Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1807: When will I get rid of you (2)

Feng Tianqi shot two goals. Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao didn't look at himself, he just wanted to chat with Yin Shaojie, so he didn't want to play any more. He threw the basketball to the male student and went out of the field.

A girl came to the opportunity and handed him mineral water.

Feng Tianqi didn't refuse, took it, took a sip and held her, "Is there anything wrong?"

He wasn't stupid, the other person looked like something was wrong.

"Feng Tianqi, are you sure of your partner at the Christmas ball? If not, consider me?" The girl looked straightforward and straightforward, and her smile seemed confident.

Feng Tianqi glanced at her, not ugly, but compared with Mu Xiaoxiao, it was too much.

After all, he has also seen many beautiful women, how can he allow his female companion to be not beautiful enough?

After thinking about it, he still felt that looking for someone who was almost as beautiful as Mu Xiaoxiao.

Otherwise, wouldn't he have been beaten by Yin Shaoxing?

Feng Tianqi returned the mineral water to her, and said coolly, "No, I don't feel comfortable with you, just like that."

He stared at Mu Xiaoxiao with Yu Guang, and walked to where he put his coat.

He took out his cell phone and sent a text message to his brother.

——She refuses to tonight, and New Year's Day, it is estimated that she will spend time with Yin Shaoji, what should I do?

He wanted to take advantage of Mu Xiaoxiao's opportunity to invite him to dinner, and let his brother have a chance.

When we have dinner together, maybe chatting and chatting, Mu Xiaoqi's anger has long since disappeared, so forgive his brother?

He didn't think Xiao was such a mean person.


"Another one."

When Mu Xiaoxiao saw a girl talking to Feng Tianqi not far away, she knew she was inviting him as a dance partner.

This is already the fourth.

"Feng Tianqi's market is not bad. Many girls want to find him as a companion at the Christmas ball." Mu Xiao smiled to Yin Shaoji.

Yin Shao glanced over and said, "It's nothing, you haven't seen it. Last year's party, how many girls rushed to invite me."

"Really? How much?" Mu Xiaoxiao raised an eyebrow and stared back at him.

Yin Shaojie hesitated, or to tell the truth.

"You also know that I am charismatic. Basically, most of the girls in school are in love or secretly with me. This number is really difficult to estimate." He said cynically.

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded his nose, "Huh! You are narcissistic!"

However, I glanced at the sight cast by the girls around.

I knew he had a girlfriend, but some girls' eyes still didn't converge. It was obvious that looking at Yin Shao's kind of admiration.

She asked, "Well, today, has anyone come to you in private and invited you to be your dance partner?"

Yin Shao paused.

Mu Xiaoxiao noticed it, turned around, put his hands on his shoulders, and let him look into her eyes.

"Yes? Who? How many?"

Yin Shaoji touched his nose. "Not much ..."

"Not much?" Mu Xiaoxiao was unhappy, and his face was a little stinky.

Listen to his tone and know a lot.

Yin Shaojie said with a smile, "I didn't take a closer look. Just ... a dozen of them, sent me a text message, and said that I want to be my female companion, and one more, and asked me when to dump you."

Mu Xiaoxiao poked him with his fingers.

See it again and again, harder.

"Oh? Then how did you answer her? When are you going to dump me?"

Yin Shaojie grabbed her finger, pressed her chest, and her black eyes grinned, making people wonder what he was thinking.

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