Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1958: Mourner (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao was very distressed. "I can't just stay with my dad for two days, right? This is not good ..."

Before she returned to study in the country, she rarely met her father, not to mention that her father missed her, and she missed her too.

Although she has only lived in the United States for four years, for her, this is already her home and she feels like home.

Yin Shaojiao frowned slightly, and grabbed her long arm, pulling her little head down against his forehead.

"Well, let's talk about it then."

He thought she would like such a romantic arrangement.

Since she's in trouble, let it be.

At least two are now spending Christmas together.

I also spend the New Year's Eve together, then no matter where it is, as long as she is around.

Mu Xiaoxiao struck him with his forehead and asked, "Are you hungry?"

Yin Shaojiu black eyes squinted at her, "Are you hungry?"

Mu Xiaoxiao choked his mouth and said, "I've been with you, haven't you eaten lunch? Didn't you eat, haven't you been hungry?"

It is now time for afternoon tea.

"Hungry ... but I am another kind of hungry." Yin Shaoyan said with ambiguous eyes.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly bit his mouth on his cheek.

Yin Shaoyi yelled, glanced at her with Yu Guang, "Are you hungry enough to eat me?"

Mu Xiaoxiao said to him, "I don't want to eat you, it's not delicious, it's tough and it doesn't taste good."

"Hard?" Yin Shaoyan's eyes narrowed, and the evil smile in the corner of his mouth was particularly obvious.

Mu Xiaoxiaogang hasn't responded yet. When he looked at it like this, he understood what he was thinking.

God, can this person think of something healthy?

Mu Xiaoxiao habitually wanted to hit him again, but his hand was raised, and he remembered that he was still uncomfortable, so he let it go.

"Just rest in bed, I'm going to eat."

With that said, she was ready to get out of bed.

How could Yin Shaojie let her go, her long arms wrapped around her thin waist and pulled her back into her arms.

"I'm hungry too. Let's eat together."

Mu Xiaoxiao put his elbow on him, "Well, get up, loosen me."

"I'm weak, you have to help me." Yin Shaoxu played a rogue, and spoke with a little coquettish tone.

Mu Xiaoxiao was almost entangled by him.

"Then you have to get up too, I can help you out of bed."

"I don't want to get out of bed."

The two entangled in bed again and again, their postures changed.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door and pushed in.

The people on the bed suddenly froze and looked at the door.

It is Mu Zhengbai.

"Dad ..." Mu Xiaoxiao was embarrassed, looked down, and found that he was too ambiguous with Yin Shaojin, his four legs were entangled, you pressed me, I pressed you.

Yin Shaoyi noticed Mu Zhengbai's eyes glanced majesticly.

He quickly smiled and explained, "Father-in-law, we're having fun ..."

Mu Zhengbai bowed his head. "It looks better, but the medicine still needs to be drunk. Let's eat something first."

"Okay!" Mu Xiaoxiao replied in a hurry, pushing Yin Shaojiao away with his little hand.

Yin Shaojie had to let go of her bondage.

"I'll go down first and wait for you." Mu Zhengbai finished, exited the room, and pulled the door.

Yin Shaoyi watched him go, and asked Mu Xiaoxiao with a bitter smile, "Is my third leg saved?"

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed and said nothing.

The two sorted it out a bit and went downstairs.

Mu Zhengbai was already waiting. Yin Shaojie thought of his ‘third leg’ and sat right down.

"Shao, is it effective to drink Chinese medicine? Is it better now?" Mu Zhengbai asked.

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