Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2013: Don't look good and laugh (4)

Yin Shaojie said disapprovingly, "I'm not paralyzed anymore, so I don't have to lie in bed all day, as long as I don't do strenuous exercise and my eyes are not stimulated by strong light, it should be fine."

"But ..." Mu Xiaoxiao was still uneasy.

She thought of the Chinese medicine practitioner training last night and felt very regretful. If Yin Shaoyu had a good rest before, she might not be blind.

She also has a responsibility, because she didn't take good care of him.

"Don't, just brush your teeth. Do you have a toothbrush? Give me one." Yin Shaoyu blocked her.

Mu Xiaoxiao also forgot to dominate him a bit.

She took out a new toothbrush and squeezed toothpaste before handing it to him.

"There is only one mouthwash cup. You can use it." She shoved her mouthwash cup into his other hand.

The two stood together and brushed their teeth.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him while brushing his teeth.

The atmosphere was quiet, but there was an indescribable warmth in the air.

This should be their portrayal after marriage?

She smiled.

After the two had finished washing, Mu Xiaohua drew his hand and went downstairs together.

Compared to last night, Yin Shaojiu seems to have gotten used to it.

In the living room, the curtains around it were half covered, and the room didn't look bright enough.

This was Mu Zhengbert's order.

Seeing the two of them going downstairs, Mu Zhengbai didn't mention that Xiaoxiao went to bed with Yin Shaoyu last night, beckoning them to come over for breakfast.

The two said good morning to Mu Zhengbai.

Let Yin Shaojiu sit down and Mu Xiaoxiao scooped him porridge in person.

It got colder before putting it in front of him.

"It should not be hot, take a bite to see."

Yin Shaoxi took a bite and tasted the ingredients that are good for eyes, such as wolfberry and carrots.

He knew that Mu Zhengbai arranged for the kitchen to cook.

For breakfast today, almost everything is good for the eyes.

Mu Zhengbai looked at Yin Shaojie and said, "The TCM doctor will come over in the afternoon and show you, his character is a bit strange, but the person is not bad, the medicine is really good, no matter what he says, you don't care."

Mu Xiaoxiao wondered, "Isn't he saying that he should wait for Yin to disappear before he sees a doctor? Has he changed his mind so quickly?"

Mu Zhengbai didn't answer her and didn't say how much effort he had spent persuading the man.

"You too, no matter what he said to Shao-Jun, you don't think you can hear, you know?" He reminded her.

"Oh ..." Mu Xiaoxiao nodded obediently and lowered his head to drink porridge.

She stretched out her hand, and originally wanted to get the fried dough sticks, but thinking that Yin Shaojie only ate light porridge, she felt that she should share the pain with him, and she retracted her hands and drank only porridge.

Mu Zhengbai said after they had finished eating, "Go and open the Christmas presents."

Mu Xiaoxiao was happy when she heard of Christmas presents.

"Well, let's open the gift!"

She held Yin Shaojiao's hand and walked towards the Christmas tree.

Yin Shaojie could feel that she couldn't wait, but slowed down in order to cooperate with him.

He subconsciously accelerated his pace.

"Well, go slowly," she shouted.

"It's okay, I'm almost used to it." He said, smiling at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao's footsteps suddenly stopped, watching his smile on the corner of his mouth, but his heart stunned.

"Well ... can you stop smiling at me?" She said with a choked voice.

Yin Shaojie realized that it was not right and reached out to touch her face.

Fingertips are slightly wet.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

Mu Xiaoxiao said with tears in her eyes, "You are clearly uncomfortable ... Don't look good and laugh, okay?"

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