Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2127: Coming to hurt you immediately (2)

In fact, she was curious to see how Mu Fei treated the injured person.

"Just let me see." Mu Xiaoxiao refused to give up.

Yin Shaoxing was trying to coax her, and suddenly, he heard the sound of popping.

It's the sound that hits the meat.

The onlookers were stunned.

Yin Shaojiu turned his head to look at it, and saw that Mu Fei was slap facing the injured.

Yeah, slap!

Yin Shaojie, "..."

Everyone, "..."

It doesn't look like saving people horizontally or vertically!

Mu Xiaoxiao took advantage of the gap and pushed away Yin Shao's hand, and finally saw this scene.

She froze and asked suddenly, "Mu Fei ... what are you doing?"

Mu Fei slaps again. Feng Qingyun said indifferently, "I'm waking him, wake up, wake up soon."

The voice of calling is perfunctory, but the action of starting is quite heavy.


I slap again.

Some of the onlookers couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to stop him.

Then, he saw the injured man move, his eyes opened, and it looked like he was waking up.

Mu Fei stopped when he saw the injured person wake up.

His gaze turned to the bleeding wound.

"Well, this has to stop the bleeding."

Everyone, "..."

Don't just say, you stop bleeding!

Mu Fei lifted up the wounded trousers, exposing the flesh-blooded wound.

He froze several positions, looking like he was groping.

The eyes of everyone looked at his movements curiously.

Mu Fei looked up and asked the crowd, "Who has a towel or something? Scarves are fine."

Because it is winter, a lot of people wear scarves.

It is important to save people, and several people generously donated their scarves.

Mu Fei gave a glance, took a beige, and wiped the wounded's blood clean.

He flexed his hands and squeezed around the wound with a triangular gesture.

The magic scene happened!

The bleeding speed that was originally visible to the naked eye stopped inexplicably.

Mu Fei clapped his hands. "Okay, stop the blood."

He didn't even get a drop of blood on his hand.

Facing the doubts and surprises of the onlookers.

Mu Fei smiled and said to everyone, "Chinese medicine."

The foreigners who were watching the scene immediately became upset when they heard this, their faces were incredible.

Chinese Medicine!

It turned out to be the medicine of that mysterious eastern country, no wonder it was so amazing.

Even Mu Xiaoxiao was surprised and asked curiously, "What did you do?"

Mu Feifeng said quietly, "Nothing, just point to stop bleeding, just furry work."

Mu Xiaoxiao stunned.

Acupoints to stop bleeding?

Isn't this unique in martial arts films?

She knew Mu Fei's medical skills were brilliant, but she did not know that Mu Fei's medical skills were so powerful.

This is also called fur kung fu?

Mu Xiaoxiao thought that Mu Fei was pretending to be B.

Mu Fe, who succeeded in pretending to be B, darted the injured face again.


Everyone, "..."

Look at his posture, right?

But because he just showed a magical Chinese medicine technique, the onlookers no longer wonder what he did.

The wounded was just a little bit unconscious, maybe the blood had stopped and he finally woke up.

"Damn, what did you do to Lao Tzu?"

The injured man was a white teenager in his thirties and scolded when he woke up.

Mu Fei looked at him and asked, "Wake up? How are you feeling?"

"What's the matter? Did you just hit Lao Tzu?" The man was just awake, and he slapted him. The whole man was annoyed, and the injured leg was very painful, so his temper came up.

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