Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1431: Will Yin Shaojie lose? (2)

The crowd moved to the basketball hall.

When they saw Feng Shengyang and the other three put on their basketball clothes and came out, the girls screamed wildly and almost overturned the roof.

In addition to Feng Tianqi, another person is one of Feng Shengyang's bodyguards.

Subsequently, Yin Shaojiu also put on a basketball suit and came out.

The audience was another screaming craze.

It's really hard to distinguish between victory and defeat.

Yin Shaojiu called Song Shijun here, and another person was selected from the student union.

Song Shijun looked at Yin Shaojie with anxiety and asked, "Shaoqi, how do I feel ... we're a little bit off? Why don't you find someone from the basketball team to help?"

It's not that the students in the student union are not playing well, but in comparison, the people in the basketball team are more capable.

Yin Shao glanced at him, "Don't you know? The basketball team happened to play a friendly match at another school, and ... who do you want me to find? Lu Yichen?"

Song Shijun regretted, "Oh, what a pity! He just happened to be away!"

If Lu Yichen is here, with Lu Yichen's strength, the game will be stable.

Yin Shaoxing looked at him and said, "You can rest assured that it is enough for me."

Song Shijun looked at Feng Shengyang's side, but he was not so confident. He touched his nose and said, "You know that I don't play football often ... I play a lot of cars, so if you make a mistake, you can't blame me."

In fact, if Ye Sijue is also there, at least if their three brothers come on, the winning rate must be much higher.

"Speaking, why hasn't Si Jue's guy returned yet? Is he still reluctant to come back?" Song Shijun couldn't help but vomit.

It's really light and light friends!

I didn't expect Ye Sijue to become this kind of person one day. With his girlfriend, he would ignore other people.

Song Shijun shook his head and sighed.

"You can save effort and warm up first." Yin Shaoxing signaled him.

It seems that this game is inevitably fierce, so warming up is very important. Warming up the body will reduce the turnover rate.

Yin Shaoxian's brow frowned.

In fact, he is not so confident in this game ...

Looked at Feng Shengyang.

Feng Shengyang three are also warming up, he also took the time to interact with the fans on the stage, just a simple wave, attracted the girl screaming.

"Cheer up less wind! You must win when there is less wind!"

"You are the best with less wind! We will always support you!"

The girls at Yin Shaojiu also shouted at him, but did not get him a look. They suddenly showed a regretful expression, and some girls looked at Feng Shengyang with envy.

Although I know that Xiao Shao is such an unruly character, every girl has a young girl's dream in her heart, and she is eager to get a response from her male god.

Immediately, they saw Mu Xiaoxiao walk to Yin Shaojiu's side.

Yin Shaojie then raised her head and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, with a smile in her eyes.

And this scene, even the girls present were envious dead.

Who doesn't desire to be a special being of someone?

Especially in the face of a perfect man like Shao Shao, he became the only one in his eyes, and it was the dream of many girls.

But at this moment, there is only one person in his eyes, that is, Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook her fist and encouraged Yin Shaozhen and Song Shijun, "You two, please cheer! Give me a little bit!"

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