Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1827: She is the only person I care about (2)

Who knew that her upper body had just moved, Yin Shaojie seemed to know what she was going to do, held out the other hand holding Coke, and handed it to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled happily, bowed his head with a straw, and drank a few colas.

Bingbing, so cool!

She took Coke out of his hand and held it in his own hand, lest he keep this awkward posture all the time.

Yin Shaojie obviously likes this kind of movie very much and watched it very focused.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't understand a small part, but she didn't like to disturb others while watching a movie, so she didn't talk, obediently ate her own popcorn and drank her own cola.

On the way, Yin Shaojiu probed over.

She fed him popcorn and cola.

She was also worried that her manners were too tired and crooked, but glanced at other couples and found that there were more greasy and crooked, she was relieved.

In the second half of the movie, with some exciting shots, the audience couldn't help screaming.

Who knows, after the restoration of calm, later girls still barking.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, his face confused.

Now the plot is nothing, not as nervous as the previous shot, why should she call it?

"You ... you walk away ... don't touch me ..."

The subtle voice seemed to have a little fear.

Mu Xiaoxiao was closer, and because he was not in the movie, he heard this sentence.

what's the situation?

She felt something was wrong.

Could not help but turn around and look back, and saw that there was a girl sitting alone in the back across two rows, next to a man next to her, looking very cumbersome, big hands on the girls' legs, the girls were struggling.

Mu Xiaoxiao stared, thinking for a while.

It was the girl who was molested.

Or are they two having fun?

When she wasn't sure what to do, the girl seemed to have noticed her sight, and was suddenly very excited. She suddenly struck the insignificant man with her hand, and escaped after breaking away from the other party.

Who would have thought that the insignificant man was still holding her waist.

"Help!" The girl finally shouted helplessly.

Although not too loud, it caught the attention of others in the auditorium.

Many people look back.

"What happened?"

"It seems that the girl was rude by the man."

"Call the police!"

The wretched man was frightened when he saw that he had been found.

Someone shouted, "Stop him, don't let him run away! He's indecent girl!"

"Catch the satyr!"

A woman yelled, and everyone in the hall noticed the incident.

The men sitting in front rushed up heroically, subduing the wretched man who wanted to escape.

Someone rushed out to call someone.

Within seconds, the cinema staff hurried in.

"What happened?"

"This man's wretched girl!"

Because of this sudden accident, the lights in the projection room were turned on, and everyone present was very angry.

Mu Xiaoxiao was shocked when she saw the face of the indecent girl.

Actually Jiang Ranxi!

Jiang Ranxi looked pale, at a loss, looking at the people around him.

She obviously didn't want to be watched like that.

"How could it be her?" Mu Xiaoshen tugged at Yin Shaoxu's clothes in shock.

Yin Shaojie also saw Jiang Ranxi and frowned slightly.

"May be following us."

Jiang Ran hugged himself with a trembling hand, and looked at Yin Shaoyan with a grimace, realizing that he was looking at himself, his face was whiter, and biting his lips seemed to be shaking.

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