Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1806: When will I get rid of you (1)

Feng Tianqi raised her eyes and saw that Yin Shaoyan was displeased, raising her eyebrows and saying, "I asked Xiao Xiao, not you, how do you know if she is free?"

Yin Shaojie laughed, as if Feng Tianqi had said a joke about Tian Fang Ye Tan.

"She is my woman. Is she free? I have the last word! I said she is not free, she is not free. Do you have any objection?"

He wrapped his arms around Mu Xiao's chest and pulled her into his arms, letting her lean against him.

When Feng Shaoqi's overbearing eyes were touched, Feng Tianqi became angry.

"She's not a three-year-old. Why did you decide? Does she have no say?"

"She didn't." Yin Shaojie immediately flung back.

Mu Xiaoxiao just smiled and didn't speak, leaving Yin Shaojie to say anything.

Perhaps from an outsider's point of view, it is Yin Shaojiao who occupies sovereignty, but in fact, it is Yin Shaojiao who has accommodated her more.

"Mu Xiaoxiao! Aren't you talking?" Feng Tianqi said, but Yin Shaoyan turned her eyes.

Mu Xiaoxiao shrugged.

Yin Shaoyi kissed her on the face and said to Feng Tianqi, "Of course, we have to spend Christmas together, and then it is New Year's Day. Of course, we also have to celebrate the New Year. Do you say she is free? Oh, forget you Without a girlfriend, you are a single dog. "

Feng Tianqi was angry, stood up and glared at him, "What's wrong with single dogs? Do you discriminate against single dogs?"

Discriminating against him without a girlfriend?

He just doesn't want a girlfriend.

In view of his charm, beckoning beckoningly, countless women rushed up and queued for him to choose a concubine.

Yin Shaoxu looked innocent, shook his head and said, "I didn't discriminate against you. I just want to say that people like you who don't have a girlfriend won't understand ..."


Is it amazing to have a girlfriend?

Feng Tianqi saw that he was stubborn and wanted to stab him.

Seriously, he always thought that girls were troublesome or stupid, so he never thought about making a girlfriend, even if the people around him changed his girlfriend from time to time, and he never thought about it.

But today was so excited by Yin Shaojie, he had the urge to find a girlfriend for the first time.

Feng Tianqi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, a little depressed.

It's a pity that Xiaoxiao already has a master.

If a girl like Xiaoxiao is willing to make such a girlfriend.

Mu Xiaoxiao patted Yin Shaojiao's arm and motioned him not to make a storm.

"How did you get here?" She asked him strangely.

Yin Shao glanced at Feng Tianqi, and touched her face affectionately with her face. The delicate skin touch made him feel very comfortable.

"No, I just walked here and just saw you."

"I'm going to play!" Feng Tianqi couldn't stand the two of them Qingqing, my dog ​​abuse, turned around and walked into the basketball court.

Wanting to be prestigious in front of Yin Shaojiu, Feng Tianqi grabbed a beautiful ball, and then handsomely shot a three-pointer.

Although there were screams from the girls on the sidelines, they were a lot weaker than just now.

Because ... the eyes of most girls are still on Yin Shaoyan, and they are reluctant to move away.

The girls were crowded together in twos and threes, whispering to each other, not sure what was being discussed.

But staring at Yin Shaojie, it seemed like he was related to him.

In fact, since the news of the Christmas ball was announced in the afternoon, many people have been discussing who Yin Yin's dance party is.

The answer is already clear, no need to guess at all.

But there are still girls who do not give up.

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