Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2028: Just kissing is not enough (3)

She nodded again so that he could feel her movements even if he couldn't see it.

Yin Shaojie said very simply, "No."

Mu Xiaoxiao Weiwei, "How do you know not?"

Yin Shaoyi propped herself up with the other hand and leaned on the bed.

Mu Xiaoxiao went up.

"How good your parents are, don't you tell me? Even if your mother is gone, she is always in your father's heart, so your father will never forget her, and never forget it."

When Yin Shaoxu said this sentence, his expression was full of firmness.

Mu Xiao moved his head carefully, remembering the feelings of his parents, thinking how sad and sad his father was the year he died.

She used to think that if it wasn't for her, dad might be with mom ...

She is very distressed to her father.

So if there is a woman who can make her father happy again, isn't it nice?

And Dad won't forget Mom.

How could such deep feelings be forgotten?

After Mu Xiaoxiao figured it out, she felt much more comfortable.

She grabbed Yin Shaoxing and rested her head on his broad shoulders.

"Yin Shaoxing ..." she called softly.

Yin Shaojie's magnetic voice answered in a low voice, "Huh?"

Mu Xiaoxiao raised his eyes and looked at his impeccably handsome face. He bent his eyes and said, "I haven't told you the answer before, I wish ...

Before she finished speaking, Yin Shaojie pinched her chin.

"Don't say."

He stopped her from going on.

Mu Xiaoxiao blinked his eyes and asked, puzzled, "Why? Don't you want to hear my answer?"

Although there is no need to guess at all, her answer must be yes.

But didn't he want to hear her say ‘I do’?

Yin Shaojin shook his head lightly, "No, I want to listen, I want to listen, but ... not now."

"Not right now?" Mu Xiaoxiao thought it didn't matter.

Yin Shaojiu wrapped her little hand and said in a deep tone, "Because I want to see the expression when you say this sentence."

Mu Xiaoxiao did not expect that he would say so, paused.

"Well ... I'll tell you when your eyes are fine."

She thought that she would not wait too long.

"Yeah." Yin Shaoyi responded, fingertips rubbing thinly on her lips.

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, as if knowing what he wanted to do.

She leaned up and pursed his thin lips.

The two laughed at each other.

Mu Xiao's novel, "By the way, I just learned one thing. The medicine you drank was newly prescribed by Mu Fei. He said that he would not cure you, but he secretly treated you. I really don't understand what he is thinking. "

Yin Shaoji said, "You don't need to understand what he is thinking."

How could he allow her to think about how to understand other men?

Mu Xiaoxiao shrugged without smelling his jealousy. "I don't want to know what he's thinking."

Who knows that weird guy?

Anyway, as long as he is willing to treat Yin Shaojiu eyes.

Mu Xiaoxiao leaned on Yin Shaojie and said happily, "Your eyes must be restored soon."

What Yin Shaomin thought of, smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid he poisoned me? See how he rejects me so much."

Mu Xiaoxiao was startled. "Poisoning? He dares to try! I kill him!"

But the more I think, the more uneasy I am.

She looked up and said to him, "The next time you drink the medicine, I will drink a little, even if it is really poisoned, I will accompany you."

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