Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2125: If you want me to save, I will save (4)

Mu Xiaoxiao subconsciously looked at Mu Fe outside the window.

He thought he would pass by hearing the doctor call.

But he didn't.

His face was indifferent, but he looked on coldly, watching the people watching as anxious as the ants on the hot pot.

"Doctor? Is anyone a doctor?"

The crowd looked at each other and asked each other if there was a doctor.

Mu Fe glanced at him, as if with a boring snoring, he turned to leave.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know what happened to him, and the ghost opened the door and walked out.


Mu Fe heard the sound and turned to see her.

The original indifferent expression suddenly became vivid, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Ms. Mu, why are you here? It is so coincidental."

Mu Xiaoxiao pointed to the car accident over there, "Aren't you a doctor? Don't you go and see?"

"Don't go, this kind of person is better to die, otherwise the next one will be someone else." Mu Fei Ming smiled, but his tone was cold.

He didn't keep his voice down, so everyone around him heard it.

A pair of eyes looked at Mu Fei together.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying, although she thought so too, and felt that drunk driving people were particularly abominable, so as not to harm innocent people next time.

But she is not as direct as Mu Fei.

The onlookers erected a moral banner and pursued Mu Fei.

"Are you a doctor? How can you say that? I don't know if he drunk or not, if not? You just can't help it."

"This is a life! How can you not save people, save them!"

Everyone was urging him to save someone, as if he could save it, he could survive.

Of course, with Mu Fei's medical skills, as long as this person is still alive, if he wants to save, he can still be saved.

The problem is, he doesn't want to save.

Someone said something that was hard to hear, and cursed Mu Fei. There would be retribution if he died.

Mu Fei was still smiling, as if he couldn't hear the voice beside him.

His eyes were just looking at Mu Xiaoxiao, and the wind softly said, "Aren't you saying that you're asking me to eat? It's better to hit the other day, just now, I just don't have breakfast."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him inconceivably.

The people next to him were scolding him, asking him to save people, but he was able to treat them as air.

It was too loud.

She coughed awkwardly, pointed to the other side and said, "Are you really not thinking about saving?"

At the speed of the ambulance here, I don't know when it will come.

If you drag on like this, will the driver really die?

Mu Fei then glanced at the people, but his eyes did not seem to care.

"What **** doctor are you! You don't deserve to be a doctor at all!" Someone pointed at his nose and scolded.

Mu Fei smiled and asked, "Why should I save him? He is dead, what is it to me?"

This sentence blocked other people for a while.

Mu Xiaoxiao always felt that the people next to him were going to besiege him.

She said to Mu Fei in Chinese, "Just say you're not a doctor. If you don't want to be rescued, just go away, don't stay here, be careful to be captive."

His attitude is very likely to be captive.

Mu Fei was holding her, and suddenly asked, "Do you want me to save?"

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, wondering why he asked so.

Mu Fe looked into her eyes and said, "If you want me to save, I'll save."

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