Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2370: Second marriage proposal (1)

The next two words, Song Shijun did not speak directly, but made a mouth shape.

Han Qiqing understood at a glance, widened his eyes in surprise, and then made a sea dog clap.

All of them held their breaths subconsciously, waiting for what Yin Shaojie would say next.

Who knows, Yin Shaojie stopped talking at this time.

He just looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with a smile.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him strangely.

Suddenly, someone heard some voice, and that voice was getting louder.

"Did you hear that? What sound is this?"

This sentence caused a commotion in the crowd, and everyone looked up, looking for the source of the sound.

"It's that! Aerial camera!"

Someone yelled, pointing at a certain point in the sky.

"Wow, a lot of aerial cameras, what are you doing?"

Everyone was wondering, and they saw the aerial cameras flying all over Mu Xiaoxiao.

The next second, pink petals fell like snow.

"Petal? It's winter now, how could there be flowers!"

Everyone was amazed.

At this moment, the microphone suddenly heard a voice, "Mu Xiaoxiao!"

I'm talking less!

Mu Xiaoxiao had already guessed what he wanted to do, but he was still not sure.

Last night she asked him rhetorically where the proposal ring had gone.

He said that the ring was somewhat damaged and had been repaired, but it could not be returned for the time being.

Mu Xiaoxiao had a little regret at the time.

So he lied to her last night?

She hugged him with a smile.

Yin Shaoxu pulled out a small brocade box from his pocket, and his handsome face had a charming smile.

Mu Xiaoxiao remembered the misunderstanding on the mountain before.

She just wanted to say, isn't it a ring again?

As soon as I saw it, Yin Shaojiu opened the brocade box directly.

Lying inside, it was the ring that was last proposed!

Mu Xiao rejoiced carefully, the corners of her mouth could not help but raised her lips, but she tried to squeeze her lips and controlled.


The others couldn't calm down, and everyone saw an exclamation when they saw the ring.

This posture ...

Wouldn't you be asking for marriage?

In fact, some people saw the proposal live broadcast in Times Square in the United States before, but later I did n’t know what was going on, and I could n’t find that video anymore. The girls were blinded by themselves, and the proposal of the younger must be false Maybe what was being filmed?

People are like this. They believe in what they believe in, and if they do n’t believe in it, they choose to blind themselves.

Just now everyone guessed that Shao was going to confess.

No one would have thought that I was asking for marriage!

Now that everyone saw the ring, everyone froze, widening their eyes one by one.

Yin Shaojie did not let Mu Xiaoxiao wait too long.

He knelt down on one knee, and his deep black eyes looked at her tenderly, his mouth bent, making a charming smile.

"Mu Xiaoxiao, would you let me take care of you forever?"

Mu Xiaoxiao guessed that he was asking for marriage, but when I heard him say it, the sweet feeling suddenly hit her, so that the corners of her mouth could not be hidden, and a high arc was raised. .

Xiao Shao really proposes!

This fact happened in front of everyone.

The girls were stunned, and some still covered their ears, as if they didn't have to accept this cruel reality.

Although every girl is jealous, she wonders why the person who was prosecuted by him is not herself?

However, they also have to admit that such a proposal is really too romantic!

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