Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1058: 1 finger breakout

The killing of Zu Qian is like breaking bamboo, his whole body is like a pillar, his muscles are full, his strength is endless, and Nie Yun against it is extremely fierce and irresistible.

Although the release world is slightly stronger than Zu Qian, it also knows that it is definitely not an opponent.

However, he did not panic, but the sense of excitement in his eyes became stronger and stronger, revealing an irresistible light.

Seeing him like this, he knew that Zu Qian and Yu Yuan had no weight in his eyes, and they died without any sympathy.

"Escape? Is it worth it for you?"

The eyes of the release world flickered, and they did not move back. Suddenly, a big swipe of their hands turned the tin rod of the palm into a streamer and split straight.

This tin rod is a Buddhist relic, although it has not been fully refined, but every move brings the Buddhist gate to the highest majesty, wielding the vast Zen sound, and the power to purify the soul.


Enveloped by this Zen sound, Nie Yun felt that his body was somewhat stiff and his power was not working well.

The Buddha and the monster restrained each other, and his spiritual rhinoceros refining system worked to the extreme, his body was full of magic, and he was immediately suppressed against the Buddhist relics.

"Haha, your devil's blood is pure. He must be the king of the devil. I am worried about how to refine this tin rod, and you will come to the door. It really helps me!"

With a wand, the release world laughed loudly, all eyes were proud.

After hearing these words and seeing his actions, Nie Yun finally understood why this guy just didn't run away, but was extremely excited.

This Buddhist monk's tin rod is full of spirituality, with strong Buddhist monk power, it is difficult to refine. The only refining method is to use the power of the demons and consume it. Let its spiritual wear out.

Previously, they had been using the ghost head on the ghost head scepter to fight it, and the results were not great.

I thought it would take a while to refine, and suddenly found that the blood of Nie Yun's demons was pure. It can just be used. From the perspective of the Buddhism world, as long as he keeps running this tin rod, he can not only suppress the spirituality in it, but also purify the magical spirit of Nie Yun, killing two birds with one stone!

With that in mind, how could he escape?

Just refine the tin rod. Heaven and earth let him gallop through the entire tomb, even if it did not reach its peak. There aren't many that can beat him, so don't be afraid of the boy in front of him.

"You want to make me and tin rode hurt, you have a good plan!"

Come here. Nie Yun Lengheng.

"Haha. It's good to understand, but it's too late now, rest assured, your blood is pure, I won't kill you, I will refine you into a ghost, and let you devour the monsters for me for generations to become the biggest killer! "

The release world sneered again and again. His face was distorted because he was too excited. Both eyes were red.

Although he lost two subordinates this time, in his opinion, the gain was too great.

Needless to say, the benefits of refining a tin can seem to be even greater!

His demon blood is pure, refined into a ghost, and his power is much greater than before. He can definitely raise his strength to another level. In the future, even in the battle of many young masters in Buyumen, he can stand out and reach the big position. !!

"You want us to lose both. You are wrong. Twenty times the strength, great mercy and sorrow. Wang Quan, King Kong."

The idea of ​​the Buddhism world is very good. If you change to general magic cultivation, there is really no way. You can only let the Buddha nature in the tin rod dissolve the magic in the body, but Nie Yun is not a general magic cultivation, but a double cultivation of Buddha and magic!

With a roar, the magical power in the body turned into the solemn Buddhist sound of the Buddhist temple in a blink of an eye, and the body radiated a thousand rays of light, set off like majestic Buddha.

"What? Buddha ... Buddhist practice? This ... this is impossible!"

I thought the other party would panic, and it would be difficult to resist. I did not expect to switch to Gongshu in the blink of an eye and become a monk in Buddhism. This change made the Buddhism world feel like thunder, and it was hard to believe.

How could anyone practice both sets of Buddha and Demon exercises so powerfully?

However, the violent power did not give him too much time for thinking. The King Kong with the twenty-fold power combined was like a torrent of violent winds and came out.

King Kong's breaking of the sky is a trick in the King Boxing with great mercy and sorrow. After the improvement of the martial arts talents, it is still fierce, but it is only slightly weaker because it is exerted by immortal power.

Rao is so, with the cooperation of twenty times the physical strength, it is still fiercely like a volcano running, unstoppable.


In addition, the powerful tremor of the Buddhist monks seemed to attract the spirituality in the tin rod. When King Kong broke the sky and the tin rod, the two forces were compatible. At the moment, the tin rod gave out a strong Zen sound, and suddenly broke free from the hands of Buddhism. Nie Yunfei came over.

"What? Huh!"

Freed by a tin rod, the release world grasped forward, but was shocked by the former's violent force, his face flushed, and blood spewed.

A tin rod has the power that makes it almost difficult for him to suppress, and in combination with Nie Yun's great mercy and sorrow, Wang Fist can't be resisted.

"King Kong glass body, refining!"

The tin rod flew over, and Nie Yun knew that the opportunity would not be lost and would not come again. His eyes were rounded at a glance, and the Vajra glass body started to move instantly.

"As King Kong, the soul is like a glass, King Kong is immortal, glass is immortal, quiet and silent, like an unknown ..."

In the mind of the Vajrayana body practice method, the whole Buddhist kingdom sounded the bright Sanskrit language. Countless flowers bloomed behind Nie Yun, the golden aperture shrouded, life and death disillusioned, the world seemed to be in control.


The tin rod merged with his body, and Nie Yun's body immediately became tall and erect, like a tower, radiating the light of a Buddha.

King Kong's glass body is eighth, and the floating body is golden!

The floating slaughterhouse, also known as the pagoda, is transformed into a tower. It does not move, does not destroy, does not destroy, does not move, does not move from the air, does not confuse itself, holds everything, and integrates heaven and earth!

Jin Guang lasing, Nie Yun's strength accompanied the King Kong glass body to break through the floating slaughter gold body at the same time, crazy promotion, blink of an eye again made a breakthrough.

"Buddhism and demon double cultivation, spiritual rhinoceros refining the body's eighth, and Vajra glass body's eighth fusion!"

Knowing that the two major exercises reached a balance again, Nie Yun raised his eyebrows and hissed, and the two great peerless exercises slowly merged.

Anonymous tactics are running at the same time, a huge and magnificent atmosphere suppresses, a strong, supreme strength envelops Nie Yun's eyes as a whole, radiating thousands of miles, flesh like iron, immortal.

"This ... this ... impossible!"

When he saw that the tin rod he had refined for so long was completely refined by the other party as soon as he caught it in his hands, he felt that the whole person was going crazy.

"No, the ancient Buddha tin rod is mine. Whoever refines will die!"

With a roar, the hands of the release world grabbed the palm, and a strange weapon appeared in the palm.

This weapon is similar to a scepter, but it is not tall, but with a sharp, eerie light on its head, it seems to be a lethal threat.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that as soon as this weapon appears, it gives people a power and power to tear up space, which makes people panic.

Superb fairyware!

Absolutely a fantastic artifact!

Although the quality can't keep up with the gun head obtained by Nie Yun, it is definitely a treasure of the unparalleled fairy level.

The release world, as the son of Bu Yumen, finally exhibited his biggest killer at this critical moment.


As soon as this superb artifact appeared, it immediately tore out a powerful force that would cause the Buddha's kingdom to collapse at any time. The violent vigor revolved, like a circling spirit, traversing through the ages and violently for thousands of years, straight toward Nie Yun Come over.

No it!

The unparalleled immortal equipment combined with the full power of the release world has instantly pierced the intertwined breath of Nie Yun's body, broke the defense on his body, and continued to move forward!

"Dead, even if you refined the ancient Buddha's tin rod, you will die, the same will be refined into a ghost head by me, and will serve me forever!"

Seeing that the sharp edge of the unparalleled fairyware pierced the defense of Nie Yu's body, the eyes of the Bu Shi world were bloodstained and his face pale.

Even if the other party has refined the tin rod, it is useless ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As long as he is killed, the good thing is still his!

In the roar, the speed of the unparalleled fairyware did not stop at all, and when he saw it, he would pierce Nie Yun's heart!


At this moment, the air in front of it seemed to suddenly become sticky, a strange sound of Buddhist and demon sounds, and a finger stuck out somewhere.


The fingertips blocked the sharp edge of the unique fairy.


Bend your fingers and flick gently.


Unparalleled glassware, shattered. (To be continued ...)

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