Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1805: I envy him (4)

"Come, eat this, you have to eat more meat, and have lost weight recently."

He handed her a piece of fried beef sandwich.

"I can't eat it." Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head and refused. She had just eaten a lot, and the remaining stomach capacity was filled with ice cream and desserts.

"After eating this." Yin Shaojie was very strong.

Mu Xiaoxiaobian flat mouthed and had to take over.

I took a bite and thought it was delicious, so I went on eating.

Hum, don't think she doesn't know.

Is this **** trying to fatten her?

Feel better holding it?

In the afternoon, the news of the Christmas ball had just been announced, and then there was a heated discussion.

The post about Mu Xiaoxiao receiving the gift has temporarily ceased.

Everyone has no intention of attending the class, and almost all whispered about the Christmas ball in class.

Prom, as the name implies, has a dance partner.

So during the class, the teacher heard the sound and vibration of the mobile phone from time to time.

Students are busy inviting dance partners, fearing that the girls they like will be preempted.

"I heard that people from the first party of the party will come to participate. Can we invite the girls from the first party to be dance partners?"

"Really fake? Is this news accurate? If yes, my goddess is one! I want to invite her to be my companion!"

"You save, can you invite the school flowers of No.1 Middle School?"

"How do you know without trying?"

"You still dream faster."

"Screw you!"

Mu Xiaoxiao is a PE class. She sits aside and listens to the conversation between the boys next to her.

On the basketball court, Feng Tianqi is playing with people.

Feng Tianqi on the court is so open and free, as if it is his world, he can do everything.

Sometimes she likes Feng Tianqi's self-confidence and publicity.

This is our youth.

Fearless, so powerful.

Feng Tianqi shot a three-pointer handsomely and got the scream of the **** the sidelines.

He shook the sweat from his head and walked towards Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Is he handsome?" He stepped on Mu Xiaoxiao's seat with a long leg, and Junlang raised an eyebrow at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao gave him a thumb very cooperatively, "handsome!"

Feng Tianqi said she was very satisfied, and with her long legs, she sat beside her.

"Are you not going to fight?" She asked.

Feng Tianqi held her back with both hands and said, "Wait later, don't you mean to invite me to dinner? It's better to hit the other day, just tonight!"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "Not tonight. I have a friend."

She still remembers that the night Sijue said to have dinner together tonight.

Feng Tian Qi snorted and looked dissatisfied, "Isn't it okay? I agree with the time, you agree. Mu Xiaoxiao, you have no word."

Mu Xiaoxiao said kindly, "It's really not tonight, let's change to another day."

"Neither Christmas nor tonight, you have no sincerity to invite me to dinner." Feng Tianqi hummed at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying, "Feng Xiaoqi, would you please tell me something?"

"No!" Feng Tianqi glared at her.

However, his attitude was obviously softened, just playing with her.

"Then the head office after Christmas?"


Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated, thinking about how to answer.

She didn't notice that a tall shadow behind her was pressing down on her, and two strong arms hugged her from behind.

"She's not free!" A magnetic voice answered for her.

Such an overbearing tone.

Mu Xiaoxiao knew that it was Yin Shaojie without looking back.

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