Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1463: I will really jump (2)

He motioned to his men, "Knock the door open!"

"Yes!" The men responded, but looked at each other.

That's the iron door.

At this moment, the people outside shouted, "Boss! They ran from the back door!"

KO whispered, "Fuck! Chase! Are you idiots, chase quickly! Remember, be sure to get this little girl back for me, but you must not hurt her, did you hear me!"

"heard it!"

Despite this answer, the men who were stunned by Jun Zeye were a little bit empty.

That kid is not as good as a man. If he wants to catch Mu Xiaoping intact, is it too difficult?

However, the boss issued an order, who dare not listen?

the other side.

Mu Xiaoxiao was pulled by Jun Zeye and ran, thinking he was going to die, but after running a distance, he still didn't see an explosion.

"Did ... he lied to me? This is not a bomb at all?"

"It's true." Junzano answered her calmly.

Mu Xiaoxiao was puzzled, "then it's over in three seconds now? But why ..."

"He doesn't want to kill you." This is what Jun Zeye had expected. He did a lot of information to capture KO, so he has a deep understanding of KO, knowing that he does not want to kill Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiao's novel, "I know he doesn't want to kill me, but ... in this article, who is crazy like him, who knows if he will suddenly go crazy."

So KO suddenly became sensible and surprised her.

Jun Zeye looked around and chose a way to take her up.

"You can rest assured that the bomb will not explode, even if he twitches." He has already moved his hands and feet, and the bomb will not explode.

Mu Xiaoxiao remembered that he had just shown him the bracelet once, but was unable to unlock it, but he did not know that he had released the threat of the bomb.

"We've all run so far, it's strange that he can still find us!" Mu Xiaoxiao was so depressed.

Jun Zeye groaned and confessed to her, "It is likely that there is a tracker on the bracelet."

This point, he was skeptical from the beginning.

Mu Xiaoxiao said for a moment, "That's the case, it's no wonder. But then, no matter where we go, he can find us, what can we do?"

She doesn't want to be taken back by KO!

Although KO Ming dare not hurt her, she should not be taken away by him.

Jun Zeye said, "Let's find a better signal first, and then plan."

Where is the signal better?

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him puzzled.

No time to explain, Jun Zeye pulled her up and ran, and the clothes they had roasted to a half-dry before the fire became wet again, as if they were taken out of the water.

Fortunately, they just did n’t learn to watch TV. They took off their clothes and burned them. Even if their clothes were dry, they were useless, but they did n’t get wet.

Suddenly, a voice came after him.

Mu Xiaoxiao was anxious for a moment, "They are catching up!"

The other person is a big man, one by one, and she is a girl. Her legs are sprinting slowly, she must be hindered before she can be caught up.

Jun Zeye murmured while running with her, "I hope they can come quickly ..."

Unconsciously, he ran to the top of the cliff.

The view here is good, and obviously the best place to signal.

However, it is a dead end.

"Aze, what do you do now?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked around, there was no hiding place at all.

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