Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1462: I will really jump (1)

Outside, the rain broke down.

While talking, Jun Zeye's expression suddenly stunned and motioned to Mu Xiaoxiao not to speak.

Mu Xiaoxiao immediately shut his mouth in cooperation.

Jun Zeye only listened for a second, quickly grabbed the prepared wet cloth next to him, and extinguished the fire.

Mu Xiao was shocked. Was someone from KO following?

Because the previous window was closed, the room was dark and no fingers were visible.

The feeling of not seeing anything made her panic, but she didn't dare to speak out, fearing that someone was really coming outside, so what should those people do to hear their position?

Just when she was scared, her little hand fell into the warm and generous palm.

Mu Xiaoxiao's hanging heart was soothed at once.

Under his traction, the two walked slowly to the back door.

At this time, the sound of KO sounded outside.

"Hey! Are you hiding in there, right? Come out to me obediently, the ship has arrived, don't delay my time."

Mu Xiaoxiao clenched his hands nervously.

But no one spoke.

Even if he was known to be hiding inside, he still had a fluke.

KO said arrogantly, "Are you trying to test how powerful the bomb on that bracelet is? I'll give you three seconds. If it doesn't come out, I'm welcome!"

Still no noise.

Mu Xiaoxiao's palms were holding cold sweat.

Right, the bomb on her bracelet hasn't been done yet!

This is how to do?


KO is already counting.

Mu Xiaoxiao shuddered unconsciously. She felt that KO was real this time, and he would really kill her.


What to do? What to do? What to do!

Mu Xiaoxiao was crying anxiously, and his back was cold.

Jun Tasano is moving the sundries away from the back door, trying to open the door silently.

It was raining heavily outside, the clouds were blocking the moonlight, the sight was very dim, and there were shades of trees everywhere, it was really not clear.

Mu Xiaoxiao was pulled out of here by him, only feeling the cold wind and rain blowing on his face.

"Aze ..." she cried in her voice.

How to do?

She's going to be killed!

Why didn't he respond at all?


Over there, KO finished counting, thinking that they could scare them. Who knew that the people inside didn't come out, not even a sound.

They didn't know, because the sound of wind and rain outside had to cover up the sound of the back door.

KO's face was ugly for a while, and he dragged the remote control, but did not hold it.

Is he really going to kill Mu Xiaoxiao?

But he couldn't bear it.

It may be said that he did not dare.

He did not arrest Mu Xiaoxiao to kill her!

He can provoke anyone, he is not afraid, but the entire Mu family ...

Even if KO is crazy and lawless, he still has a brain.

He dared to use Feng Shengyang, even Yin Shaojiu on the bar, he was not afraid, but Mu family, but he did not dare to provoke.

So even if he caught Mu Xiaoxiao, he didn't dare to treat her. His thoughts were different from ordinary people. He wanted to attract Mu Xiaoxiao and meet Mu family. Young, let her stay by her side, as long as it doesn't hurt her, can she always cultivate feelings?

Who knows, the other party also seems to know his mind, knowing that he would never dare to kill Mu Xiao.

KO narrowed his eyes. It was the first time someone had guessed his mind.

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