Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2029: Just kissing is not enough (4)

She didn't believe it, that guy would be so distraught.

Yin Shaojie is just joking with her, but when she listens to her tone so seriously, she feels so cute.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see her so cute ...

Yin Shaoxu was slightly sinking in his heart, and suddenly he was anxious to get back to Ming.

His hands were holding her face, pulling her over, locked in his arms, groping her fingertips to her lips, and lowering her head to kiss.

"Huh?" Mu Xiaoxiao wondered why he suddenly kissed, but obediently let him kiss.

Just kissed and kissed, Yin Shaojie's breathing thickened a bit.

He rolled over and pressed her to the bed.

"Hey?" Mu Xiao looked at him confused.

He wouldn't want to ...

Yin Shaoxing's handsome face approached, and she felt her breath instinctively, and her **** thin lips pressed against the corners of her lips and kissed densely.

Obviously it is a gentle kiss, but with fiery temperature.

At first Mu Xiaoxiao thought he just wanted to kiss himself. In this case, he should not want to do anything.

But the kiss that deepened gradually, and the high temperature he pressed against her tall body, came the hot temperature.

To her shock, he seemed to really want to do something.

Yin Shaojie tangled the tip of her tongue.

After taking her sweetness, he looked up and asked in a dumb voice, "Is the door locked?"

Mu Xiaoxiao froze for a while, and his brain's response was slow for a while.

Xiaolian answered blushingly, "The door ... the door is locked."

She wanted to tell him about the smell of perfume on her father and locked the door subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, it was convenient for him ...

After listening to her, Yin Shaojie held her jaw and kissed her again.

The fiery kisses made the room warm.

"Well ... you ..." Mu Xiaoxiao pushed him a little, to make his breathing smoother, but Bai Nen's little face became crimson with passion, which looked particularly attractive

It's just this temptation |

Mu Xiaoxiao said shamefully, "Kiss me, just kiss ..."

Seeing his stance so fierce, it felt more than just trying to kiss her.

Yin Shaojie really didn't just want to kiss.

"Just kiss me?" Yin Shaojie smiled, big hands walking over her.

He moved up, rubbed his nose, and found her earlobe, then pecked it up.

Mu Xiaoxiao used to think she was sensitive to the earlobe, but after having a relationship with him, she was shocked that she seemed to be particularly sensitive in many places.

As long as he touches, she is very ...

After Yin Shao kissed her a lot, he said to her again, "It doesn't seem to be enough to kiss her, what do you say?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was red with his ears.

She pursed her lips and looked at him.

His eyes were closed, missing those black eyes that could hook away human souls.

When she was staring at his eyes when she was intimate, she felt that her body was as if he was staring softly, and her heart was bewildered by him.

Now, she is more distressed.

She wrinkled her lips and said, "So ... what else do you want?"

"I think so ..." Yin Shaoji touched her neck with her hand, and lowered her head to kiss, as if depicting, here is her neck, here is her collarbone, here is her ...

Mu Xiaoxiao could feel his soft tongue, wherever he went, as if he had lighted a fire, making her feel hot.

"Hmm ..." She called his name softly, realizing that his hands were not rested, she reached somewhere, and stroked it gently.

The breath he exhaled hit her skin, all hot.

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