Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1810: I'm less, please let go! (1)

Sure enough, I saw that the vice president had finished the boy. After clapping his hands, he said sorry, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake. I just talked to others about Judo. I didn't come back for a while. Come on."

The boy also noticed that she was intentional, her face was black and she wanted to refuse, but she could not find an excuse for a moment.

Immediately, the vice president attacked after posing.

To be a vice president, the strength of girls is naturally not to be underestimated, even if men and women are different in strength, but the girls kicked in the past, hitting each other's chest.

The boy didn't respond, she hit too fast and was kicked off.

When I fell to the ground, I felt a pain in my chest.

The vice president shook his head at him and commented, "You are too slow to respond, you still need to practice. You can practice with him. I help this school girl."

She beckoned and motioned to another male member next to her.

Then she walked to the girl, patted her shoulder and said something, and the girl was grateful to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao touched her chin and said, "She did it on purpose? Is she helping the girl with revenge?"

Really a girl of justice.

"Have you finished watching it?" Yin Shao held her, shaking her hands in front of her, letting her attention return to herself.

"Look again ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao always felt that there was still a movie to watch, and held his hand and shook it coquettishly.

He heard a sound behind him.

"Yi Shaoye! Is that woman Mu Xiaoxiao?"

"Xiao Shao is really handsome, do you see it? The two of them are holding hands. Sure enough, this Mu Xiaoxiao is different. He has so many girlfriends and never saw which woman he held hands with. "

"Mu Xiaoxiao must have saved the galaxy in her lifetime, otherwise why did she gain the sincerity of Shao?"

"People have means, not ordinary girls like us."

Two girls appear to be in the Taekwondo club.

Just seeing the two of them, they hid and stared at them, whispering.

It's just that the whispers are a bit loud.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, couldn't help glancing at them and shut them up.

These people really make her speechless, always saying behind her that she has the means to seduce men.

The two girls reacted and entered the Taekwondo club in a panic.

At this time, the people inside the house also found Yin Shaojiu and Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly took Yin Shaojiao's hand and left the sight of everyone.

So she didn't notice that the vice president's look at Yin Shaojie was a little different.

She turned back and asked Yin Shaoji, "What class are you waiting for?"

"What's wrong?" Yin Shaoyi smiled at her muzzle.

Mu Xiaoxiao said to his nose, "I want to stare at you, I always think something will happen."

"So you want to accompany me to class?" Yin Shaoji asked.

Mu Xiaoxiaoang raised his chin. "No? It's just the second year of high school, I might understand."

Yin Shaoxian shaved her nose with her hand and teased, "You are so stupid, I doubt it."

"You're stupid! Wait and see!"

So, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to go back to his classroom, so he ran to class S in high school.

No one dared to comment on this matter, and the teacher pretended not to see it.

However, someone immediately posted a post saying that Mu Xiaoxiao was sticking to Yin Shao's side like this, it was urgent to stare at people, afraid that a girl invited Yin Shao to be a dance partner.

Almost 90% of the people agree, and the rest are other guesses.

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