Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1589: One Lie After Another (60)

"If you're looking for that girl, she just left with her friend, but she looks very upset. If you are her boyfriend ... you still have to find a way to coax her, don't let her come here again Kind of place. "

Yin Shaojiu's eyes were low, "I know."

Thought he wanted her to come to such a place?

Fearing that he would misunderstand Mu Xiaoxiao, Ye Zhiyuan explained, "She didn't do anything here, but she said she was in a bad mood, and ordered a few people to come and try to make her happy, but I think ... she wants What she wants is the person she cares to coax her. "

Yin Shaoji heard that, but what he wanted to know was another thing.

"You said she was gone with a friend, is it a man or a woman?"

Ye Zhiyuan hesitated, but still answered truthfully, "Men."

Yin Shaojie groaned. He had a bad feeling. Could it be him?

"Did she call his name?"

Ye Zhiyuan nodded, "Yes, it seems to call him Az."

Yin Shaojiu's dark eyes were heavy.

Ye Zhiyuan could clearly feel that the breath around him had changed, and a sense of oppression made people dare not approach.

"Yi Shao ..." He thought about how to help Mu Xiao's novels so that Yin Shaoyu would not misunderstand her.

Although he doesn't know what happened between the two, he as an outsider can clearly see how much Mu Xiaoxiao cares about Yin Shaoji.

When everyone tried her best to make her happy, she was always wandering and looked at her cell phone from time to time, as if who was waiting for her call.

He thought, she was just waiting for the youngest call?

"Give me the cellphone." Yin Shaoji said coldly, and said to him.

Ye Zhiyuan handed the phone.

Yin Shaoji made a phone call, but got bad news.

"Sorry, I lost it. I lost it ... that person is a master. The anti-tracking method is very high-end. I have tried my best to follow it, but I still lost it ..."

Yin Shaoxing's handsome face was hot, holding his phone tightly.

Ye Zhiyuan looked at him with anxiety ... The mobile phone in his hand was deeply afraid that in the next second, Yin Shaojiu would smash his mobile phone.

"Look! If you can't find her, you know the consequences yourself!" Yin Shaoxing ordered coldly.

"Yes!" The man didn't dare to say more, and responded in unison.

Yin Shaojiu seemed to be crushing the mobile phone, with blue tendons protruding from the back of his hand.

He set Mu Xiaoxiao's positioning on his mobile phone, but now his phone is broken, there is no way to know where Mu Xiaoxiao is now.

Just think of her with that person ...

His heart broke.

Now the only thing I can do is go home and use a computer to search for her location.

However, he felt very disturbed ...


"Where do you want to go now?"

The car had been driving for a long distance, and Jun Zeye saw Mu Xiaoxiao not talking before he spoke.

Mu Xiaoxiao put his feet on the edge of the seat and held his knees with both hands.

Her eyes were wet, her head bowed absently, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Then I will take you back to school," he said.

Mu Xiaoxiao finally reacted, biting her lip, and said with a choked voice, "I don't want to go back to school."

"Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know ..." Mu Xiaoxiao said lowly.

Actually, she has a place to go.

She wanted to go to Yin Shaoyi, to know where he was, and why he didn't come to himself.

That bastard!

Mu Xiaoxiao thought he was angry and wronged before he came.

He ignores her, then she should ignore him!

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