Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1804: I envy him (3)

Yin Shaojie made a grievance, as if she bullied him, and her lips were shaped, "I envy him ..."

Envious of you!

Song Shijun noticed something and looked up and asked, "What are you talking about? Oh, don't talk quietly, take care of our single dogs, you are invisible dog abuse, not good, will be condemned by dog ​​lovers!"

"We didn't say ..." Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to show his innocence.

Yin Shaojiu grinned and said, "We are just talking about buying a new car."

"Buy a new car? What new car? Didn't you just buy a sports car for two months and buy another car?"

Song Shijun condemned him.

It ’s boys who like cars, and Song Shijun also loves sports cars, but he ca n’t buy them like Yin Shaojie.

Although money is also an issue, the most important thing is that his identity cannot be so high-profile.

Therefore, he must express his condemnation to such a wayward master.

Yin Shaoxu picked up a piece of fruit with a bamboo stick and handed it to Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth.

Mu Xiaoxiao consciously opened his mouth and ate it.

Then watch him speak.

Yin Shaoxu shook his lips and said, "This time instead of buying a sports car, it's more convenient to buy a car with a larger space ... it should be like an SUV."

Song Shijun is trying to say that SUVs are not very expensive, much cheaper than sports cars.

I heard Yin Shaoji said again, "I saw that Lamborghini had an SUV model, it seems good, you can go and see."

Song Shijun swallowed the words just now.

The ordinary SUV is not expensive, but the Lamborghini model starts at more than one million.

And based on his understanding of Yin Shaojiao, Yin Shaojiao must buy a limited edition, even a customized version that others can't buy, and the price should be several times higher.

Just as girls don't like crashing shirts, the same reason, men don't like crashing into cars.

Song Shijun lamented, "It's nice to have money ..."

If you have money, you will be willful!

Buy a car ...

Hearing this topic, Mu Xiaoxiao stayed for a while, only thinking of two words: Che Zhen!

And Yin Shaoji just said that it ’s more convenient to buy a lot of space ...

What is convenient?

Convenient car shock!

Mu Xiaoxiao died shyly. Fearing that Song Shijun could see Yin Shaoji ’s intention to buy a car, he could only bury his head to eat, and he dared not look up, for fear that Song Shijun would see his blushing trace, and would guess there.

She can't hear, she can't hear, she can't hear anything!

Suddenly, a large hand came over, pinching her jaw, and with a domineering breath, she raised her head.

"Xiaoxiao, do you have a brand you like?" Yin Shaojie moved strongly, but his smile was gentle.

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

This **** is intentional!

Song Shijun did not see the ambiguous flow between them, and said, "Should girls not understand the car?"

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "Well, I don't understand! You talk, I don't understand the car, I can't give you opinions."

"Your opinion is very important. I used this car with you. Of course, you have to like it."

Yin Shaojie pinched her chin to keep her head down.

What do you want!

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at him.

Yin Shaoyi raised a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked like a bad boy.

"I ask you for your opinion. If you don't understand the car, accompany me to pick it."

"I see." Mu Xiaoxiao pushed his hand away and agreed.

Yin Shaojiu got the answer he wanted, so he let go.

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