Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2371: Second marriage proposal (2)

Propose to her in front of everyone, all students.

And he said: Will you let me take care of you forever?

In other words, Shao plans to spend a lifetime with Mu Xiaoxiao?

His future, as long as she is alone?

Oh my god!

how romantic!

Envy and jealousy are really intertwined, and the mood of girls is so complicated.

In contrast, the boys are much simpler, clapping their hands and cheering, applauding Yin Shaoxing.

"Oh oh oh oh! What a shame!"

"Promise him! Promise him!"

"Mu Xiaoxiao, what are you still thinking about, and promise quickly?"

The pink petals fall, and the handsome young man kneels on one knee and makes a vow to the beloved girl for the next life.

This scene is too beautiful and romantic.

The girls couldn't help but applaud.

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were fixed on the ring in the brocade box. This ring, before she had time to look a few more times, an accident happened.

That time, she didn't have time to answer him.

So he was obsessed with the second proposal?

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him with his face, but the smile at the corner of his mouth was full of happiness.

She smiled and stretched her fingers at him.

"Um!" She nodded.

Of course Yin Shaojie knew she would agree, but at that moment, he didn't know why he was a little nervous.

Finally got her response!

He was so happy that he took out the ring from the brocade box, held her finger, and put it on.

He kissed her finger.

Mu Xiaoxiao rushed up and hugged him tightly.

"Yin Shaoxing, have I told you that I love you so much?"

Yin Shaoji kissed her side face and chuckled, "I love you too."

The world is so big, but I only love you.

There were thunderous applause from the crowd, and whistles from boys.

Watching this scene, Han Qiqing secretly wiped the tears in his eyes.


Song Shijun turned her head and looked at her funny, "What are you doing? You won't be moved to cry, right?"

Han Qiqing glanced at him, "I'm happy for little!"

The previous proposal was more grand, but something unexpected happened, causing great regret.

Although the proposal was not as grand as last time, she felt very romantic.

Proposing marriage in the eyes of all the students is really great!

Han Qiqing feels that she prefers this proposal.

She said, "Is Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaojie doing this?

Song Shijun said with a smile, "Isn't they already achieving positive results? This proposal is just a ceremony."

The future is still growing!

Proposal is not the end, but the beginning.

Over there, Yin Shaojie succeeded in his marriage proposal and hugged Mu Xiaoxiao and wanted to kiss her.

Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly covered his lips.

Yin Shaojiao raised an eyebrow. "No?"

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and shook his head at him.

Yin Shaojie looked a little sorry.

Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "I'll give you a kiss when I go back."

"Then let's go back now!" Yin Shaojie directly hugged her.

The classmates on the side listened to the conversation clearly.

The girl was a little hesitant, "..."

Is such an anxious adolescent really the one they know?

Mu Xiaoxiao was hugged and patted Yin Shao's hand.

"Are you crazy? The kick-off ceremony is still underway. You are going to lead the team and you forgot? Hurry up and let me down!"

"Don't let it go!" Yin Shaoji said arrogantly.

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, "You don't let me down, do you want to run with me?"

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