Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2724: I don't want to hide from you anymore (3)

She sat on the bed.

Yin Shaoji came over and said, "I help you blow your hair."

"No, I'll blow it myself." Mu Xiaoxiao refused his help, his expression was calm.

Yin Shaojiu's dark eyes sinked slightly, walked over to the bed, and suddenly hugged her.

Facing his domineering, Mu Xiaoxiao gave him a glare.

He looked at her, "If you get angry, hit me."

He would rather she let him out, than see her like this.

Obviously nothing has changed, but a wall was built in his heart to separate him.

Although Yin Shaojie didn't show it, he was actually panicked.

If it continues like this, will it slowly, the relationship between them will change.

With her heart separated, she simply expelled him ...

He was really panicked.

He did not allow her to do so.

Absolutely not allowed!

She and him can only be intimate and nothing can stand in the way.

Mu Xiaoxiao said silently, "If you like blowing, just blow it."

Someone was willing to serve her, why did she stop?

Yin Shaoyi took her to the sofa and let her sit down, so he went to get a hair dryer.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly got up.

Yin Shaoji said, "Sit down."

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at him, "I have a cell phone."

Yin Shaoji said, "I'll get it for you, and you can sit down."

Domineering is enough!

Mu Xiaoxiao was speechless and had to sit back again, sitting cross-legged and hugging a pillow in his arms.

Yin Shaojiu took the hair dryer and her cell phone, and handed her the cell phone.

Mu Xiaoxiao held a mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Jun Zeye in front of him.

——Hello, hello, are you there?

Azer said that as long as she looks for him, he will reply to her as soon as possible.

I thought he would wait for a while, but he didn't expect that he would reply to her almost immediately.


The reply style is exactly the same as his character.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and asked where he is now.

——The imperial capital.

Seeing that he was not in City A, Mu Xiaoxiao looked disappointed.

——When will you come to City A? Every time you stay there is so short, I don't seem to have had a meal with you.

In my ear, the sound of a hair dryer whispered, and the hot wind.

Yin Shaojie's long fingers passed through her silk-like hair, and she moved very gently.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care whether he would see it or not, and he chatted with Jun Zeye.

——Will I go to Didu to meet you after finishing the exam?


Mu Xiaoxiao laughed.

-Then say so! If you want to be my tour guide, you have to eat, eat and wrap.


Mu Xiaoxiao smiled again.

Yin Shaojiu looked at her smile above her head, only to feel like a needle stuck to herself.

She said she was going to Emperor Capital, but she didn't say to go with him at all.

As if she was no longer in her plan.

Obviously, the two have always been inseparable. Every time he goes, she has to follow her.

Recalling the previous scene, he just felt as if he had passed away.

She changed.

It seemed that he was no longer needed.

He is no longer a necessity in her life.

Yin Shaojie had a terrible heartache.

"Little ..." His throat seemed to be choked by something, no, it was his heart that was blocked, what was blocked, it was uncomfortable.

Feeling his hand stop.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up at him, "Not yet."

Seeing that he didn't move, she simply put down her cell phone, took the hair dryer in his hand, and blew it herself.

If it had been before, she would have been pestering him, using all the coquettish methods, or the queen-like tone, to ask him to dry her.

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