Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1809: When will I get rid of you (4)

"Let's go and see!" Mu Xiaoxiao heard the voice again, and was immediately reminded of some childhood memories, so he pulled him and had to pass.

Sunde is not a noble academy, and the venue of a Taekwondo club is so large.

People who don't know, thought it was a regular Taekwondo club.

There are not many people in the venue. It should be that many students are in class. Only a few people are practicing, but the expression is very serious.

"Wrong posture, step forward."

A boy is coaching a girl. The girl looks very green, as if she was a freshman.

"Senior ..."

The girls worked very hard, but they were still said to be doing something wrong and a little frustrated.

Mu Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaojie hid out the window, looked at their chins, and said, "I think this girl's posture is pretty good, is this wrong?"

"It's not wrong." Yin Shaoxing replied, his eyes narrowed, Yingmei's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Why do you keep saying that she did something wrong? I think this girl is going to cry. Is she deliberately bullying her?"

Mu Xiaoxiao saw a little bit of a mess.

Yin Shaojie looked at her, "Look again, what do you think?"

Inside, the boy has been correcting the girl's posture, like hating iron and making steel, but also hands herself, slaps the palm on the girl's back waist, makes her straight, and puts her hands together.

Mu Xiaoxiao grew more and more uncomfortable, frowning, "Is this ... is this guy sucking oil? How can he touch a girl like this?"

Yin Shaoji said, "You can say he is, or you can say he is not."

Mu Xiaoxiao understood, and said a little bit angrily, "Then he is soy?"

Without doing too much, the girl wouldn't be sure, so even if she felt uncomfortable, she didn't dare to say anything, let alone resistance.

"Senior ... I'm not going to practice anymore, I'm a bit tired."

The girl wasn't stupid, so she made an excuse.

However, the boy was stern and said with dissatisfaction, "You have no perseverance, what kind of taekwondo do you practice? I think you should leave the company."

"No ..." The girl shook her head.

"Practice for a while, your waist is too soft. Have you ever practiced dance before? It's so soft that the waist of taekwondo can't be so soft." Then, the boy touched the girl's waist again.

The girl hid, but he insisted on touching.

There is another member next to it, but it is invisible.

Mu Xiaoxiao finally understood why Yin Shaojii would not let her enter the Taekwondo club.

"Senior ..." The girl was anxious, and she was at a loss.

Mu Xiao frowned, wondering whether to make a noise.

At this time, a very clear voice appeared.

"Let me teach her!"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked over and realized that it was the girl dragged to the birch forest, which was the vice president of the Taekwondo club.

"Vice President, are you so free today?" The guy with a hippie smiley smiled, and when he saw her approaching, he let go of the girl's waist.

"I'm free every day." She chuckled at him with a smile. "Just free, you can practice with me. There will be an intercollegiate competition next month. Aren't you going to participate? Let me see if your strength is going backwards. No more. "

The boy hesitated, apparently couldn't find an excuse to refuse, and went forward.

Two people stood.

The boy was about to move forward. The vice president suddenly grabbed his hand, turned around, then bent over, and threw him over his shoulder, slamming it to the ground.

This action is so handsome!

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up.

However, this shoulder fall belongs to Judo, right?

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