Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1957: Interrupting the third leg (4)

Looking at her blushing little face was really cute.

Yin Shaojie was afraid that if he looked at it like this, he would be really terrible.

For the sake of his ‘third leg’, he sighed, got out of bed, and headed for the bathroom.

"You you you ... where are you going?" Mu Xiaoxi asked indignantly.

Yin Shaoji said, "To comfort my terrified third leg."

Mu Xiaoxiao understood, his face turned redder.

She was also provoked and wanted to calm down.

However, after a while, the bathroom door swiped open, and Yin Shaobi frowned and came out.

"So fast?" Mu Xiaotian looked at him in shock.

He has always been long-lasting ...

Yin Shaojiu squeezed her brows and returned to the bed, lying down.

Mu Xiaoxiao went up, feeling his fault, and asked worriedly, "Hey, what's wrong with you? Is your head dizzy again?"

"Well, I washed my face with cold water and suddenly felt dizzy." He rubbed his temples with his fingers.

Mu Xiaoxiao knelt beside him, turned his head, and replaced his hands with two little hands to help him rub.

"Who made you mess up."

As soon as the dizziness was relieved, passion was stirred up, and then cold water was poured.

Yin Shaojie closed her eyes and enjoyed the massage she gave herself.

"Blame you, seduce me."

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying, "Okay, my fault."

For the sake of his illness, he will not fight with him.

Yin Shaojiu seemed really uncomfortable, and the reaction somewhere also disappeared, and he looked uncomfortable.

Mu Xiaoxiao was distressed when he looked at him like this.

It seems that he should be given that Chinese medicine again.

However, in her experience, Chinese medicine has to be drunk several times, not just once.

Yin Shaojie seemed to be asleep.

She kept massaging him slowly, pressing her hands until she felt sour, and then stopped.

As soon as she stopped, he opened his eyes.

She said, "You haven't fallen asleep?"

Yin Shaoji laughed, "I almost fell asleep."

"Do you feel better?" She touched his forehead. There was a little cold sweat before, but now it is gone.

Yin Shaojiao pulled down her hand and held it in her own hand.

"It's much better. It looks like you can't touch cold water for the time being."

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded in concurrence, "Yes! You can't do too intense things, you should take good rest first, and then you will get better."

"You said it." Yin Shao squinted her eyes.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused before realizing that he had said something wrong.

But it's hard to cover with water!

Yin Shaojie sighed heavily, "I thought that with the first time, the second time would be easy. Who knew it was still so difficult ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

She still didn't speak, afraid to say something wrong again.

Yin Shaojie stared at her eyes and said, "It's Christmas with your dad. When New Year's Eve, shall we go somewhere else?"

Mu Xiaoxiao knew what he was thinking.

"Just after a few days, let's spend time with my father."

"I heard that the New Year's fireworks in Sydney is very beautiful, and it is one of the places that every girl must go in her life. Don't you want to go and see?" Yin Shaoxu coaxed her.

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Really be careful.

The New Year's fireworks in Sydney, she remembered an appointment with a friend in the United States to go together, but did not succeed.

The reason was that the friend went with his boyfriend and abandoned her.

——So romantic moments, of course, go with your boyfriend! If you think about it, under the night sky full of beautiful fireworks, stepping into the first second of the new year, the two are kissing, how wonderful!

This is the original word of that friend.

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