Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2023: Proposal Video (2)

"The video of your marriage proposal has been edited and posted on the Internet. It can be seen everywhere on Weibo. It's hot!"

"Little, do you know how many people envy you? It's just envy, hate!"

"The girls in our school alone probably hate you."

"Hey, do you know how much Yin Shaojie spent? The advertising costs in Times Square are definitely not low! I dare not imagine how much it will cost."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Qi Qing slapped and said a bunch, and couldn't help laughing.

She replied, "How much did it cost? I don't know."

Qi Qing said, "It doesn't matter if you know it or not, anyway, Yin Shaojie is willing to spend money for you, whatever amount you want, hey, good, I want to be spoiled like this ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know how to pick her up, so she changed the subject and asked about the Christmas ball last night.

"Everything is normal at the ball. After Jiang Ranxi finished, she ran away embarrassedly. Now I think it's still very popular!"

"Haha, if she sees the video of Yin Shaoxing's proposal to you, she will definitely spit out blood."

"I guess she must have seen it. A lot of people in Suntech have sent a circle of friends, and the forum has also been posted. It can be said that it is overwhelming. No one can see it."

Mu Xiaoxiao thought that the video of the proposal was seen by so many people and felt a little embarrassed.

She doesn't like so much attention.

She turned to look at Yin Shaoji and said, "The video of your proposal to marry me has been spread all over the country. What should I do?"

Yin Shaojie was just resting and didn't fall asleep.

He moved his head slightly and said to her, "Do you want to delete it?"

"Well, can you delete it?"

His proposal of marrying her was a particularly fond memory for her. She wanted to cherish it in her memory before sharing it with others.

Yin Shaojiu frowned slightly and said, "Yes, but now I can't see ... you give me my cell phone."

"Oh!" Mu Xiaoxiao lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

After looking around, I remembered that this was his own room, and his cell phone should be in the room where he lived.

"The phone is in your room. I'll get it."

After talking to him, she walked out of the room and went to his room.

When I found my mobile phone and was about to leave, I saw the bathroom with the door half open.

Think of the things he knocked over.

Mu Xiaoxiao groaned, thinking that he must not want the servant to see it, so he pushed in.

The things on the ground are messy.

She crouched down and threw it into the trash.

"Oh!" She pinched her fingers, and saw a bright red on her belly.

It was broken glass that cut his finger.

Fortunately, the wound is not deep.

Just a little pain.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, annoyed that he was in a hurry and should be careful.

She got up, put her bleeding fingers under the water and rinsed.

After touching the wound, there should be no debris left.

Although the wound is small, there are still subtle blood stains.

She didn't bother, wet the towel, put it on the ground, wiped the remaining broken glass casually, and threw it into the trash can.

After leaving the room, call the maid to clean it.

Mu Xiaoxiao stuck a tissue on her finger wound and returned to the room with Yin Shao's cell phone.

"The phone is for you." She climbed into bed and handed him.

Yin Shaojiu followed her voice, reached out, and touched her phone.

"Why did it take so long?" He asked.

"Uh ... find my phone, I found it after a while." Mu Xiaoxiao stammered a lie.

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