Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2306: Can't let Yin Shaoji know (1)

When he heard the word 'love letter', Han Qiqing became immediately interested, dragging his sleeve and lowering it.

After making good gossip gestures, she whispered, "Who gave it to Xiao?"

Song Shijun smiled and said, "I gave it."

Han Qiqing took a breath and opened her eyes suddenly.

She pointed at him, her fingers shaking.

"You? Song Shijun! You are dead! You dare ..."

Song Shijun grabbed her finger and rolled her eyes.

"I didn't write the love letter!"

Han Qiqing was relieved. "It wasn't you who wrote it, it scared me ... No, wait, it wasn't you who wrote it, why did you give it to Xiaoxiao? I know, you gave it to others? You It ’s not right to sit like this! Yin Shaojie and Xiao Xiao are so good ... "

Song Shijun grabbed a pillow from the sofa and covered her face.

"Hmm ..." Han Qiqing struggled to open the pillow.

"What are you doing! Are you afraid of me if you can do such a thing? I tell you, I won't help you hide it, I will definitely tell Yin Shaojie!"

Song Shijun said, pointing at her, "This thing must not be told to Shao, at least for the time being."

Han Qiqing was so angry that he hit him with a pillow.

"I'm mad at you! How can you break them up! Are you human?"

Song Shijun's face was depressed by her face.

"You don't know anything, guess anything there?"

It really convinced the girls' imagination.

Han Qiqing akimbo, "All right, what do you mean by this love letter?"

Song Shijun scratched his head in annoyance and muttered, "I could not say ..."

"Say! Hurry up!" Han Qiqing threatened him with a pillow as a weapon.

Song Shijun pointed at her and said, "Okay, I can tell you a little bit, but you can't say it, you can't say it, have you heard it?"

Han Qiqing said, "OK."

Song Shijun felt she was perfunctory in answering, "You swear."

Han Qiqing's face ‘do n’t need it? ’Expression, but still swears according to what he said,“ Okay, I swear, I ’m not going to say that, okay? Come on! ”

He provoked her curiosity without telling her, it was really anxious!

Song Shijun carefully looked around and confirmed that no one was there.

He just got to her ears, blocking his hands, and whispered, "These love letters are ..."


After school.

Because she couldn't sleep well last night, Mu Xiaoxiao was not in a good state today. As soon as school was over, she arrived at the student union and threw herself on the sofa, lying on her side.

Seeing Song Shijun coming in, she said, "I'll take a break and call me when I go to dinner."

"Um." Song Shijun responded.

After a while, Han Qiqing also came in, and she looked at Mu Xiaoxiao lying on the sofa with a restful word.

Song Shijun seemed to know what she wanted to sit on, and hurriedly dragged her.

"Don't always think about gossip."

Han Qiqing said, "No gossip is not gossip ..."

She sat on a single sofa and played with her mobile phone.

When Yin Shaojiu walked in, they saw the two of them, each sitting on a single sofa, playing with mobile phones, while Mu Xiaoxiao was lying on the couch.

He walked over and said to Song Shijun, "Why not let her go to sleep?"

Although there is heating in the room, after all, it is winter. What should I do if I accidentally fall asleep after falling asleep?

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