Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2722: I don't want to hide from you anymore (1)

The heart seemed to be enclosed in a small space, an unspeakable discomfort.

Yin Shaojiu put one hand on the steering wheel, looked at her sideways, and asked, "I haven't had dinner yet, don't you worry if I'm hungry?"

If she used to, she would worry about him.

Mu Xiaoxiao blinked his eyes and laughed, "Are you so big and hungry, wouldn't you go to eat? Really, okay, drive home, I'm a bit tired."

Yin Shao frowned, turned his head, and started the car.

Mu Xiaoxiao put his elbow on the door, eyes looking at the scenery outside the car.

She looked calm and could not see any emotions.

Obviously she was sitting on the co-pilot, but he felt as if they were far apart.

There was a feeling of congestion in her heart, and Yin Shaobi took a deep breath for two times before feeling more comfortable.

The journey home was quiet.

Yin Shaoji talked to her from time to time and chatted, Mu Xiaoxiao responded to him.

However, her attitude was no longer ridiculing or voicing with him as before, but rather a normal conversation.

Normal to ... Very abnormal.

Yin Shaojie has a handsome face.

I was back home after a while. Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know when to plug in headphones to listen to music.

In his impression, she rarely listened to music with headphones.

Especially with him, attention has always been on him.

Mu Xiaoxiao now became unpredictable.

Obviously, he thought he was the one who knew her best.

After entering this rich area, cars and people became very few. In a place without people, Yin Shaojiu stopped the car.

"Little." He turned to look at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao noticed that the car was parked and thought it was home. He looked up and realized that it was not.

She turned to look at him, and asked, with black eyes, confused, "Is the car broken?"

"No, I want to talk to you." Yin Shaoji said with a serious expression.

Mu Xiaoxiao disapproved, and said with a smile, "Chat?"

Yin Shaoji said, "Are you still angry?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and said funnyly, "No, where am I angry?"

Yeah, she didn't look angry, just like usual. There was always a smile on her face, and she didn't ignore him on purpose.


Yin Shaojie felt something separated from her, no longer as intimate as before.

It made him uncomfortable.

Mu Xiaoxiao propped his chin with his hand and held him up, saying, "Are you psychological?"

Is it really psychological?

Yin Shaojii denied this statement in his heart.


Definitely not.

He looked into her eyes, trying to see through her emotions.

However, he only felt an invisible wall stuck between the two.

He frowned at her and said, "Little, if you are unhappy, just tell me, please? Don't be bored."

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled innocently. "I'm not unhappy. I really don't. I just want to open it. Once I figure it out, I feel better."

"Really?" He couldn't see whether her smile was true or false.

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed and said, "Did you think that I was still angry with Mother Yin? I was not angry, and I was not angry from the beginning. In fact, Mother Yin was right about me, I really shouldn't say that Yes, it ’s Jiang Ruoqiang. It ’s too hurting to hear this sentence. From the perspective of Jiang Ruoqi, it ’s understandable that she wants to do something in the last days. ”

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