Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1842: Can't you satisfy me? (1)

The audience was silent.

No one expected Yin Shaojie to do this.

Say ‘just open’?

Looking at the uncle who came out of the car, he was so domineering and smiled like a demon.

Master Zhao was silent for a few seconds before screaming, "My car!"

His new car!

He begged for a new car that his dad had been asking for a long time!

And he has not enjoyed the envious eyes of everyone. According to the scrap index of this front, it must be repaired for at least half a month.

After half a month, his new car is not rare!

Master Zhao almost wanted to cry, ran to the front, touching the front of his car, his face was full of despair.

"My car, my car ..."

Yin Shaojie said with a light mouth and commented, "The performance of this car is good, and the safety is also very good."

Master Zhao's eyes drew, fisted, and punched angrily.

Yin Shaojie still smiled, and easily caught his fist, "What do you want? Hit me? Okay, just because I'm not completely deflated, if you want to compare it again, if you win, I stand and let you Alas, if you lose ... "

The devil smiled slightly.

It was just the chill in the corner of the mouth that made people shudder.

Master Zhao is not taller than him. After being subdued by him, he wants to pull back his fist, but finds that the opponent is amazing.

Moreover, Yin Shaojie only tightened his strength a little, and he felt his hands hurt, as if to be crushed.

Master Zhao frowned in pain, but the more he tried to withdraw his hands, the more it seemed to tighten and hurt.

It hurts!

Wouldn't he want to crush his hands?

Uncle Zhao glanced at the corner of the mouth with a smile on his face, but Uncle Yin was as scary as Satan, and then burst into cold sweat in his heart.


"Alas, alassa ... I'm sorry, I'm so impulsive ..."

Immediately recognized.

At this time, he remembered it. The rich master who had played together said before, that no one should provoke him, otherwise he would not know how he died!

Master Zhao suddenly understood why his phrase "I want your woman" made the response so great.


Oh shit!

Why didn't anyone tell him that this uncle Yin has now become a wife protector?

Did n’t you just say ‘I want your woman’?

As for such revenge?

Master Shao was annoyed, but had nowhere to vent, and could only curse swearing in his heart.

But on the surface, he still looked like he was apologizing, and apologized to Yin Shao'an, "Shao, I know I'm wrong, I really know that's wrong ... Sorry, sorry."

Yin Shaojiu let go of his hand.

Master Zhao rubbed his hand that was almost as scrapped as the new car, and sneered at the same time. "This car crashed and crashed. It's okay. You don't have to go back to repair it. You're happy if you're happy."

This sentence, how to listen to how dog legs.

Those who had seen how arrogant he was, were a bit unresponsive, not to mention those followers with dog legs behind him who were so shocked that their chins fell to the ground.

Yin Shaoji asked with a smile, "Is it better than a game?"

Master Zhao quickly shook his head and said, "Can't help but know the gap in one game. The gap between me and Yu Shao is across the Milky Way! How can I win you? I compare with you, it ’s for door-to-door abuse. "Yes, you raise your expensive hand, or forgive me."

Yin Shaojie was surprised that his attitude had turned so fast. He was stupid before, so mindless.

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