Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1562: Ya

The killing of the Three Realms is not allowed.This is a rule set by the powerful king and the dominant one.No one dared to violate it.Xu An took Nie Yun out, obviously it had no good idea.

The two left one after the other, and soon left the Three Realms and successfully entered the ocean of chaos.


After entering the chaotic ocean, he flew continuously for a while, and was far away from the battlefield of the Three Realms, Nie Yun pretended to ask strangely.

\ "Just in front! My friend has many enemies. You also know that the Three Realms battlefield is open. Many masters are nearby. In order to prevent people from being discovered, so far away from the chaotic ocean, rest assured, you will be here soon!

Xu An explained.


Nie Yun nodded and didn't say much.The two went forward for a while, and sure enough they saw an suspended ancient ship standing in the air.

\ "That's it, please! \"

Xu An busy.

\ "OK! \" Nie Yun fluttered and landed on the deck.

A middle-aged man with dark-browed eyebrows was standing on the deck.

\ "This is the friend I said, Lord Mi Mi! \" Xu An quickly introduced.

\ "米 骧? \"

Nie Yun was stunned.He saw this on the top 100 maps, ranking 61st, which is a little higher than the 63rd.

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\ "Do you have Chaos King Stone? \"

Mi Mi turned his head and looked at Nie Yun, with indifference in his eyes.

\ "Yes, if you want to exchange, you can take out your first-level world first! \"

Although the opponent was sixty-one, Nie Yun was not afraid. With so many advances in strength, Duan Yi could be defeated at the beginning, and now naturally he does not take the other side into account.

\ "It's good to have Wang Shi!"

He smiled. He grabbed the palm of his hand, and the entire ancient ship immediately released countless restraints, like the envelope, covering the entire ancient ship.

\ "What? Do you want to grab it? \"

Seeing their movements, Nie Yun had expected and sneered.

\ "Hey, obediently take out the Chaos King Stone, can let you go alive. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude! \" Mi Mi's eyes were full of chill.

\ "On you two?" Nie Yun smiled lightly.

\ "You can make Duan Yi lose, and the strength is definitely more than the top 100. There are 94. However, if you want to beat me, I am still a bit difficult. Besides, how do you know that we are the two of us? \"

Mi Mi's eyes were full of proud self-confidence. When he waved the deck for a while, two figures flew from the cabin. It was exactly his two brothers who were willing to exchange five first-class worlds with him for Chaos King Stone.

At this moment, they had a burning meaning in their eyes, anxious to rush directly to **** the treasure from Nie Yun.

\ "Boy, it was less troublesome to exchange Chaos King Stone for us before! \"

\ "Get out of Chaos King Stone obediently, you can come up with an exchange, I don't believe you only have one. How many are the best, take it out yourself. Let's start, you can only die here today! \ "

The two brothers sneer.

\ "I have more than one Chaos King Stone, but if you want to grab it, you also need to see if you have that strength!" "The other party directly tore his face, Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense, and the master soldier appeared in the palm of his hand.

There are clear records on the top 100 maps, and they are too lazy to hide, and took out the strongest weapon directly.

\ "I knew you had a master soldier, but it was useless, this thing is not your privilege, I have one too! \"

When Mi Mi grabbed the palm of his hand, a spear appeared in the palm of his hand, and he gently shook it, and the surrounding chaotic ocean was stirred up.

It is actually a master soldier!

No wonder this guy can rank sixty-one in the top 100 maps, and there is even an offensive dominating **** soldier.

\ "Can go in and out in the dry blood dynasty, so that the dry blood emperor is helpless. You do have a certain ability, but it is far worse than me. This master spear is known as streamer, and the speed is like streamer, even if you No matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than my gun, obediently die! \ "

Long wailing.


The kung fu of his talk, the two brothers and Xu An also took out the weapons in their hands.

The weapon in Xu An's hand is a scale of an ancient book **** beast.It is sharp and comparable to the half-step **** of the **** soldier. The two brothers are a pair of weird hooks, sickle-shaped, radiant, and dry blood. Like Longyin, it is also a half-step dominate level.

\ "Boy, don't make unnecessary struggles, some of us may not be your opponents, but Master Mi Mi shot it in person, you must not run away ... \"

Xu An clearly had extremely blind self-confidence in this Mi Mi.

\"is it?\"

Surrounded by the crowd, Nie Yun didn't panic, but looked at the other side with compassion.

\ "Yes, why, afraid? If you are afraid, immediately surrender the Chaos King Stones, and tell them where they were obtained from, and take us to find out, you can spare you not to die, otherwise, not only will kill you, but also Just the Xingwu you brought before ... \ "

Drink cold.

\ "Kill all the people I brought? In this case, you will die! \"

When he heard that the other party was going to kill Gu Yong and others, Nie Yun raised his eyebrows, moved his feet, and stepped straight forward.

Without other actions, the forward feet walked clouds and water, full of other beauty, and the whole person came to Mi Mi in a blink of an eye.

. [,! ]

\"court death!\"

Mi Mi's face sank, and the Yangtze River streamer trembled in his hand, like the light of a shooting star. He shot straight at him, facing Nie Yun's heart.


Nie Yun dominated the magic sword and pointed forward.

The gun has a short sword, and Nie Yun still comes out after the sword, and Mi Mi moves his hand first.In everyone's opinion, this young man will definitely die.

However, a sword-monger shines on the four sides, as bright as the sun, and the speed of the sword-monger is not fast, but the speed of the Mi Mi streamer is slowed somehow, as if pierced into the rock, no matter how you move, you cannot move forward.

\ "Dominate the level soul? \"

Knowing this moment, Mi Mi finally felt afraid.

The reason why his gun did not leave was not to pierce the rock, nor was there any resistance, but that he was bound by the soul of the opponent!

The soul alone can lock the master soldier, there is only one possibility ... master level!

how can that be?

Shocked in his heart, he is also a person who reflects fast. He can't get a spear with a streamer. He immediately realized that he couldn't care about the weapon immediately and pulled back and flew back.

However, he regressed faster, Jianmeng was faster, and a sharp sword stroked across his neck.

Mi Mi didn't feel any pain, just felt that life was passing quickly, the body was still sliding forward, and his head had fallen to the ground.


No words were spoken in the throat, the soul did not escape, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.


With a grab on the palm, a streamer spear has appeared in Nie Yun's palm, and his spirit has been refined.At the same time, a vine spewed out of his body and inserted into the body of Mi Mi. After a few breaths, it became a corpse and lost all power.

\ "You ... you ... kill Mi Mi? \"

Xu An and others were really ready to start, and they were all crazy when they saw this scene.

Mi Mi is the strongest of them, and as a result, he is killed in a second, and there is no room for resistance.What is going on?

Isn't this guy 94th in the top 100 list? Why aren't the 61st in the top 100 list being opponents?

\ "Playing pigs and eating tigers ... \"

Everyone thought of the word at the same time, and their mouths were full of bitterness. I knew that this guy was so strong that they would not dare to find trouble if they were killed!

But now it's too late to know, the two sides have forged an unwilling hatred, and it is no longer possible to resolve it.


Xu An and others knew that Mi Mi was not an opponent, nor were they naturally, and they fled one after another.

\ "Can you escape? \"

Not too lazy to talk nonsense, Nie Yun raised his long sword in his right hand and picked a long gun in his left hand.

Instantly sword sword, gun shadow traversed hundreds of millions of kilometers, catching up with the two brothers.


The two men who were moving forward had no room to resist, and were cut in half at the same time, and then pulled by two thick vines and swallowed instantly.


Xu An saw that Nie Yun's attack was not directed at him, and secretly fortunately, the show exhibited the fastest speed to escape, and had not gone far. A dark shadow flashed in front of him.


The whole person was split in half from the middle, the corpse fell, and was swallowed again by a vine.


The middle of the chaos also came over, and Xu An was killed by him.

Hearing Nie Yun's call, he flew over.The soul was restrained by the other party and had to give in.When he arrived, he saw the fleeing Xu An and cut it in two with a sword.

ps: Two chapters are over!

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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