Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2012: Don't look good and laugh (3)

The next day.

Mu Xiaoxiao woke up very early, but instead of getting up, he kept leaning on Yin Shaojiu, looking at his sleeping face.

Because the curtains were closed, I do n’t know what time it is.

But it doesn't matter.

As long as he is by his side.

Their faces were close together, and they could feel each other's breath.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked for a long time, and felt a little sleepy, then closed his eyes again.

When she opened her eyes again, her eyes looked confused, but found that the position around her was empty.

What about him?

Mu Xiaoxiao was shocked, his eyes cleared suddenly.

He sat up sharply and called, "Well? Where are you?"

Yin Shaoji just groped into the bathroom, heard her voice, and responded, "I'm here."

Mu Xiaoxiao was relieved, "What are you doing?"

"Go to the toilet." Yin Shaoji answered truthfully.

Mu Xiaoxiao got out of bed and followed, "May I help you?"

Yin Shaoji said funnyly, "What can you do for me? Go to the bathroom?"

Mu Xiaoxiao reacted to this, and he asked it too smoothly, his expression was a bit sloppy.

"I mean ... I help you in."

"No, I can do it myself." Yin Shaoxing said, begging her not to come.

This girl, don't you really think of him as a three year old?

Mu Xiao was a little depressed in his care.

Ever since he lost his sight, he has been telling her ‘no more’.

She didn't like what he said.

But think about things like going to the toilet, she really was not good at helping, so she didn't continue.

Yin Shaojiu finished going to the toilet, and as soon as he stepped out, Mu Xiaoxiao rushed up and hugged his arm.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Mu Xiaosha shook his head, blinking pretentiously, "Nothing, do you still want to sleep? It's still early."

"It's early, shouldn't it be early?" Although he couldn't see it, he had a physiological clock.

"It's very early, and you need to rest more. Continue to lie on the bed." Mu Xiaoxiao held his hand and pulled him to the bed.

The reason why he closed the curtains was that he would not be dazzled by the sun, and would irritate his eyes.

Yin Shaojie was kicked back to bed by her, and she had no choice but to lie down.

"Mum ..."

Someone's belly wailed.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "Well, are you hungry?"

Yin Shaojiu turned her head to her and said, "Your belly is calling. You don't need to worry about me. If you are hungry, go to breakfast."

Mu Xiaoxiao touched his stomach, only to find that his stomach was really calling.

It seems that time is really late.

She looked towards the balcony, and the light leaked through the gaps in the curtains, only weakly.

It turned out that it wasn't the sun that hadn't risen, but that there was no sun today.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned around and grabbed the nightstand's mobile phone to see that it was already nine o'clock.

No wonder the stomach is lamenting.

"Then ... should you be hungry too? You wait in bed, I'll get someone to have breakfast, and we'll eat in the room." She said, went out of bed to wear slippers, and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Unexpectedly, Yin Shaojiu also followed.

He can't see his eyes, he walks slowly, and his light steps are uncomfortable.

Mu Xiaoxiao just squeezed the toothpaste to the toothbrush. When he looked back, he saw him by the door and was startled.

"Why did you get out of bed?"

Yin Shaoji said, "Brushing your teeth, I will eat with you."

"No, you have to rest on the bed. Didn't that Chinese medicine doctor say that? The rest requires you to lie on the bed. Are you disobedient again?" Mu Xiaoxiao educated him seriously.

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