Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1590: One lie after another (61)

He ignores her, then she should ignore him!

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were filled with water mist, watching as it was going to turn into tears, she raised her hand and wiped it off with the back of her hand.

"Drive!" She said to Jun Zeye, telling him an address.

Jun Zeye kept silent, but turned the steering wheel.


Inside the Jazz Club.

"The call you dialed is off ..."

Hearing this official voice, Yin Shaoxian's face was so cold that it couldn't be colder.

The people next to him did not dare to approach him, they all hid far away, especially when they heard Ye Zhiyuan just called him, they knew he was a big man.

Jing idealized his attitude just now, and he felt a cold sweat, and he was afraid that Yin Shaoxu would care about himself.

Fortunately, at this moment, Yin Shaojiu was devoted to Mu Xiao, and had no time to care about others.

Her phone is off ...

Based on his understanding of her, she must be angry, so she turned off her cell phone so that he couldn't find her.

Fortunately, he positioned her either on her phone or in case something like this happened.

Yin Shaojie didn't return the phone to Ye Zhiyuan and asked him, "Do you have a computer here?"

He can't wait to go home and use his computer.

Ye Zhiyuan nodded, "Yes."

The manager laughed aside and flattered, "Say, do you want to use a computer? We have them here, desktops, laptops, which one do you want ..."

Yin Shaoxian glanced at him, meaning to shut him up.

Although Ye Zhiyuan had only seen Yin Shaoyan's side, he had some understanding of his character, so he didn't say much, and led him directly to the front desk.

"Can this computer work?" He asked.

The Jueji Club is a high-end place, so all kinds of equipment are the best. Of course, the computer also uses a tall configuration.

"Yes." Yin Shao nodded and sat down.

Some were curious, sublimely behind him, trying to see what he was going to do.

Ye Zhiyuan beckoned to them secretly, begging them to stay away.

He is also standing a certain distance from the computer, and in front of the screen, he can't see the screen content.

When Yin Shaoji touched the computer, his ten fingers quickly fluttered.

The code scrolls on the screen.

Everyone didn't know what he was doing, but they all held their breaths in unison, as if they were afraid to disturb him.

After a while, Yin Shaojiu's frowning eyebrows were loosened.

found it!

He transferred the positioning information to his mobile phone and sent it to that person.

Immediately, he stood up, walked towards Ye Zhiyuan, and returned his mobile phone.

"Thank you." Yin Shaoxing said, and was ready to leave.

"Wait, I'm young ..." Ye Zhiyuan hesitated for two seconds, gathered up the courage to catch up, and stopped him.

Yin Shaojie didn't stop, just glanced at Ye Zhiyuan without asking him, as if he knew what he wanted to ask.

"Mr. Yan is now in France and is engaged next month."

After that, he walked out of the Jueji Club.

On hearing that, Ye Zhiyuan froze, and the expression on his face suddenly became lonely.

"Thank you……"

The sound was very low and low, as if falling into the dust.

Should n’t you know this result?

Why is my heart so painful ...

Ye Zhiyuan's eyes became red and he didn't want to be seen by others. He turned and seemed to quickly escape the eyes of everyone.


The car stopped at the alley.

Mu Xiaoxiao came to the door of ‘I did n’t expect you to be such a store’.

However, the store did not open.

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