Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1432: Will Yin Shaojie lose? (3)

Yin Shaojie smiled, dragged her over with one hand, and said arrogantly, "You are enough to cheer me alone, don't give him."

"Hey! No such thing!" Song Shijun expressed grievance.

Mu Xiaoxiao said cooperatively, "Well, then I'll just cheer you up. As for Shijun's Qi ... let Qiqing play!"

"It's okay ..." Song Shijun just said this, looking around for a while, asking in doubt, "Qi Qingren? Still relying on her cheer, she's gone!"

"By the way, Qi Qingren? She was just here." Mu Xiaoxiao also realized that Han Qiqing was not there.

Song Shijun expressed his dissatisfaction. "She is really true. When she is so important, she is gone, and she is too emotional!"

Mu Xiao's novel, "Maybe there is something urgent. She was just here. How could Qi Qing not talk about morality, it is impossible."

Based on her knowledge of Qi Qing, how could it be possible to leave them alone at this time.

She glanced again, just to see Han Qiqing squeezed in from there.

"Come back, come back!"

Han Qiqing held a large bag of things in his hands and ran over pantingly, "Hey, I'm exhausted!"

"Where have you been? What kind of ghosts are these?" Before Mu Xiaoxiao made a noise, Song Shijun first complained and pulled Han Qiqing's hands.

"What is a ghost?" Han Qiqing gave him a white look and patted his hand, "I won't give it to you!"

"Are you buying me?" Understanding this, Song Shijun's attitude changed immediately, pleasedly said, "Okay, I was wrong, sorry, then what did you buy ... good stuff? Quick let me see."

Han Qiqing put the big bag on the chair next to it and took out something.

"Then, here for you!" Passed it to Song Shijun.

Song Shijun took a look, "What is this?"

Han Qiqing said angrily, "This is a special wristband for playing! You don't understand it?"

"Why do you want this thing?" Song Shijun expressed disappointment and thought she had bought something good for herself.

Han Qiqing said to him, "Stupid you! Of course it is for wrist protection, and I bought the best, and the seller said it can help you shoot."

Song Shijun pretended to sigh, looked at her helplessly and said, "Han Qiqing, are you stupid? People say you believe it too, are you so deceived?"

"Then do you wear it?" Han Qiqing was too lazy to talk nonsense to him and threw out a sentence.

Song Shijun coughed and said, "Dai Daidai, of course! It's also right, playing so hard, it is safer to wear a wristband."

"Then you have such a big bag, what else?" Mu Xiaoxiao was curious.

Han Qiqing gave another brace to the third person of the Student Union before opening the bag and showing Mu Xiaoxiao something, "Just eat and drink. Isn't it time for dinner? I'm afraid you are hungry. Then, there are ... some medicines, Yunnan Baiyao spray or something, just in case you are injured later. "

Song Shijun gave her a white look, "Are you cursing us for injuries?"

"I said, just in case! Do you understand Chinese?" Han Qiqing hit him with a wink.

Song Shijun pointed at the food and said, "Well, who eats halfway through the game?"

Han Qiqing hummed. "Did I buy it for you? I bought it for me and snacks, wouldn't it?"

Song Shijun, "..."

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