Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2022: Proposal Video (1)

Yin Shaojie apparently did not expect that she would do this, her breath was slightly choked.

Mu Xiaoxiao just licked it, and found out, wrinkled his face and said, "It's hard!"

Yin Shaojie didn't speak.

"Shui Shui Shui, give me water, no, give me juice, or Coke!" Mu Xiaoxiao said to the servant sideways.

The maid smiled and went to pour her juice.

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, but still couldn't dilute the wonder in his mouth.

"Well, don't you find it unpleasant?" She looked at him inconceivably.

Yin Shao pursed her lips, as if she could still feel her taste on her lips.

"I think so."

It's hard to drink, how can you not feel it.

Also, this time seems to be worse than before.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about the bitterness just now, and trembled, "I have never drank such a difficult medicine, I think that guy just deliberately rectified you. Absolutely! I don't know if it will be useful if you drink it ... ... "

Although she knows that Mu Fei's medicine is really good, but as long as he thinks about the character of that guy, he doesn't want to ask him for help.

She said, "Well, just take a break after drinking the medicine. Let's go to the hospital for an examination in the afternoon? Maybe you had a rest last night. Has it improved?"

"Today is Christmas, so don't go. We will spend Christmas at home and go again tomorrow." Yin Shaoji said.

Mu Xiaoxiao drank half the juice and passed the rest to him.

"Would you like to drink a bit of sweetness and dilute the bitterness in your mouth? I only tasted a little bit, but now I take a nap and I can smell that smell. This unpleasant smell is too strong."

Yin Shaoxian thought for a moment and shook his head. "It still won't affect the effect of the medicine."

Although he was not sure if the medicine would work.

However, after contacting Mu Fei, he can feel that the person is very confident in his medicine.

So the other party has a way to heal his eyes.

It's just ... it depends on the other party's unhappiness.

Mu Xiaoxiao also felt that he was justified, so he said to the servant, "Put a glass of water, can you always drink water?"

Yin Shaoji answered, "Well."

The unpleasant taste is still in the mouth, it is really uncomfortable.

After drinking the water, Mu Xiaoxiao took his hand and went to the room.

"How about you, lie down for a while, and I'll be there for you."

She let him lie on the bed, while she sat aside, watching the message that Qi Qing had just sent.

Yin Shaojie felt her breath and closed her eyes.

After reading Qiqing's message, Mu Xiaoxiao said to him, "Qiqing, they are very worried about us. Shall we tell them, what about your blindness?"

"Don't talk first," he said.

Mu Xiaoxiao is right to think about it, it may be restored within two days, and it just made everyone worry.

So she replied to Qi Qing, saying that the two were okay and nothing was wrong.

After sending it, Mu Xiaoxiao's apex paused, looking at Yin Shao's handsome face.

What if ... he can't recover and has been blind?

She shook her head and didn't let herself think about the possibility.

No, he will definitely get better.

Big deal ... Mu Fei will be asked at that time, Mu Fei is a poisonous tongue, but the medicine is really clever.

It is impossible to break up anyway.

Then look at the methods used to coax Mu Fei.

Mu Xiaoxiao was thinking about this while chatting with Qiqing.

Qi Qing knew that they were relieved after they were okay, and began to gossip Yin Shaoyu proposed to her last night.

"I saw the live video, wow! Super romantic!"

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