Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2305: Secret Love Letter (4)

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, and suddenly thought of something, his face was sad.

"Well, you talk about his dad. Should I tell him? How should I tell him?"

She felt that she should tell Lu Yichen.

However, she didn't know how to open the mouth.

So annoying!

Yin Shao looked at her, "So are you bothering him now?"

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't admit it.

She wrapped his arms with a smile.

"Well, let's just let it go and wait until the time comes."

It's hard for her to suddenly run to tell Lu Yichen that his father has something to do with the terrorists?

Alas, but it's not easy to leave it alone.

The two walked to the first high school building, Yin Shaoyan grabbed the cake in her hand and said, "Okay, you go to class."

Mu Xiaoxiao followed the cake, "What about my cake?"

"Do you want to eat during class? The students will come to eat after school."

Yin Shaoji said, pushing her to the teaching building.

"Don't you let me eat without getting sleepy? I haven't eaten yet!" Mu Xiaoxiao said, depressed, not willing to go forward.

Waiting for school?

She can't wait! She is going to eat now!

Yin Shaoji said, "Then wait for the lesson. Now it's almost time to go to class. You go to the class first, and then talk."

"Woohoo, can you let me have a bite first? Just one bite!"

Mu Xiaoxiao folded her hands, her eyes glowed with hope.

Yin Shaojie relented, "Just a bite?"

"Huh!" Mu Xiao nodded, pointing at the Boston cake and saying, "Eat this."

Yin Shaojie took out the Boston cake.

Who knows, Mu Xiaoxiao snatched the cake directly.

"Bye, then I'm going to class!"

Yin Shaojie smiled and shook her head behind.

After class.

Mu Xiaoxiao ran to the student union building regardless of the next class.

Her strawberry cake!

After eating Boston cake, she missed her beloved strawberry cake more and more. Throughout the class, she was full of her strawberry cake and could not attend the class at all.

Of course, 90% of this sentence was an excuse. The reason she really couldn't listen to the class was because she was sleepy.

Just after class, she was energetic and rushed to the student union building.

"My love concubine ~~"

Mu Xiaoxiao rummaged for her strawberry cake in the refrigerator in the lounge.

However, there were only fruits and drinks in the refrigerator, and there was no trace of strawberry cake.

"Where's my strawberry cake? Where have you been hiding?"

At this time, Song Shijun stepped forward and saw that she was almost buried in the refrigerator, and was shocked.

"Little, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for something." Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't find it when he rummaged through the refrigerator.

"Asshole Yin Shaoyin!"

She stomped angrily, guessing that it must be Yin Shaojiang hiding.

Knowing that she was looking for strawberry cake, Song Shijun said, "Shao may be in the refrigerator in his office."

"Yeah!" Mu Xiaoxiao remembered, and there was a refrigerator in Yin Shaojiu's office.

She was about to go and was stopped by Song Shijun.

"Little, wait a minute."

Song Shijun looked around and confirmed that no one was present before handing something to her, "This is for you."


Song Shijun said mysteriously, "You'll know if you've seen it."

"Oh." Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care and went to Yin Shao's office.

Han Qiqing happened to pass her by.

She asked Song Shijun, "What's in Xiaoxiao's hand?"

Song Shijun reached her ear and said mysteriously, "Love letter."

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