Energy Group

Chapter 1003:

The words of Masahiro Murakami dealt a great blow to Li Cong. During his time in Japan, Li Cong met people like Ono-kun. He felt that some Japanese were not that hateful. In line with the principle of making friends, he himself He changed a lot of his views on them, but the words of Masahiro this village brought Li Cong back to his original state. Now Li Cong must make Beichen pay the price for their crimes. Seven Road Chinese

"Boss, I found the information you want. In the entire war of aggression against China, there were more than 3,500 people from Beichen who went to China with the army. Most of them were officers at the first level. So what they got was very Many things in the Shenyang Forbidden City were basically given to them by Puyi. It is said that nearly fifty trucks were transported by trucks alone. There were also a lot of things that Puyi took out back then, and it also involved the Man Qing Dynasty. A base camp outside the customs. It is said that after these things flowed into Japan, some of them were occupied by the military personnel, and the other part was divided by the major forces in Japan. At that time, the Beichen Swordsmanship occupied definitely a large number, that is, the military. The group of them occupied by the Ministry is also very suspicious. After all, high-ranking military officials at the time went out from them." Karelina mobilized the forces of the investigation department in Japan to help Li Cong figure out a lot of Beichen's cuts. Stream things.

"Very good, do you have any other news?" Li Cong is not satisfied with these Li Cong, originally he had to rely on his own personal strength to slowly kill Beichen with a knife, but after listening to Murakami Masahiro's words, I felt that That would be too slow to let this group of **** continue to be so free. I have to show them a little bit of color and let them know.

"There is also. Well, I think boss, you must have heard of a story in the Nanjing Massacre that year. It was the incident of two Japanese officers slashing Chinese people with a katana. Those two Japanese officers who competed were also from Beichen. "This news is even worse than the one just now. Li Cong wanted to throw the phone directly away from the hand holding the phone. Those two guys could not be found back then, but your teacher was still there. If there was no Beichen back then. If you can't go to China with the support of the one-sword style, then the hundreds of people will not die in the hands of these two beasts, and in the future, you will not feel guilty for what Beichen one-sword style does.

"I remember these two guys back then as Xiangjing and Noda. Now they have any descendants in Beichen?" Li Cong's memory is still good, and these two guys are very famous in Chinese history textbooks. They have all appeared on the previous page. How can these two guys believe that the war has been over for so many years, and someone will come to the door.

"We have investigated these two people. Both of them died for various reasons in the 1970s, but their descendants continued to be sucked in by Beichen, and Xiangjing’s descendants were eliminated due to physical reasons. But Noda’s descendants are very outstanding. The position he held in the Beichen One Sword Style is not small, that is, Masahiro Murakami who communicates with the outside world. "Karenina naturally did not know that all this was stimulated by that guy Li Cong. , I didn't prepare anything when I said it.

"This kid originally has such a history. Okay, I have nothing more to do." Li Cong's eyes looked like an evil spirit after he hung up the phone. No wonder this village is so arrogant. It turns out that there is a reason. Lao Tzu called You won't be arrogant anymore, and I will do what you do. We don't need humanity for things like you that are humane.

Soon a 40-page document came to Li Cong's hands. This village Masahiro had to say that he was really capable. He joined Beichen for only 20 years, but he has become the core. Those who grew up in Beichen One Sword Stream are a little bit ashamed, but this guy's martial arts is very sloppy. This guy will definitely not play in the next day's game. I can't kill this guy directly now, so I have to make this guy cheap first, and so on. Clean up this kid when the game is over.

Li Cong immediately called Muranishi Masahiro after reading the information of this guy.

"There is no problem with what you said, but I hope that the time can be a little earlier. There is something happening in my Chinese home. I don't know when you can be ready. I can do it anytime." Don't want to say more.

"Hehe, Mr. Li is really impatient. We are ready to start in three days. It is on the martial arts field in front of our division. What do you mean by Mr. Li? If you have someone to invite, you can tell directly. No matter who we are, there is no problem.” This kid was so arrogant when he spoke. If he stood in front of Li Cong, it is estimated that Li Cong would have killed the kid first.

"I don't have anything to invite, but I know how much your Beichen One-Stop Inventory has. I will send you an email later. If the above items are not available, I will not participate in such a competition." Li Cong I also asked Karelina to find a specific list of assets in order to prevent the people from Beichen from playing tricks with him. Of course, some antique appraisal experts from the Energy Group have also begun to come to Japan. These things can’t be asked by the little devil. If the flicker passed, the loss would be great.

"Just rest assured, Mr. Li. We at Beichen will not make fun of our hundreds of years of credibility. We have everything ready. Three days later, we welcome Mr. Li’s arrival. Of course, to show our sincerity, I hope that We shouldn’t irritate each other for these three days.” This guy also understands that Li Cong won’t be a big blow to Li Cong if he wants to deal with the Sakura Club, but there are more people in Beichen’s Sword Style. , If Li Cong attacked one by one, they would be unlucky in the end.

"I'm not as despicable as you. You can rest assured about this." Li said from his lips, but he didn't think so. Why is he so stupid? I never thought of such a thing. If I had thought of it, this kid Can you live till now? But now that I have brought it to the table to talk about this issue, I can't do too much, I can only endure it.

The Beichen One-Swordsman really worked **** this test. As long as people with a little reputation in Japan are basically invited, the only thing that is not very good is that the Emperor of Japan did not come because of physical reasons. The old guy Hattori Musashi felt a little uncomfortable, because of the Emperor's health? Isn't the previous paragraph okay? Besides, it's just a little girl. What can't young people overcome? Didn’t you see that many Japanese ninjas and some old ninjas decided to attend? These people also came to cheer themselves up, but the Chinese side didn't respond so much. It was just that the Wushu Artists Association sent some people over. It's no wonder, because Li Cong was not their disciple at all.

On the contrary, some big brothers from the rivers and lakes in China rushed to hear the news. Among them is the leader of Hongmen Zhong Qingshan. Some other famous Chinese organizations around the world have also decided to send people to participate. Later, because these people are also in China. There was a master, and the trouble was so big. Finally, some of the oldest places in China also began to send people to participate under the persuasion of Hongmen, but they were all young people who were not optimistic about Li Cong’s challenge to the Japanese. The twelve-man formation, although they look down on the formations of the little devils, one person can deal with twelve people. If the guards of Hongmen are no problem, the unknown name of this kid can only be characterized as young and energetic. Now, it’s already a face-saving thing to ask young disciples to go for a few years. This also makes the Japanese side feel that our side simply doesn’t look down on this game. If we lose, we can still have room for maneuver.

It's just that these young Chinese disciples made the Japanese look a little dumbfounded when they came, and there are too many people here, there are thousands of people, and there are only a few hundred places for Chinese people. Seeing that they don't care, they don't think so many people will come. Who knows that so many people will come.

Those old domestic guys also have their own ideas. Where can I find such opportunities? They want to see the highest martial arts of Beichen Yidao style with their own eyes. They want young disciples to come out and see the world. At most, they can only get a ticket to and from Japan alone. They still pay the money, and if the young man is in Japan After being bullied, we Chinese are not here in vain. Many people can cheer up this kid, right? But these people never thought of Li Congying's aspect. In their impression, such a thing would never happen. This young man was too arrogant.

Li Cong didn't care about these thoughts, he was just thinking that he only had 10 billion dollars in his hands, where could he find these 40 billion dollars? This is not a small sum. It is not enough to get everything that I have tossed about in Japan. But at this time, an invitation may bring some other surprises to Li Cong, that is Yamada Mitsumi’s invitation. Post, this chick who opened a bank is rich and oily. Should I ask her to find a way? If I get money from the energy group, I can quickly get the people from Beichen to find out. The relationship between the energy group will be immediately untied, so that they will not dare to play and scare them back.

This is really impermanent. A week ago, this little girl chased herself and asked herself to go to them to save money. In the past few days, I have to borrow money from this little girl, and the amount of money borrowed is not A small amount, even the First Quanye Bank may not be able to lend so much money in a quarter, but it really can't find so much money in other places.

"Boss, are you going to sell yourself? But I think it's pretty good. You can get 40 billion dollars in one night. This amount will scare all the little white faces in Japan to death. They just go to those teachers for a lifetime. I guess I won’t be able to make a little bit of this money back. Boss, you are my idol. No matter what you do, you are the forerunner. If the deal is negotiated, you can set a new world record, my God, I can’t help but worship you.” Takeshita exaggeratedly said, and the other people in the car almost laughed. This is really funny. After a long time, they will know who Li Cong is. It's okay to make such a joke, but Sachiko's face is a bit unsightly.

It can be said that Yingzi can only collect less than 200 million U.S. dollars. That is still the drug money, which has no effect at all, let alone other people, but the house of Li Cong can be mortgaged to the bank. It made hundreds of millions of dollars, but if it fails, where will this family live?

"I said Takeshita, how can you say that about the boss? How could the boss sell himself? The term is too bad. I remember there is a saying in China called eating soft rice, but our boss just eats soft rice. The meal is also different from others. At most, those people eat a meal or have a house or car. Our boss is going to eat 40 billion U.S. dollars. If this matter is not Guinness For the world record, I immediately demolished their house. Boss, do you want to declare it for you? It’s very convenient. Japan has a Guinness World Records branch. Call them and they will come. ." Ono-kun who drove in front also said dishonestly, and Li Cong's face was a little hot as the two people sang together.

Is this really soft rice? It hits the idea of ​​Yamada Mitsumi who has a good opinion of him.

"I really eat soft rice? Why don't I think?" Li Cong asked Sakurako and Sachiko who were sitting across from him. Su Qing on the side was already laughing so hard. This joke is so terrible. It's fun, a man who has more than tens of billions of dollars now needs to eat soft food to continue his life.

"No, no, boss, you will always be the best in my heart." Xingzi whispered, but her face was redder than Li Cong at the moment, and she wanted to tell them not to laugh, but again For fear of them making fun of themselves, what Sachiko is interesting to the boss can be seen as long as he is not a fool. At this moment, when Sachiko said that, these people laughed even more, especially Ono-kun who was driving. I'm going to have a kiss with another car.

"Sachiko, don’t say that. Actually, I think the boss has the potential to be a little white face. Look at this figure, this looks, alas, it’s really amazing. I think if the boss does this in front of our door, we are 100 people. There are many noble ladies in Japan. We just sell our beer for five dollars for a glass of fifty dollars. It is estimated that it will be sold clean. Boss, I’m telling the truth. This is mainly It's all said that you are handsome, and there is no other meaning at all." Su Qing finally started to talk, but what she said made Li Cong want to kick her down directly. It's really unconscionable. You are broken in love. At that time, I comforted you so much. Now I have something to do. You didn’t help the boss to figure out a solution, but you came here.

"Okay, okay, you shut up all of you one by one, it's coming soon, don't say one by one, this makes people hear what it looks like, and the Yamada family is not a fool. Why should I tell you to lend it? I’m 50 billion dollars. I sold myself to you. Are they so stupid?” Li Cong originally wanted to teach them a straight face, but in the end he said something like this. Want to laugh out his internal organs, the boss seems to have the potential to be a comedian.

Yamada Mitsumi naturally didn’t know what Li came to do tonight, but knew that the person who sent the invitation came back and said that he would definitely be there. Yamada just had to go to his little wife today, as soon as he heard that his future son-in-law ( He himself thinks so) It's about to be a guest at home, what kind of concubine, let's go away, does this little wife compare to her daughter? Absolutely not, so this guy returned home after five o'clock after the shift, and began to personally direct the housekeepers to arrange the arrangements. When the provincial people came, they looked at the mess at home.

There is such a mess in this house, and there are dedicated people cleaning it every What happened today? Tomorrow is not the end of the world? Why did the lady ask me to do it again when she came back, and now the master is here again? Who the **** is here today? Even the Prime Minister has come to the house several times, and I haven't seen the master so caring? Is it? Yes, it must have something to do with the young lady’s marriage. The people who work at home are all elderly people. They watched Yamada Mitsumi grow up. They also cared a little more about her marriage. This female college would not stay. Everyone knows the truth. Yamada is also upset every day. Looking at the smiling faces of the master and the young lady, it seems that this matter is basically no problem.

Today's Yamada Mitsumi has been specially dressed up, with a lock of beautiful hair turned into a cloud bun, curved willow eyebrows, a pair of beautiful eyes looking forward to brilliance, a delicate nose, and peach cheeks are slightly reddish, small Her vermilion lips, flower-like delicate, shy and affectionate, jade-like skin, beautiful complexion, slender figure, indescribably charming, a decent black evening gown, and a sapphire necklace on her chest, accompanied by her white snow Normal skin is really fascinating. It's just the people who are used to seeing my lady. At this time, people of all ages and men want to take a look. After so many years, today's lady is the most beautiful.

"Well, it's very beautiful. After a while, the kid will have to drool down." Yamada was also dressed. Originally, he was going to hold a banquet, but after thinking about it, this kid will become a family member. Just eat a meal, and invite so many useless people to come to the house to do something, so I prepared a sumptuous meal and waited for Li Cong to arrive.

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