Endless Game: Get the Necromancer Career at the Start

Chapter 259 Go Back and Continue Slaying Dragons

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The remaining ten holy gold coins can't even buy two large soul stones. Originally, he wanted to buy some legendary magic recovery potions and other material reserves... I have to say that the profession of enchanter is really lucrative.

Lin Chu was silent for a moment.

He decided to discuss with this legendary enchanter whether he could use some treasures from other worlds in his hands to offset the gold coins required for enchanting.

In fact, for a legendary enchanter who is rare in the entire Nirn star, he will not be short of money at all. Some legendary level powerhouses will stick up and give him money. His wealth can be called rich. , so the price of three holy gold coins and one legendary enchantment is actually not high.

For him, interesting things are definitely more valuable than holy gold coins.

Hearing that Lin Chu had treasures from other worlds, he readily agreed to the proposal of using items from other worlds to pay for enchanting.

Of course, the premise is that he can see the treasures in his eyes, if he is not interested, of course it doesn't count.

The first thing Lin Chu took out was the shadow powder from the interstitial space world.

The legendary enchanter took a look at it in his hand, shook his head, and said that it was just a substance containing Yin elements. There are similar things on Nirn Planet, and they are not very valuable. A kilogram can sell for hundreds of gold coins, which is considered high.

It seems that cheap goods can't fool the old man.

Su Hao had no choice but to take out a magnet with a diameter of 30 centimeters. Its huge buoyancy can even levitate the entire mage tower.

The legendary enchanter was slightly moved this time.

He said that this special magnetic substance that can ignore gravity is very valuable. It can not only be used to study new types of enchantment and magic, but also can be used as a building material to create a floating mage tower.

If Lin Chu is willing to give it to him, this Yuan magnet can deduct three enchantments, or convert it into nine holy gold coins and give it to him.

Nine holy gold coins? not enough.

But he doesn't have many extra metamagnets in his hand, the one just now is already a big one.

If you take it from the secret realm again, you can only be forced to destroy some floating islands.

Lin Chu glanced at the items in his storage space that might interest the legendary enchanter,

He made a plan, and simply took out the high-tech items he left in the storage space, such as the spare inferior Ark reactor and the ball body of the silver bell.

Since this is a magic system, it seems that there is no development of technology on the technological side. These two things are definitely rare goods in this world.

Naturally, the legendary enchanter has never seen these two things.

When Lin Chu introduced to him that the Ark reactor can produce non-magic pure energy out of thin air, as well as the various detection methods of the spherical body and the performance of laser weapons, the old man was really shocked.

Under Lin Chu's tricks, he successfully sold two worthless third-order items to the legendary enchanter at the price of nine holy gold coins.

These worthless scraps of copper and rotten iron and a 30 cm diameter metamagnet were sold for a price.

Now that there is a fat sheep with a lot of stupid money, how can Lin Chu let it go easily?

He dug out all the valuable and worthless things he had scavenged from various worlds, and introduced them to the legendary enchanter one by one.

The old man was almost dazzled by the sudden appearance of so many novelties. He was both excited and a little dizzy and frantically bought and bought. It didn’t take long for the sixty holy gold coins that Lin Chu had to pay to be deducted. Earned ten holy gold coins from others.

After ordering to enchant the full set of armor and weapons, Lin Chu returned to the royal city and continued to pick up some kingdom-level bounties to hunt.

With his current configuration, hunting most fourth-order creatures is easy.

Every time he hunts a fourth-order creature, he personally executes the final blow, absorbing vitality from the killing.

Vitality drawn from that world is not affected by world rejection.

So when Lin Chu killed the first fourth-order creature, the percentage of world rejection he received gradually became less and less, and after continuously absorbing the life levels of three fourth-order creatures, his life level finally returned to Tier 4!

Not only has his strength recovered in a hurry, but there are also faint signs of rising to a higher level.

In less than a week, he completed five bounties, completed all the kingdom bounties in several kingdoms around the Kingdom of Morningstar in one go, and made a huge profit of nearly a hundred holy gold coins and some scattered other bounty items .

Absorbing five copies of the fourth-order soul's necromancer godhead also unlocked more power for him.

Damage enhancement, bone wall, weapon poisoning, attribute looting, attribute energy, teeth, endless life and death, undead commander, advanced instant death resistance, darkness affinity, darkness resistance...

Not only the skills he had previously unlocked, but also the skills he hadn't unlocked, the innate skills of the undead apostle, and even some skills he hadn't heard of before, were all discovered by him from the godhead one by one.

The only thing missing is the series of skills for summoning the undead army, which is the resurrection of the skeleton.

Lin Chu infers that he has only about one-fifth of the power of the Necromancer Godhead at present. It is possible that skills such as skeleton recovery occupy a relatively large share of the power, which is why they are unlocked so late.

During this period, he also successively collected more than a dozen large soul stones from various countries.

Especially the enchanters at the Mage's Fort, they have a lot of soul stones in their collections, but unfortunately they either don't sell them or charge extremely high prices, after all, none of them are short of money.

Necromancer's absorption of large soul stones gave him less and less feedback. By the last time, absorbing seven large soul stones did not add even a single skill or special power to him. It can be seen that Necromancer didn't like it very much. This overflows too much of the essence of canned food.

Absorbing the souls of monsters killed by the normal process will open up new powers for him, and the efficiency of soul stones is too low in comparison.

Lin Chu simply gave up buying large soul stones, saving a lot of gold coins to buy other supplies.

Money can turn ghosts around.

Not only does he have a lot of money, but he also has a strong individual strength and an army of undead. Even if he wants to establish a kingdom, it is not difficult. As for what to do with these gold coins... I haven't thought of it yet, but there is always something useful.

Wait for the keel armor to be forged.

This set of armor is much more advanced than the set of corpse keel armor bought for the apostles of the dead.

Since all of them are made of the keel of the petrified giant dragon of the fourth-level intermediate level, even if it bears the full-scale attack of the fourth-level intermediate level, it can defend most of the damage. Wearing nano armor is much easier to use.

He immediately took the keel armor to the enchanter for enchanting.

Add the enchanting effects you need to each part of the armor. A set of armor plus the quadruple enchanting of the keel giant sword adds up to twenty kinds of enchanting effects!

Putting on this brand-new armor, Lin Chu was full of fighting spirit, and decided to go back to Tianji Province to slaughter some dragons to add to the fun!

Go back to Skyrim and look around for dragons.

The first city that happened to be seated was attacked by a giant dragon. He directly sent clay and blood stone demons to fight, and quickly slaughtered the giant dragon and absorbed its dragon soul under the surprise battle of stacking buffs in turn.

This dragon wasn't very strong, only slightly stronger than the one he had slain in the first place.

Lin Chu did not stay in this city, and continued to look for the dragon in other places.

The entire Skyrim Province was swept up intermittently, and a total of seven dragons of different shapes were encountered in the wild.

Except for a giant dragon that might be an ancient dragon that was stronger and made him go through a hard fight, the strength of the other giant dragons was far inferior to that of the petrified dragon, which did not cause him any trouble.

Lin Chu, who continuously absorbed the seven-headed dragon souls into his body, has completely shaken off the suppression of world rejection.

His life level has now crushed ordinary giant dragons. Apart from being unable to freely mobilize the space rules in his body, he can already exert his full strength in battle.

"I searched all over the province of Skyrim, but I couldn't find the dragon's lair... Where did these dragons come from?"

Lin Chu couldn't understand it.

It's too strenuous and inefficient to keep trying your luck to find dragons.

He wants to find more and stronger dragons to slaughter, so as to further improve his strength and unlock more power of the undead godhead, but he can't find the lair of the dragons...

A place name suddenly flashed in his mind.

The throat of the world, Gaohou Peak.

He had heard in Whiterun before that those gray beards were going to summon him to learn the Dragon Roar.

These guys might know the location of the dragon's lair.

With his current strength, he no longer needs to be afraid of any conspiracy plans by those people. He just needs to be a little careful, and few people can trap him.

"You mean that the recovery of these dragons is related to a dragon named Alduin?"

Driving the shelter to Gaohou Peak, Lin Chu didn't waste any time and went directly to the graybeards in the Graystone Palace to question him.

The strength of this group of people who claim to be gray beards is not weak. Two of them have the strength of the fourth level, and the others also have the life level of the peak third level. The first-level skeleton soldiers are still much inferior in comparison.

They didn't know how they found out that Lin Chu had slaughtered the petrified dragon at Fresda Volcano, and they showed great respect to him, knowing everything.

Alduin is the eldest son of the Dragon God of Time, the Eater of Worlds.

According to legend, when the dragon race returns again, it means Alduin's awakening, he will devour the world, and time will come to an end... and the appearance of the dragonborn is to slaughter Alduin, the world-destroying dragon.

The group of gray beards will try to persuade Lin Chu to learn the dragon roar from them, and strive to master all kinds of dragon roars and kill Alduin as soon as possible.

"Nonsense, if he can destroy the world, it will be my turn to kill him?"

Lin Chu expressed disbelief.

He knew exactly how much he weighed.

If the giant dragon named Alduin is really capable of devouring the world and making time come to an end as the legend says, then it is 100% a concept-level creature at the master level of the world! In front of the Lord of the World, what kind of green onion is he, a little fish who has not even reached the peak of the fourth order?

In other words, the real dragonborn is not him, but someone else... It's just that it hasn't appeared until now?

Yet another graybeard told another version of the legend.

In the second version of the legend, Alduin has become a clone of the Time Dragon God, representing the end of time, and is still responsible for the destruction of the world.

But in ancient times, he fell due to the desire to rule. He gave up the duty of destroying the world and wanted to rule the world, which made him change from a "god" to a "dragon". Soul, the Dragonborn who really killed the dragon.

Therefore, what the dragonborn needs to face is not the World Devourer who is a god, but a powerful dragon that has lost the power of Godhead.

The dragon slaying is only the fallen incarnation of Alduin in the mortal world, not the real world devourer.

"So, it seems that there is still a possibility?"

If the giant dragon named Alduin does not have the power of godhead and rules, then at most it is a giant dragon that cannot reach the peak of the fourth order. It is not impossible for Lin Chu to kill him with his rapidly growing strength. it.

I don't know how far the undead godhead can grow if it absorbs a dragon soul that is equivalent to the level of a god...

Lin Chu daydreamed a lot, suddenly realized something, shook his head and threw the wild thoughts out of his mind.

He forcibly pulled the topic back: "I'm here to ask about the location of the dragons. Where are they resurrected from? Before I care about Alduin, I need to absorb a few more dragon souls."

"Dragon will be resurrected in the place where the bones are buried. There are places where dragons were buried all over the sky, so they may resurrect and appear anywhere... But there is a large number of dragon corpses buried in the Dragon Tomb. The probability of dragon resurrection is higher."

Get the location of the Dragon's Burrow from Greybeard.

Lin Chu was not in a hurry to leave.

After absorbing so many dragon souls, the power of the dragon roar he released has indeed become stronger.

So far he has only mastered one dragon roar, which is the unshakable force, which sends out vibrations from his mouth to tear or knock people or objects in front of him into the air.

Although the dragon roar he is sending out now is even enough to blast a fourth-tier giant dragon ten meters away, but this attack method is too monotonous, and the lethality is not enough.

Since this group of gray beards have mastered more dragon roars and are willing to teach him, he doesn't mind staying here for a few more days to learn more new skills.

next few days.

He has successively mastered: Whirlwind, Clear Sky, Whisper of Breath, Ethereal, Flame Breath, Frost Breath, Disarm, Stunning Roar, Elemental Fury, Ice Sculpture, Mark of Death, Storm Call and many other forms of dragons Roar.

These dragon shouts are almost as versatile as magic, but they are much simpler to cast.

Whirlwind and Slow Domain Petrified Dragon have also been used.

The former is a movement ability similar to pseudo-teleportation, nothing special, while the latter slows down the movements of everyone and objects within a certain range.

Ethereal and invisible is a more interesting dragon roar, and its effect is similar to that of Reaper's Scythe.

It is said that the dragon's roar touches the dark void, thereby changing the structure of the body, becoming a form that can neither give nor receive damage. In this void form, not only will it not receive any form of damage, but it will also be unable to attack the enemy. , which lasts for sixteen seconds.

Whisper of breath is similar to life detection, disarming is to only knock away the enemy's weapons and armor, roar of awe is a spiritual attack similar to dragon's power, and elemental wrath is to add elemental damage to one's own attack.

Ice Sculpture is to quickly gather water elements to freeze the enemy into ice cubes, Death Mark is to steal vitality from the enemy, and Storm Call is to directly change the weather to summon storm and thunder to attack the enemy.

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