this ability!"

I knew that fighting was inevitable. Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense, his fists were raised, his chest was pulled out, and his strength was like an off-string arrow.

Fighting like punching, pulling back like pulling a bow, exerting force like throwing an arrow, swiftness like a blast!

This is a compulsory course for the strong body. Nie Yunzheng is no exception. After training and the martial arts talent operation, the power of every inch of muscle in the body is perfectly operated. A thick punch.

The physical strength reaches the highest level, and like Xianli, it can launch a mood-like attack, which makes people fall into psychedelic state.

"Actually a physical practitioner, are you a person of the Golden Demon Race?"

Zu Qian, the old wand with a ghost head and a wimp, did not show mercy on his hands, his eyes flashed a coldness, the wand trembled, and the air immediately became sticky.


The fist and the wand collided, and the two took a step back. Zu Qian, holding the monster, did not take advantage.

"No wonder you can kill Yu Yuan, there are some means, but this means nothing in front of me, Da Mo burned the sky!"

I knew that the physical strength of the young man in front of him was extremely powerful. I was afraid that he would lose even if he didn't use all his strength. Zu Qian's face was sullen, his wand rolled with a series of blasts, and the powerful magical energy burst out.

Behind him, as if opening the door of a demon world, the ghost head on the wand became the size of a mountain, extremely heavy, and before he came to the front, it made people short of breath and unable to breathe.

的 The magical energy that came out of countless shots, burning like a flame, the hot temperature, like the entire sky was dyed red.

The martial arts in the demon world, the big devil burns the sky!

According to the legend, after this practice, three huge ghost heads can be exhibited at the same time, which is the so-called one demon burn, two demon burn, and three demon burn!

At this time, Zu Qian is only exhibiting a ghost, which should not be the strongest state.

Ji Rao is so. The power is already great. When the general Jinxian strongman meets, he will definitely be directly burned to ashes without any resistance.

"Three waves of the Yangtze River!"

Seeing the opponent's strength, Nie Yun's martial arts talent was completely ignited, his eyes flashed with excitement, without fear, he strode forward and bombarded with a punch.

叠 The Triassic Wave of the Yangtze River was an extremely simple martial art practice at the beginning, but was later modified by the martial arts talents. At this time, the strength of the fists was superimposed and the golden light was scrolling. He was like a giant Buddha coming to life, and his strength was horrifying.

After modification, this trick can superimpose three punches together to form a triple attack effect with infinite power.


The fist wind hit the ghost's head, screaming again and again, the ghost's head suddenly disappeared.


With a punch, Nie Yun continued to move forward. The wind was violent everywhere. The surrounding space was humming and unstoppable.


Wu Zuqian's wand flew horizontally and flew out, with his back against the ground, drawing a half-ditch deep.

"Uh ... you forced me, the big devil burned the sky, the strongest attack!"

Zhu Qian was repelled, Zu Qian's complexion turned blue, her hair rose, her eyes were red, and she was about to collapse.

In the wail-like roar of the ghost, the wand turned, the violent power came out, and three huge ghost heads flew out of the air.

"Hmm, I didn't expect this boy to have some means, but, by the end of this, he could force Zu Qian to perform the strongest attack of the Demon Burning Sky. Even if he died, it should be stunned!"

The youth who was continuing to refine the tin rod took a look and sneered.

他 In his opinion, Zu Qian was only careless, and he must have won in the end, without any suspense.

"Feed my demon with your blood today!"

In the roar of the cricket, the ghost hair flying out of Zu Qian's wand showed the color of the cricket, like a living creature.

It seems that this move is not a imaginary fairy power attack, but a devil raised by human life. Once it is fully exhibited, even if the Jinxian Peak Strong encounters it, it will not be able to bear it, and it will absorb blood.

As a decent and spiritual deity in Jianbu, Yubu Gate actually made such evil things that it is hard to believe.

"Feeding a big demon? You have to have this kind of strength first!"

Nie Yun's hair was raised, her clothes were flying, and the whole popularity field was magnificent under the strong wind. With an unrivalled momentum, a long scream, her body exuded dark magic.

He practiced the sacred spirit rhinoceros to the limit, and for a time made him like a demon, with the deterrence of demon bowing down.

"Give me down!"

The magic power was surging, and he grabbed the demon head in the air with one hand.


"There is such a pure blood of the devil?"

Qi Nieyun's magic power suddenly released, not only Zu Qian was startled, even the release world blinked his eyes and wondered what to think.

The demon level is severe, the higher the blood, the greater the deterrent.

The ghost head that Zu Qian cast was actually made by refining a high-quality **** demon, and it has a great suppressive effect on the general devil. There is only one reason for such a high blood pressure to be suppressed in front of this person. That is, his blood is stronger than the ghost!


In the eyes of the two surprised, Nie Yun had grabbed the ghost flying in the air with one hand, and his eyes glared with a white light, accompanied by a tearing sound.

"冇! 冇" The ghost's head was torn into pieces, turned into a chaotic vibe, and spread out.


The ghost head Hongyun shattered with one hand, and Zu Qian looked as if he had been hit.

The scepter of this ghost head was sacrifice by his heart and blood, and was broken by Nie Yun, which is equivalent to hurting his heart.

"Be careful, this boy is so good, Zu Qian goes first!"

Xu's face turned red, although Zu Qian did not flinch from the injury, but he hissed, his whole body seemed to be stained with blood.

"At the end of the blood sacrifice, burn your soul and die for me!"

This guy is loyal, knowing that the scepter of the ghost head has been defeated, and he is no longer invincible. He does not hesitate to directly burn the soul to perform the blood sacrifice technique. He wants to die back and give Lanie Yun a chance to escape. .wuxiaspot.com ~ The blood sacrifice technique, blood sacrifice you a big head ghost, twenty times the power! "

I know that once the other party has completed the blood sacrifice, even if the strength is strong, it may not be able to stop it. Nie Yun's eyes glared, a whistling sound, striding forward, and the powerful Dan Tian suddenly turned out twenty times the combat power and hammered.

I used to fight with the opponent twice as much as I did before, and now it has suddenly increased by 20 times. The power is like a river breaking the dyke.

Wu Zuqian's blood-staining technique has not yet been fully performed, and the soul has only burned half, and he sees a huge fist smashed in his face.

No skill, no rules, just pure power.

An alarming power!


Wu Zuqian exploded from the middle and turned into a cloud of smoke.

Without success, the bloodstained art was killed alive, and the soul did not escape.

Compared with the power of the Golden Wonderland combined with the sudden increase of twenty times the combat power, pure power is enough to destroy a small world, which Zu Qian cannot resist at all.

"Well, it's your turn, don't plan to run away!"

Yi Yi boxed to kill Zu Qian, Nie Yun came to the release interface, his eyes were dazzling, his body was full of magic, like a demon king, and he was powerful and powerful.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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