Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1561: Fusion


The master of Shen Jun is still standing directly in front of him, grasping the palm of his hand gently, ten bright bubbles appear on his palm, like a crystal ball.

After only a glance, Nie Yun knows that these bubbles are solid first-class worlds with solid laws.


The bubble fell into the palm of the hand, and the master of Shen Jun didn't even look at it. With a flick of his finger, he flew straight to Nie Yun and looked at him. He was not afraid of the latter taking things and leaving him without giving him Chaos King Stone.

\ "The Chaos King Stone is yours! \"

The bubble-like first-level world received the body, and when Nie Yun's spirit moved, Chaos Wang Shi emitted a special breath and slowly flew towards the other side.

Nie Yun has no such plans with the dominant power.

\ "Yes, if you still have this thing, you can still exchange it with me, I use the same price! \"

Put away the Chaos King Stone, Shen Jun dominated his hands behind his back, and said lightly.

\"it is good!\"

Although Nie Yun still has Chaos King Stone in his hand, he will not continue to take it out.The influence of this thing is too great. Taking out an exchange has caused such a big sensation. Taking out too much will inevitably cause more trouble.

\ "Okay, you go back! \"

After the transaction was completed, Shen Jun dominated and waved his hand, no longer paying attention, and the figure slowly moved forward, as if integrated into nature and into the entire Three Realms City, and he would never find "Chang & Feng" literature \ "// cfwx \ "target = \" _ blank \ "> cfwx.

\ "Farewell! \"

Nie Yun dare not neglect, turned around and went out.

I haven't been in contact with Shenjun for a long time, but I have benefited a lot.I know the terribleness of the master, and it seems that when I meet people of this level in the future, I still have to turn and run away.

\ "Master, there must be other chaos king stones on this person, it is better to leave directly ... \"

Nie Yun left. A figure appeared suddenly over the **** of Shen Jun.

\ "He has other Chaos King Stones, but it is not so easy to keep them, well, don't say more, this person's future achievements are by no means comparable to you. It is better to fight his ideas less , Otherwise, I do n’t know how to die! \ "

Shen Jun dominates Dandao.


The silhouette was convinced of the Lord, and when he heard that, he looked dignified.

This is the first time he has heard such praise from a master's mouth for a half-step master.

\ "Let ’s entertain, I have a hunch, the Three Realms battlefield is over. This person is bound to be famous!"

The master waved his hand. Not much to say, the figure had disappeared in front of him.


The figure nodded again.

Nie Yun didn't know that Lord Shenjun's evaluation of him was so high, at this time he was walking towards the place where Tianyi Pavilion lived.

Entering it, I randomly asked for a quiet room and imposed restrictions around it.

With so many first-level worlds in hand, it is just a matter of experimenting with the fusion situation.

\ "Start with the third-level world of Duan Yi! \"

With the movement of the palm, the two third-level worlds obtained from Duan Yichu fell into the palm of the hand. The mental concentration instantly refined them.

There is no soul imprint in this world, and it is very easy to refine.

\ "Fusion! \"

A finger flicks. The bubble slowly grows larger and keeps expanding, and the vitality of the world of stimulating objects is violent, like boiling.

The enlarged third-level world, the diaphragm is directly opened, and the powerful world power slowly eases the integration of the world of things.

The tertiary world itself is much larger than the world of objects, but it is completely controlled by Nie Yun's soul and will not have any negative effects. There is a violent roar and the two worlds are perfectly integrated.

There was a fierce tremor in the world of things, which again increased by dozens of times, and the law of space was stronger.

\ "Awesome! \"

Nie Yun's eyes lighted up, and he threw another third-level world back.

The first one is merged, the second one is even simpler. A few breaths of effort are fully integrated, and the world of things is even more vast and magnificent.

\ "Fusion of first-class world! \"

The first-level world can be regarded as the big world.Among them, half-steps can be born to dominate the strong, take out a first-level world, refine it, and slowly release power.

With the pavement of the first two third-level worlds, soon this first-level world is also perfectly integrated with the world of things.

In less than half a day, the ten first-level worlds have all been merged.At this time, the world of things is extremely wide, and the laws of time and space are solid.Even if he does not use his creator identity and dominate the soldiers, it is difficult to tear the space.

\ "My strength has improved a lot again, but I just have a stronger understanding of space and faster speed, but the increase in combat power is not large ... \"

Such a change in the world of receiving things, Nie Yun looked at his strength, and worked hard for a moment to analyze it.

The current strength has indeed improved a lot, but it is only in speed.The real combat effectiveness is not much different from the previous one. After all, Narita Dantian is not the same as Budo Dantian, and it can make people's combat power leaps forward.

Even so, Nie Yun was very satisfied.The increase in speed of opponents of the same level is actually equivalent to increased combat effectiveness and better life-saving means.Even if the battle is not successful, you can easily escape.

\ "Try to merge with other Dantians! \"

The world of receiving things has changed so much, try to merge some other Dantians.

Communicate slowly, shaking his head after a moment.

Although the world of things has become a lot bigger and the laws of space are much stronger, they are essentially the same. [,! ] No change, only qualitative metamorphosis can successfully merge with other Dantians.

In other words, the current world of things is at most a larger first-level world.Only when it reaches the level of the supreme domain, the integration of other Dantians will not cause any problems, and it is easy.

\ "Looks like this, it is impossible for the master soldier to copy ... \"

Knowing this, Nie Yun experimented and found that the master soldier can also not be copied.However, in the territory map, the half-step master soldier at the level of dried blood dragon seal can be copied at will.

He copied the weapon exactly the same as the dried blood dragon seal, and Nie Yun threw it in the world of things.

In case of danger, this thing can be faked.

\ "It seems that it is necessary to integrate more first-level worlds, and the quantity has become longer. Maybe it will cause qualitative changes and transform the world of things into a world comparable to the supreme realm! \"

Fusion of ten first-level worlds has increased his strength so much. If more integrations will take place, will the world of Nagoya be transformed directly?

Really want to transform into a world similar to the supreme realm, integrating all Dantians, what realm can the strength reach?

Thinking about it makes people look forward to it.


Nie Yun flew out of Nawu Dantian and removed the surrounding restrictions.

After refining the obtained small world, he was refreshed and left the quiet room.Nie Yun searched Gu Yong and others, and found that they were still enlightened in front of the Rune Carvings of the Avenue. Great benefit.

Think about it, without pulling them back, I was planning to let Duan also come over, let him draw a map of the Three Realms battlefield, and saw a figure flying over.

\ "Master Nie Yun, I am Xu An, we have met! \"

At the exchange meeting, Xu An, who took out the beast \ "元 \", flew over.

\ "What are you looking for? \"

Seeing his appearance, he specifically flew over to find him, and Nie Yun calmly asked.

\ "I want to ask ... Is Lord Chaos' Stone sold? I have a friend who is willing to double the price ... \"

Xu An busy.

\ "Double price? \"

Nie Yun looked at him strangely.

Before the owner of the ten first-class worlds, he should have clearly seen at the scene. Double the price. Is it twenty first-class worlds?

Strange in his heart, the strong spiritual power spread to Xu An, and it really made him see some problems.

This Xu An is obviously a little nervous.If he trades normally, it will be a big deal.His strength should not be nervous.

\ "Chaos King Stone I still have, I do not know where to trade? \"

With a look in his eyes, Nie Yun guessed something, and it wasn't a bit broken, he smiled.

Anyway, I'm idle now, and since someone is planning to deliver food, it's not polite.

\ "Ah, just have it, you also know that there are many troubles in trading in the Three Realms. My friend didn't come in, but in the chaotic ocean outside, I don't know ... adults are willing to go and see! \ "

Xu An busy.

\ "Okay, lead the way!"

It has been guessed that the other party is not bad, but Nie Yunyi is bold and does not care, smiling slightly.

\ "Come on me! \"

Xu An breathed a sigh of relief, a flash of joy flashed, and flew out of the Three Realms first.

Nie Yun followed closely, and the spirit moved, communicating with Duan Yiren, letting him follow, and he followed.

ps: second more later!

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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