Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1826: She is the only person I care about (1)

Yin Shaojie was not very happy. After thinking about it, he sent a WeChat to Ye Sijue.

——Are there many people in your hall?

Within a few seconds, Ye Sijue replied, with just two words: chartered.


Yin Shaoyi cursed a swear word.

Private booking, that is to say, there are only two of them in the entire screening room!

This is really what you want to do.

Yin Shaoxu did not hide his envy, jealousy and hate, and sent a contempt expression to Ye Sijue.

His mood was even more unpleasant.

Mu Xiaoxiao probed and saw his chat message with Ye Sijue, it was funny.

"Isn't Ye Sige thinking too ..."

Oh my god, what are their boys thinking!

Yin Shaoxing looked at her and asked, "Or else, let's change to a movie? There are too many people in this screening hall, it's not good."

Mu Xiaoxiao gave him a glance at him, "Don't make a fuss? The movie has begun, concentrate on watching the movie!"

Yin Shao snorted and stopped talking.

He lowered his head, pulled open the armrest between the two, and extended his long arm against her shoulders, pulling her towards himself.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought he wanted to do something and wanted to pull his hand away.

"There are a lot of people, so be nice."

Yin Shaoyi arrogantly carried her over and let her lean against her, and said with a dissatisfaction with her magnetic voice, "I can't do anything, can't I hold you? Don't earn, and I will kiss you . "

Then, holding her jaw in the other hand, Jun face moved forward.

The faces of the two people were very close together, only two or three centimeters away.

As long as he gets closer, he can kiss her.

Mu Xiaoxiao stopped moving obediently, and compromised with him, "Okay, let's hug you? Let go, let others see!"

They are two people apart, and they can see what they are doing by turning their heads.

Yin Shaojie knew she was shy and didn't embarrass her, and she let go of her hand holding her jaw.

"Watch a movie!" Mu Xiaoxiao said to him word by word.

Yin Shaojiao held her contentedly, her mouth slightly raised.

Mu Xiaoxiao shoved popcorn into his hand and let him hold it.

Began playing movies.

Yin Shaojie knew what she couldn't do, so she focused her attention on the screen.

Fortunately, this high IQ brain-burning movie is his dish. No wonder the reviews are so high, the plots are intertwined, and there are hidden mysteries, which is wonderful.

Yin Shaojie looked with interest.

Mu Xiaoxiao also kept staring at the screen, as if attracted by the plot.

It was in the transition period that she reacted and reached out to catch popcorn.

Creak creak ...

Yin Shaoji heard the small voice and couldn't help turning her head to see her cute look.

With sound, it's like a little hamster is eating.

That's so cute.

Mu Xiaoxiao matched his eyes and thought he was going to eat, so he gave him popcorn.

Yin Shaojie opened her mouth and ate, and the milk scent opened in her mouth.

Folded thin lips.

Not sweet enough.

It's delicious without her little mouth.

Yin Shaoxing thought about it and decided to focus on the movie, lest he have to envy Ye Sijue again.

He was afraid that he would sleep in the night.

Fortunately, the plot of the movie was very exciting, which distracted him.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the big screen without blinking, took a few mouthfuls of popcorn, was a little thirsty, and wanted to drink Coke.

But Cola is in Yin Shaojiu's hands.

Seeing him take it so seriously, he didn't want to make a noise.

She thought about it, leaned forward, and wanted to bring Cola in silence.

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