Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2723: I don't want to hide from you anymore (2)

"Perhaps, she wants to lend you a ten-minute boyfriend. For her reason, I shouldn't be in a hurry and quarrel with her without asking clearly."

"I am so jealous that I am not understanding enough."

She was talking about her wrong.

Yin Shaojiu's brow frowned and tightened.

She behaved so generously and open-mindedly, but he only felt dull.

What's wrong ...

This should not be the case.

Obviously she has become reasonable and considerate of others. Should he be happy?

No, he must not be happy.

He shouldn't be like this!

Why is she thinking about others everywhere and then wronging herself?

His little one should be wanton and happy, whatever he wants.

Even if she is willful and willful, he will protect her, as long as she is happy.

But now ... why is it like this?

Looking back at her who just returned to China, her smile was so bright and bright, but looking at her now, she was obviously sweet, but he always felt something missing.

What's missing?

Yin Shaojiu's dark eyes were tightly locked on her.

Concern is messy.

For a moment, his mind was disordered, and his clear thinking had become a bit chaotic.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't think he was talking, and didn't want to guess what he was thinking.

She stretched out and said, "It's getting late, let's go home first, I want to go back and take a shower."

Yin Shao bowed his head and decided to go home first.

When he got home, Mu Xiaoxiao went upstairs on his own. When he met Yin mother in the living room, he greeted him affectionately.

Yin Shaojiu followed in, and Heiwu looked at her back upstairs deeply.

Mother Yin came to him and saw that his face was not good, so she asked, "What's wrong?"

Yin Shaoxing shook his head and said, "Nothing."

He just wanted to take a step and thought of something. He looked back and said to his mother, "Mom, about Jiang Ruoxi ..."

that side.

Mu Xiaoxiao had already gone upstairs and suddenly felt thirsty. Then he turned and went downstairs, wanting to drink a glass of water.

Who knew that at the stairs, I heard the conversation between Yin Shaoyu and Yin mother.

"Can't tell Xiaoxiao, anyway can't say." Mother Yin's tone was very strong.

Mu's footsteps paused, and the footsteps originally intended to go down shrank back.

She turned and didn't want to listen to the words at all, so she went upstairs.

When she got back to the room, she asked her servant to get water for herself.

After a while, Yin Shaoji went upstairs and wanted to go to her room, only to find that she had locked the door.

"Little." He patted the door.

Mu Xiaoxiao ignored it. She was half-lying on the sofa, playing with her mobile phone.

It wasn't until Yin Shaoxian knocked several times before she got up and opened the door.

Impatient, "Why, I'm preparing for a bath."

Yin Shaojie looked at her, "Aren't you asking someone to get you water? I let the kitchen make a strawberry milkshake."

"I'm thirsty, I want to drink water, hey, forget it, the milkshake is the milkshake." Mu Xiaoxiaodu took away the strawberry milkshake in his hands, groaned with his head, and drank The cup was shoved back into his hands.

"Well, I'm done drinking, can you go out? I'm going to take a shower."

"Little ..."

No matter what he wanted to say, she pushed him out hard and closed the door with a slam.

She leaned back against the door and bowed her head in silence.

After a while, she raised her head and walked to the cloakroom.

When she came out of the bath, she found that Yin Shaojie didn't know how to appear in her room.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't ask, didn't look at him, wiped his hair with a towel, and walked to the bed.

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