Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2126: Coming to hurt you immediately (1)


Mu Xiaoxiao was about to say something, a tall, tall figure wrapped her shoulders from behind, and pulled her into her arms in a domineering way.

Yin Shaojun came to the world, smiled slightly, and murmured at Mu Fei, saying, "You love to save!"

Seeing this, he couldn't sit still in the car.

What does Mu Fei mean?

The onlookers did not understand Chinese and looked at them all in confusion.

It was just that when a girl saw Yin Shaoxing's appearance, she caused some commotion.

"This man is so handsome ..."

Yin Shaoxian glanced at the driver of the sports car and said with a sloppy mouth, "It hasn't died and there isn't much blood on the eyes. It will be able to save him when the ambulance comes. It won't take you."

Mu Fei's eyes narrowed when he heard this sentence.

He met Yin Shaoyan's eyes. "At his current bleeding rate, if he does not stop bleeding as soon as possible, he can support for more than an hour, and ... his feet may also be abolished, and the probability of facing amputation is 70%."

"Oh." Yin Shaojie completely ignored the tone.

It's not him who amputated anyway.

Mu Xiaoxiao twisted his shoulders and earned Yin Shao's hand.

She looked at the two and said, "Don't do this, just let Mu Fei go to save people first. Such things as saving people can be determined visually."

Yin Shaoxing snorted. "Anyway, he can't die. He loves to save."

Mu Fei turned his back on his face, apparently following him, "I want to save now. Remember, you want me to save."

The last sentence is to Mu Xiao's novel.

Mu Xiaosha's mouth shuddered.

Does this mean she owes him a favor?

Forget it, just save people.

Anyway, Mu Fei cured Yin Shao's eyes, and here he owes a favor.

It's a big deal.

Mu Xiaoxiao was afraid of what Yin Shaoji said, so he held his hand, pulled him back two steps, and whispered to him, "Let him save someone, don't argue with him."

Yin Shaoxing looked a little dissatisfied and reached out and squeezed her face.

But he did not stop Mu Fei from saving people.

Seeing Mu Fe walking towards the car, the onlookers gave way on their own.

Fortunately, although the car hit the front of the car, but there was no oil leakage, so there was no danger of explosion for the time being.

Mu Fe walked to the door and pulled it open casually.

The injured person leaned aside and watched as he slipped off the door.

Exclaimed the crowd.

I saw Mu Fei grabbing the owner's clothes with one hand, and in a rude way, dragged the person out of the car.

Everyone, "..."

Is this saving?

Mu Fei laid the person flat on the ground and glanced up and down.

The owner's legs didn't know what was pierced by the thing, and he was bleeding blood, and gathered a small beach shortly after.

Yin Shaojie also walked over Mu Xiaoxiao, watching so much blood, so she reached out to block Mu Xiaoxiao's sight, and did not let her see the blood.

Mu Xiaoxiao's face stuck in his arms, and quietly poked out his little head.

"How is it going?"

"A lot of blood, don't look at it," Yin Shaoji said.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of blood." Mu Xiaoxiao still wanted to see it, but Xiao Shao's face was caught by Yin Shaoyin's hand, but she was not allowed to see it.

Mu Xiaoxiao is helpless.

Yin Shaoji said, "What's so good about blood."

Moreover, the car owner's wound was a bit fuzzy and scary.

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, "I don't want to watch the wound?"

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