Energy Group

Chapter 1002:

"Boss, people from Beichen have come, saying that they want to see you." Li Cong is watching some news in Japan. This should finally come. If he doesn't come, he will really wait to grow his hair. After being bullied to the door, this group of Japanese are still so slow in their movements. Are they really calm or frightened by themselves? Or what should we do at home?

"Hehe, what are you waiting for? Please invite someone in soon. I have been waiting for a long time." Li Cong hurriedly asked Ono-kun to invite people in. Three people came, and they should be the same as Noaka Ichiro depending on their age. For generations, the things they sent are traditional Japanese challenge books, but the rules are a little different. This is the main reason for them to come. Otherwise, it would be nice to ask someone to throw the challenge books in at the door. There is no need to come in.

In fact, they considered Li Cong from the beginning this time. It was originally Li Cong’s challenge, but they sent the challenge letter. This means that they are passive and they are proactive. It’s just that Li Cong is the main one. It’s just the things you’re looking at. It’s fine for you to decide who is passive and who takes the initiative. As long as we can win things upright, you can take care of the other things. We don’t use those tedious things. This is the advantage of Li Cong’s current status. If he played his original status, he would have to clarify everything. A little something wrong may cause damage to the reputation of the energy group. Now it is unnecessary. Yes, you only need to know that I am a Chinese.

"I have seen the speed of your Beichen sword flow. I thought you would have to kill the door the next day. I didn't expect you to be so friendly. Knowing that my subordinates are going to do some activities, I sent so many people to help. I was so touched that I came and came, all sitting, all sitting, why didn’t I see Mr. Ichiro Noaka, he is a very good person, he is really enthusiastic, he helped me so much, I want to thank him Well, who knows that I didn’t even give me the opportunity to thank you, so I went straight back. You must help me to convey this when you go back. Although we are in a state of engagement, we can also become good friends. Wushu is A kind of communication, I can be a good friend just like Mr. Ichiro Noaka." Li Cong’s current statement is bad according to Beijingers, and he deliberately sprinkled salt on other people’s wounds. Half of Tokyo’s people are Knowing what Ichiro Noaka has done, now you are talking about them vigorously in front of their younger brothers, what is your heart?

"Senior Brother Noaka is no longer a member of our Beichen style, but I have to thank Mr. Li for this. My name is Masahiro Murani. I am the representative who came to negotiate with Mr. Li this time. Mr. Li does not have to doubt whether I have the right. The status of Beichen One Sword Style, Miss Sakura next to you, can give you a detailed introduction. I think if Mr. Li finishes talking about the relationship with my Senior Brother Noaka, can we start negotiations?" This guy just saw it. It was more difficult to deal with than Noakaichiro and Hattori Zhan, and he didn't follow Li Cong's words from the beginning, and the words between the lines are also thorny.

"Boss, this person is right. He is in charge of external liaison affairs in the North Star One Sword Style. The rights are indeed greater than that of Ichiro Nochu, but his skill is not very good. It can be said that his rights are The entire Beichen One Sword Stream can be ranked, and sometimes he can do it for some meetings that invite Hattori Musashi to participate." Sakurako whispered to Li Cong, Li Cong in the province did not know the situation.

"Haha, is there actually no need to be so serious? China and Japan are friendly neighbors separated by a strip of water. Didn’t our prime minister just visit Japan just now? Let’s not take things so seriously. We are one. This kind of martial arts exchange is just a little more expensive, but if you don’t like it, we can play a little smaller.” Li Cong said while picking up his fingernails, it seemed that he didn’t pay much attention to the negotiation. If one of the two old guys didn't come, you came. What are you?

"No, Mr. Li, you have misunderstood what we mean. We at Beichen have never been afraid of any kind of challenge. The first thing I want to say here is that Mr. Li really wants to challenge us? And agree that we will send twelve Individuals?" This is a prerequisite for a meeting. If Li Cong says nothing, the media under Beichen's Yidaoliu will immediately say that the Chinese are scared, and they will put all their faults on the Chinese. It is simply too simple for them.

"Hehe, of course, I admire your martial arts culture very much. I don't know when we can start?" Li Cong became a little impatient. He learned a lot about Beichen's slashing history and knew that World War II invaded China. Many of the military officers went out here, and there were thousands of warriors who went out with the army, speaking of which were comparable to the Mitsubishi family's sins. If you let them go, I would really be sorry to my ancestors.

"Mr. Li, please don't worry. We have a good reputation in Japan with the Beichen Sword Style. In recent decades, we have not been challenged to the door like this once. So we have to do a lot of preparations, and we will invite some Japanese martial arts circles. People come to participate. Of course, we will send someone in China to invite some, so that we can achieve absolute notarization, but we have to discuss some funds with Mr. Li." The kid took out a copy from the briefcase after he finished talking. The contract seems to have been studied for a long time. Li Cong has no objection to this. Since you want to be more embarrassed, what reason do I have to stop you?

"I don't know where some people are dissatisfied?" Li Cong didn't look at the contract, and asked directly. Now it's useless to read it. Maybe you have to change it later. Point, and finally get it back together.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Hattori Musashi must be added to our twelve people, and we ask Mr. Li to raise your bargaining chip." The content of the amendment is simply these two sentences, but they are both terrible things, Li It never felt so good, but Li Cong's followers were immediately unhappy.

"I said Mr. Masahiro Muranishi, are you still awake? Our boss has already made a big concession against the twelve of you. How can we add Master Hattori Musashi? This is simply not the same level. , Our boss thinks that your age is half your age, and you have an abdomen half as big as the old man. It is two generations away. It’s too serious to bully the small by the big one. Besides, you are a hilltop, worth 10 billion. U.S. dollars?" Before Takeshita killed him, he didn’t dare to talk to the people of Beichen’s swordsmanship, but now it’s not the same as before. Didn’t you see that we all live in the Emperor’s house? We can live wherever we can, so what else can we not say?

"Mr. Li, this is? Last time when you were with us, you taught me a few nonsense juniors. I didn't expect that Mr. Li's subordinates were like this." Muraxi Masahiro was aimed at Li Cong every sentence, he thought Li Cong would immediately reprimand his little brother after listening to him, so that there would be a problem between him and his subordinates, but it was a pity that his little Jiujiu had been spotted by Li Congji long ago.

"What this gentleman said is what I said. He just stated what I wanted to say. There is nothing wrong, Mr. Muranishi, I think you are thinking too well? In Japan, it is just a child. I know who the two giants of your Beichen swordsmanship are. I am not a fool. I have not yet been so arrogant to face twelve people at the same time. Among these twelve people are your two giants. This is really too great for me. It's difficult, there is no hope of winning at all, and you asked me to increase my bet. Isn't this deliberately telling me to lose? Besides, what is worthy of your Beichen headquarters? Ten billion? I feel that the US dollar is too much." Li never said politely. In fact, he is dying of joy now. These people ask themselves to increase their bargaining chips. It must be that they are going to make those treasures public. Those things are not tens of billions. There is a problem with the US dollar. The Mitsubishi family should be considered to be on the same level as the Beichen One Sword Art. Sometimes the influence of the Beichen One Sword Art is much greater than that of the Mitsubishi family, but the development direction of the two sides is a bit different. The Mitsubishi family Half of that is hundreds of billions. If he wins all of them, how much does it cost? But it does not rule out that Beichen One Sword Style also has several treasure troves, but undoubtedly this one in the headquarters should be the largest one.

"Mr. Li, we won't pursue this issue anymore. It's okay for any of you to speak. We just want to quickly settle some matters of the decisive battle, and other matters will not be out of the question." This guy saw that he was already prepared. The instigation didn’t result in any results. It’s better to do business as soon as possible. The man in front of him was also there when he was gambling with the gambler. At that time, he was a bit confused about why the gambler was irritated by this guy. I lost my sanity, and now I know that if I talk to this guy for a while, I will be irritated.

"Of course, we are not looking for things. I read your plan and it says that you want me to pay 50 billion US dollars. I don’t know what you have on it that can make me pay 50 billion US dollars. I have looked for investment. The people in the industry have inspected your place and finally came to the conclusion that it is less than 10 billion US dollars, so my 10 billion US dollars is already quite a lot. It is impossible for me to pay more. Yes, I'm so bad." Li Cong said directly, this is so good, everyone is going straight ahead, and going around can only make simple things more complicated.

"Mr. Li, the investment firm you were looking for did not deceive you. For us, our headquarters is worth 10 billion U.S. dollars. This is because other people treat us preferentially, but you were talking about this mountain and this mountain. But do you know how many things are in our Beichen Yidao warehouse? If Mr. Li knows, I’m afraid you’ll feel that the 50 billion dollars will be a big bargain.” The guy said temptation, their purpose is Let Li Cong sign this contract, and one person fights twelve people alone. If Li never sign, they will let Li Cong look at the bets they put out. Those things can be ten times as much. Li Cong is a gambler. , I will definitely understand the principle of wealth and wealth insurance, but the danger is a bit bigger. Of course, this is from their perspective. If Li Cong sees it, you are sending me money.

"Your Beichen one-sword warehouse? Mr. Muranxi, are you kidding? The most valuable piece of land is yours. Is it all gold in the warehouse? Isn't that impossible?" Li Cong said deliberately, still wearing his face. With a look of disdain, Ono-kun on the side quickly showed his face to the bottom. He doesn't have the acting skills of the boss, so he has his ears up at this moment. I have to see what baby they have. It’s not more than Mitsubishi’s.

"Mr. Li, can I take a step to talk about some things?" Muranishi Masahiro looked at so many people around him. Li Cong also knew that this is the time when he is talking about serious matters. These people around him are not in time with him. It's very long, so I pointed to the balcony, and the two heat went out.

"Mr. Murakami, it should be ok here. Facing the sea, there is a strong sea breeze. Even if I have any equipment on my body, it is impossible to monitor anything. I promise that the last thing will not happen again." Li Cong was referring to the news event about the battle. Now these people who talk to Li Cong are actually very scared, and they are afraid of doing something like that again. Hattori Zhan Er is an old man. If he made a mistake, no one would say him, but he himself It’s not the same. Didn’t you see that Ichiro Nochu who was gone was so miserable? He was killed by the previous enemies and couldn’t find Bei. These years, relying on Beichen's swordsmanship, he has done bad things, and it’s true that the day when he has retribution. It's really uncomfortable.

"Mr. Li joked. We know that Mr. Li is just joking about that. Let's talk about our Beichen one-stop treasure. I can responsibly tell Mr. Li that things on the mountain can be exchanged for money. That is hundreds of billions of dollars, or even more. If I don’t say anything else, I’ll just ask Mr. Li how much your country’s Yongle Grand Ceremony is worth?” This guy knows that arguing with Li Cong will not help. To be more magnanimous, I won't care about that matter. I'm talking about here.

Yongle ceremony? "Yongle Dadian" was compiled during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty. It was originally named "Henwen Dacheng". It is an encyclopedic collection of Chinese documents. The catalogue is 60 volumes, the main text is 22877 volumes, and it is packed into 11095 volumes with approximately 370 million words. This ancient culture The treasure house has collected seven or eight thousand kinds of ancient and modern books. "Yongle Dadian" often suffers catastrophes, and most of them died in the flames of war. There are less than 800 volumes in existence today.

The original copy of "Yongle Dadian" has been lost, and the copy of "Dadian" that escaped the war in the late Ming Dynasty also has more than two thousand volumes incomplete. Throughout the Qing Dynasty, the "Yongle Dadian" was revalued and used by scholars and rulers. It also experienced a tragic fate of being stolen, burned, and looted. It was finally destroyed when the Eight-Power Allied Forces entered Beijing in 1900. The remaining 400 copies are collected by 30 institutions in 8 countries and regions.

Among foreign countries that have collected "Yongle Dadian", Japan has the largest collection. Japan’s Toyo Bunko is known as one of the world’s top five Asian studies research centers. Many of its collections are from China. Li Cong looked up at the sharp-mouthed monkey-gill guy in front of him. Just now he looked very pleasing to this kid. A book Li always hated this kid to the extreme.

Masahiro Murani doesn't care what kind of eyes Li Cong looks at him. At this moment, he knows that the gambling game is okay when he looks at Li Cong. There are such a group of people in China who see their ancestors from foreigners. I have to take home the things that Li Cong was gambling with Gambling Ji a few days ago. Wasn’t it because of the antiques? It’s right to use this thing to attract Li Cong. In fact, Masahiro Murani was also betting. I didn’t expect Li Cong to pay. This is such a person.

"Each volume of Yongle Dadian is priceless, I want to know how many of you have?" Li Cong asked directly, there was no more smile on his face.

"Hehe, how can the news of the year be true? We Japanese have also participated in the Eight-Nation Alliance’s entry into and we still have the most people. The final harvest is naturally the best. As for Mr. Li believes that if you don’t believe it, you have to see it with your own eyes. If Mr. Li has time, you can go and see it with us. Everything will definitely make Mr. Li feel Baoshan.” Muranishi Masahiro said with a smile, actually. If it wasn't that Li Cong had the plan behind, he would have punched this guy to death a long time ago. He even dared to show off the things he robbed from his house. He would be sorry if he didn't kill him.

"Mr. Masahiro Muranishi, go back and tell them that there is no problem with this gambling game. I will participate. There is no problem with 50 billion US dollars. But you had better not fake me with those goods, otherwise I won't let any deception on me. People.” Li Cong left this guy and left after he finished speaking. Masahiro Muranishi didn’t recover until Li Cong walked for five minutes. What happened just now? How could this young man put so much pressure on him Well, this is Japan. That kid is just a powerless Chinese. How could he be scared? It seems that this kid really has 50 billion dollars?

Beichen One Sword Flow is indeed rich, but the money is some fixed assets and cannot be sold. If all the antiques in the warehouse are sold out, it is estimated that the entire antique market will fall in price. That’s too much. Compared to Europe, Japan is considered an ancient country. Besides, Japan has not suffered as much disaster as China, so it is normal to save something.

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