Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1843: Can't you satisfy me? (2)

But think about it, the more arrogant these people are outside, they may actually be the dog-legs at home.

He was too lazy to compare with such a person again, it was a waste of time.

Hitting his car was half-deflated.

Seeing this man's attitude changed like this, the remaining half of his energy was almost relieved.

Yin Shaoji said to the host, "Then you continue to play."

"Okay! There is less hard work and dedication to us. A wonderful game for us. Okay everyone, let's continue playing. Who will be the next one?" The host quickly became active.

Yin Shaojiu walked back to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Master Zhao was left in place, crying and touching his new car, crying with a headache.

"My car ~~~~~~~"

Far away, Mu Xiaoxiao could hear his miserable voice.

Yin Shaojie reached out to her little face, and her long fingers rubbed her pink face, feeling that it was a little bit cold by the night wind, and then ironed her with the temperature of her own hand.

"Are you still upset?" He asked.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "It's okay, it feels a bit like a roller coaster. When I get off, there is a little ... just faint."

Much better than last time.

I didn't want to remember the kind of discomfort I experienced last time.

Yin Shaojie locked the car with the remote control, and suddenly stood in front of her, squatting down.

"Come up."

Mu Xiaoxiao blinked and had a second's insensitivity, but quickly reacted, smiling with his body attached, his chest resting on his back.

"You said just now, take me somewhere, where?" Her little mouth said to his ear, and she deliberately blew into his auricle.

Yin Shaojie was tickled by her, a small arc on the side of her head.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought his reaction was funny. He thought of something. He laughed like a thief. He clasped his neck with his hands, and the little pink mouth went up and kissed his earlobe.

When the two went further, they felt that the group could not see it anymore.

Mu Xiaoxiao's mischief was so loud that he covered his earlobe and licked it deliberately.

Yin Shaoxuan took a breath, and the hand under her buttock couldn't help pinching her buttocks.

"You try again, find a small grove in the next moment, and fight directly outside."

Mu Xiaoxiao pouted and smiled, and quickly closed his hands.

"You can play, why can't I? Double standards!"

Yin Shaoxing snorted and said, "When did I play and when did you play? Otherwise, let's go back to play in bed?"

Mu Xiaoxiao stopped talking and stuck his tongue out.

"Be nice."


Yin Shaojiu walked on her back and walked for a while. The group of people couldn't see it anymore and couldn't hear her voice.

This just stopped.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked around and felt a little familiar.

"Not here ..."

"Where we came last time."

Yin Shaojiu found a lawn, took off her coat, spread it on the ground, and let her sit down.

Mu Xiaoxiao sat down cross-legged, he leaned behind her, his long arm around her waist, let him lean in his arms.

She pressed against him subconsciously, against his chin.

The posture of the two is intimate and warm.

The wind on the top of the mountain is a bit strong, but his arms are warm and warm, like a warm baby in the shape of a human.

Mu Xiaoxiao was wrapped in him, and he couldn't feel any chill.

The two looked at the night scene under the mountain together.


But the most beautiful thing is to be accompanied by a beloved person to see the beauty together.

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