Endless Game: Get the Necromancer Career at the Start

Chapter 258 Power of Godhead, Life Absorption

The latest URL: This hit.

The two stone demons fell apart on the spot.

The giant dragon was hit so badly that it almost fell from the air and suffered serious injuries.

When the giant dragon regained its strength and wanted to fly up to attack again.

Lin Chu has recovered the magic power immediately through the level 9 enchanted amulet, re-summoned two stone demons, brushed the attack backlash buff again, and ordered them to sacrifice their lives for the second time to give the enemy a head-on blow!

For a while, the giant dragon was almost stunned, and the two dragon horns on its head were broken by the two stone demons.

Longsheng, who has lived for nearly a thousand years, has never seen such a tough enemy. Against its dragon breath and roar, it pounces upwards, does not dodge or dodge, and specifically slams into its face, hitting its head in a daze. Broken blood.

More importantly!

Not only the dragon's breath can't burn these things to death, they can't even be chewed to death if they were stuffed into their mouths before! ?

How can this Nima still fight?

For the first time, the petrochemical dragon felt so aggrieved in the fight. If it could speak human language, it might start scolding its mother.

In fact, Lin Chu was also under a lot of pressure.

Now he summons stone demons of this level, and every time he summons, he will almost empty his body's magic power. Right now, even if he has a magic storage necklace and amulet, he can summon at most two batches of stone demons, and the rest of the time can only be recovered by drinking legendary magic potion.

Not to mention that he has to consume mana to maintain various curse buffs.

Once being chased and beaten by the petrified dragon, it is difficult for him to escape for a long time in his current state.

The clay golem and the blood goblin hit the dragon's head at full speed one after another. Every time the body was smashed to pieces, the dragon's head was smashed, and the dragon's scales splattered, almost causing the dragon to have a concussion. .


The petrified dragon roared.

It was different from the angry dragon roar when it found the enemy at the beginning.

Although the dragon roar this time was still full of anger,

But more is still aggrieved and helpless.

Seeing this guy throwing his head up and roaring so loudly, Lin Chu thought he was going to use another big move, so he quickly gave the dragon a dim vision, and was always ready to dodge to avoid being slapped by this guy.

However... I didn't expect...

This petrified giant dragon, which was once famous and fierce, and no one dared to provoke it, actually tucked its tail, flapped its wings, and ran away in the opposite direction...! ?

"Fuck? Just run away?"

Lin Chu was stunned, but he didn't forget to send the clay stone demon and other summons to catch up immediately: "I want to run, but there is no way!"

This petrified giant dragon was indeed tossed miserably. Before the fight started, it was severely injured by the meteor shower, and then it was pierced through the body by the energy cannon, and then the stone demons grabbed the head and hit it desperately.

It has been chopped off, its head is bloodied, there is no good place on its body, its vitality is almost exhausted, and it is dying.

If it hadn't been exhausted, this evil dragon that has ravaged the world for nearly a thousand years would not have given up its dignity and chosen to escape.

However, it is useless to try to run.

Don't forget that Lin Chu also has the skill of Bone Prison, which can imprison the enemy's actions!

Even in mid-air, the bone prison can still be formed by condensing magic power out of thin air, and it insists on wrapping the fleeing dragon firmly with a crystal skeleton.

The giant dragon, unable to swing its wings, managed to use wind magic to avoid falling to the ground, but it was definitely impossible to fly fast.

Within a few seconds, the newly summoned Clay Golem and Blood Golem caught up with the dying dragon.

The clay stone demon directly used the soil imprisonment to completely wrap the dragon's wings, preventing it from flying and landing on the ground.

The blood stone demon rides on the neck of the giant dragon, and its arms turn into sharp blades to output crazily, stealing the few remaining vitality from it with the help of the absorption characteristic...

In the end, the petrified dragon still couldn't withstand the ravages of the two stone demons, lying on the ground completely unable to move.

Now that the winning ticket is in his hands, Lin Chu is not going to let the floating cannon continue to blast the dragon's head. He is also going to take the dragon head to a nearby kingdom to claim the reward.

And who knows if there might be something good in the faucet too?

Maybe just like the ice troll, there is a water essence in his head, wouldn't it be a waste if it was annihilated by an energy cannon?

Three minutes later.

The giant dragon with tenacious vitality was completely hammered to death by the stone demon and other summoned creatures.

It was just like the scene of the dragon slaying in Snowman City last time.

The flesh and blood of the dragon corpse quickly turned to ashes in the flames, and swept into Lin Chu's body with the bright golden light.

The power of these dragon souls is divided into three parts.

Most of the dragon souls are absorbed by the undead godheads.

There are also a few parts, which respectively helped Lin Chu to offset the suppression of world rejection and integrate into his soul.

This time, there is a lot of world exclusion to be offset!

His suppressed life level was instantly liberated to above the third-order peak, almost approaching the fourth-order level. The total amount of mobilizable magic power in his body reached about 70% of the peak state, and even the excluded space rules showed signs of loosening.

"It seems that absorbing the dragon soul is the correct solution for this world."

Feeling the strength he had finally recovered, Lin Chu was so excited that he wished to kill a few more dragons to add to the fun.

Even the Necromancer Godhead had a big reaction after absorbing the dragon soul, which made Lin Chu's relationship closer and gave him two additional skill permissions.

Bone Armor and Life Absorption!

"Eh? Life drain?"

Lin Chu froze immediately after realizing this skill.

He remembered that the necromancer profession didn't have such skills at all before? On the contrary, the innate ability of the undead apostle is to absorb life...

Feel the nature and effect of this power carefully.

['Life Absorption': Killing an enemy above level 4 absorbs one percent of the opponent's life level (if the enemy's life level is stronger than the apostle's, it will additionally absorb one-third of the opponent's higher than the apostle's level.)]

That's right! This is exactly the ability of the undead apostle...

The undead godhead actually opened up the innate ability of the apostle of the undead to him.

No, or in other words, life absorption was originally one of the abilities contained in the spirit of the dead, but it was occupied by the apostle of the dead, and the use of this ability was not open to Lin Chu.

"Stone hammer, the apostle of the dead must be the carrier of the will of the dead god!"

The Lord God of Necromancer hid such a powerful ability for his own use, and only used a part of the incomplete divine power for Lin Chu, obviously to prevent Lin Chu from becoming too powerful and oppressing him.

Now that he has the authority of the genuine necromancer godhead, he has gained the power to absorb life.

This means that he will completely be able to become stronger by killing! No need to worry about the level of life not keeping up! Killing an enemy can absorb the life energy possessed by the opponent, and then strengthen oneself.

"It seems that there will be more hunting for fourth-order creatures in the future... Or, go back to the sky and continue slaying dragons? I heard that the dragon disaster over there is quite serious."

Lin Chu sat on the skeleton of the petrified dragon and looked at the sky thinking.

It's a pity that it was a bit late for the Necromancer Godhead to grant him permission. Otherwise, just absorbing the life force of this petrified giant dragon would make his life level leap a lot in an instant. After all, it is a giant monster at least at the fourth-order intermediate level.

The risk of returning to the sky to slay dragons is not small. Who knows how many dragons with the same strength as the petrified dragon will emerge when the dragon clan recovers?

Not much to say.

It is dangerous if there are more than two heads chasing him to kill.

Lin Chu decided to be on the safe side and offer more rewards in the surrounding small kingdoms to kill some other types of fourth-order creatures, collect large soul stones by the way, and further control the power of the undead godhead...

When he has the power to easily kill monsters of the petrified dragon level, he will go back to the sky to slay dragons madly.

Put the remaining dragon bones and dragon scales into the storage space.

I don't know if these bones can be used as corpse explosion materials, if not, how to transform them into dragon skeleton soldiers.

A glance at the Fresda Volcanic Mountains, nearly altered by the battle.

Lin Chu didn't stay here too long, took the shelter and ran to King Morning Star to take out the dragon's skull, and asked how to pay the reward.

The Kingdom has obviously been paying attention to the battle situation at Fresda Volcano. After all, the fighting between the two sides is too loud. The sound of the sonic boom can be heard clearly even more than ten kilometers away, and the battle is even more continuous. for ten minutes.

The spies who were in charge of relaying information on the battle situation in the distance did not dare to get too close to the battlefield, and only dared to hide five kilometers away and peek.

The final result shocked the king and others.

The evil dragon that has plagued the surrounding countries for decades was eradicated in less than 20 minutes!

This undoubtedly proves Lin Chu's great strength!

The dragon slayer must be stronger than the evil dragon!

Faced with Lin Chu's request for a reward, the king did not shirk at all. With a very positive attitude, he immediately transferred 30 holy gold coins from the treasury and offered them. The gold coins that have not yet been sent by other countries are offered as rewards to Dian, and they should be paid to him first.

The king knew very well that a strong man like Lin Chu must not be treated badly, even if he could not win him over, he must not turn against him, at least he had to sell favors.

Lin Chu said that he needs a large soul stone more than gold coins.

Even if it is converted into soul stones, it doesn't matter if you give less.

The king agreed to his request after thinking for a while, but all the large soul stones in the capital had been handed over to Lin Chu yesterday, and it would take a lot of time to collect large soul stones in other areas, at least a week or half a month time.

Lin Chu can still wait for this little time.

What's more, the reward for Dragon Slaying is not limited to Morning Star Kingdom and the others, he can also ask for large soul stones from other countries.

After taking the reward from the Morning Star Kingdom.

The king expressed to him that he hoped to buy some dragon scales and keel bones of petrified giant dragons at a high price. The materials on these dragons can not only create top legendary enchanted armor and weapons, but if replaced by top legendary craftsmen, it is even possible to create The equipment that is infinitely close to the artifact!

And Morning Star Kingdom happened to support a legendary blacksmith.

"Can you forge equipment that is close to a divine weapon?"

When Lin Chu heard this, he immediately became interested.

He knows how powerful the artifact is, and the three artifacts in his hand are so strong that it is hard to put it down.

Even if it is only infinitely close to the artifact level but not at the level of the artifact, it is still much stronger than level 9 enchantment. This is not a question of whether the top is not top, but that it is on the verge of a qualitative change!

"If it is forged from a legendary creature of the level of the Fresda dragon, there is a good chance of forging equipment that is close to a divine weapon. In the end, it can also forge top-notch legendary equipment."

The legendary craftsman patted his chest to assure Lin Chu.

"I can give you some dragon bones and dragon scales, but I also need you to help me build a pair of armor and a giant sword. How about it? If I want to subdue wages, I have more holy gold coins in my hand."

Compared with trying to get a giant dragon skeleton, it is obviously more attractive to use equipment that is close to the level of artifacts.

With the skeleton and scales of this petrified giant dragon, not to mention forging a pair of armor, even after refining, it is more than enough to forge two keel armors with materials.

"No need, it is enough that you can give us the materials."

The legendary craftsman said again: "However, I can only forge weapons. As for the subsequent enchanting, you still need to find a special enchanter to handle it. The strength of the enchantment will also determine the strength of the equipment... As far as I know, Morning Star There are currently no legendary enchanters in the Kingdom."

Although the craftsman said that there was no charge, Lin Chu still insisted on giving him ten holy gold coins as remuneration to let him work hard.

The legendary blacksmith is supported by the Morning Star Kingdom, but when forging time-consuming and labor-intensive sophisticated equipment, he will inevitably be charged at the normal price. It is impossible to forge for free like an ordinary laborer.

The craftsman said that it would take more than ten days to refine these two sets of dragon scale armor.

On average, each set of armor takes him six to seven days of painstaking effort. After forging one piece, he will have to rest for a period of time before continuing to forge the next one. It is conservatively estimated that it will take twenty days to complete the two pieces.

However, he will give priority to manufacturing the set of armor and weapons that Lin Chu needs, so the finished product can be delivered to him within a week at the latest.

As for the issue of enchanting, Lin Chu planned to ask the old magician to see if he knew any legendary enchanters he could recommend.

The old mage had a lot of friends. He was located in Mage Castle, more than 100 kilometers away from the Morning Star Kingdom. He had an old friend who could write a letter of introduction to introduce Lin Chu to his old friend for enchanting.

After thanking Lin Chu, she took the letter of introduction and left the palace.

According to the location marked on the map, he drove the shelter to find the mage's castle within a few minutes. With the help of the letter of introduction, he found the legendary enchanter.

The enchanting price asked by the other party is not cheap, even more expensive than the processing fee for a legendary craftsman to create dragon bone armor.

A legendary enchantment is worth three holy gold coins.

This still depends on the friendship price on the letter of introduction.

Considering that at least a complete set of keel armor and weapons will be legendary enchanted in the future.

Helmets, leggings, armor, gauntlets, and weapons each require at least four or more legendary enchanting characteristics. Wouldn't it take sixty holy gold coins to enchant a set of armor? This price is a bit exaggerated...

The ice troll's previous reward was twenty holy gold coins, and he had already spent all the money he had paid for the soul stone and other purchases.

However, there should be a bounty of 100,000 gold coins for the Ice Troll in Khakira Kingdom, which will be sent at any time.

After finishing off the petrified dragon, King Dawn paid him another 30 holy gold coins, ten of which were given to the craftsman, and there should be about fifty holy gold coins that should be paid to him by several other small and big countries.

At that time, he should have more than seventy holy gold coins on hand.

"Fuck? If I do the math, I'll only have ten holy gold coins left after finishing two sets of legendary dragon scale armor?"

Lin Chu was dumbfounded.

Is the money spent so quickly?

He thought that so many holy gold coins would never be spent.

A small country does not necessarily have seventy holy gold coins in its treasury.


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