Energy Group

Chapter 1070:

The Young Master’s Sleep


It was actually unforeseen that father and son would meet here. Li Cong never thought that he would wait for his son here at this time, and Li Er never even thought that he would return to China at this time, and neither I thought that my father would greet him at the airport. Seeing his father standing in the cold wind waiting for him, Li Er suddenly felt that his nose was a little sore. If he were a winner at this time, it would be great, at least for now. You can rush out and tell your father how successful you are, but now that you are a complete loser, how should you be with your father? Will my father be disappointed with himself?

In fact, Li Er realized that he was wrong when he was on the plane, but he is a man, and he has already done everything he should do now. Is there anything to cover up? I dispatched so many soldiers in the father’s training camp, and there are many new weapons. Although the report there has been released, there is no leakage, but there is also a huge risk. When he was on the plane, Li Er even wondered if his father would slap himself. If that were the case, he would basically abandon his position as heir in full view. Could a failed prince still inherit the entire empire?

In fact, Li Cong has not been relieved from the discussion with the Wu family, and the people in the Wu family are not friendly. On the one hand, they discussed with Li Cong, and on the other hand, they began to transfer some of the family property. This made Li Cong treat Wu The people in the family were really disappointed. The words they said didn't touch anyone in the Wu family at all. They were greedy and believed that what was eaten in their mouths could not be taken out.

But now Li Cong has driven these things out of his mind, what is the Wu family? What is a secret base? These are not important to me. What is important is that the child who walked off the plane in front of him, his continuation in this world, if the child in front of him has a problem, that is his biggest crisis. The biggest crisis of the group.

Li Cong has always regarded this kid as his heir, now he is changing? What a joke, the replacement now means a split in the future. Li Er has become more and more powerful, and he has his own prestige within the group. A failure is nothing. If he replaces himself, it will be for the new person. Li Er is also a huge danger. By that time, the brother-in-law should be staged in Li's family. This is why Li has never wanted his youngest son to enter the group.

"Father, I'm back." Li Er walked slowly to Li Cong's body. From his voice, he could hear the original confident Li family eldest. He was a little unconfident at the moment, and he didn't have the confidence to face him. His father.

"Hehe, what's unpleasant? Don't tell me when you come back, am I not your father? Go, haven't eaten yet, I've been waiting for your boy for a long time, I ordered it in the restaurant on the airport side At one table, our father and son have not eaten together for a long time. Originally thought of looking for you in America, but your kid is a bit filial, knowing that I will come back to accompany my old man to eat. I don’t need to take a plane for ten hours. At one point, you are a pretty good son." Li Cong patted his son on the shoulder. This may be the reason why the father and son rarely meet each other. Li Cong suddenly saw that his son's height was almost as high as that of himself. He is no longer a kid, he is already an adult, and yes, he is a man who can be alone.

Li Er nodded silently, telling himself in his heart that he was a man who bleeds and sheds no tears. At this moment, he can't shed tears in front of his father. If this is the case, he really has failed.

Although the meal is in the airport restaurant, it is obvious that these things are not something that the airport restaurant can make. Everything is done by Li from the big city and then brought it here, and some of them are directly used by the chef. It was made by Lalai here, and it can be seen that Li never wanted to perfuse the meal with his son. For their father and son, it is really hard to buy at this moment.

"Drink some bar, you are an adult, I know you drink red wine in the United States, we drink white wine today, the authentic 30-year-old Moutai, boy, you have to know, a father in our China may enjoy it. Staying with your son, but do you know what the most important enjoyment is?" Li Cong asked the person next to open a bottle of Moutai and pour it on him and his son. The cups are not small cups, one or two. , It seems that I am going to have a good drink with my son today.

"I don't know." Li Er shook his head, and the feeling in his heart told his father to say something different to himself today.

"That's drinking with my son. Why? Because when the father and son can drink at the same table, it means that his son is an adult in the eyes of a father. He is not a child anymore. He wants Taking the responsibility of being a man, let's go one." Li Cong took the cup in front of him and went down in one breath.

To be honest, Li Er also drinks in the United States, but just like Li Cong said, he basically drinks red wine. He has never been exposed to such things as white wine. Originally, he was in a high position and wanted to drink. No matter how important the banquet is, no one dares to take the liquor out to make Young Master Li upset.

Originally, Li Er didn't want to drink white wine, but when he heard his father's words just now, the boy was full of enthusiasm. What did his father tell himself? Does my father think he is an adult now? Take responsibility? Haven't I been helping my father manage the entire group? How can there be other responsibilities?

Li Er saw his father proudly and drank the wine in the glass. Without saying anything, he picked up the wine in his glass and drank it, but he had never drunk liquor before and his mouth was full. Spicy, even my throat is a little uncomfortable, but I can bear it. The person in front of me is my closest person and the person I respect most. You must not show yourself afraid of liquor in front of him. Endure.

"Hehe, very good, I asked the people who followed you, you are a sip of white wine and have never drunk it. I will tell you something through this drink. You used to like to drink red wine, and you drink a lot. You can drink a lot of white wine by yourself. You can’t hold on to it with just one sip, but fortunately, you still hold it back. The red wine is where you are good at, and this white wine is where you are not good at. You have to move around where you are not good at, so that you can become my heir, a new leader of our group of 20 million people." Li Cong smiled and said to his son. At this time, this kid has no confidence. I can't blame him any more, all I can give him is confidence.

At this time Li Er's tears could no longer be held back, two large drops of tears rolled down from his eyes, and he couldn't hold on anymore. His father was still that father, and everything on the road was what he thought about. Now, my father is tolerant of everything he has. He is a stone, and he is his true mountain. No matter what he does, his father will support him.

"Father, can I still be the leader of the group?" Li Er was silent for two minutes and raised his head. At this time, there were no tears. Some of them were a stubborn little face. This is what Li Cong needs. It's his own son, and he didn't come in vain this time. This kid will still be his most respected person in the future, and he will still be the next brain of the group.

"Why not? You are my son, my eldest son, and the eldest son of our family. Your mission is different from that of your brother and all the children in the family. They just need to play or It’s okay to spend this life enjoying yourself. They can come out to help you only when the family is in danger, but you are different. You are a strong man in the family. You have to be the leader of the entire family, like me. , You can’t let the group into difficulties, even if you enter, you have to bring it out again. This is your responsibility and obligation when you are born. As long as I live for one day, this matter will not change unless you I'm tired and don't want to take this responsibility and obligation, otherwise I don't think I will change it." Li Cong raised his wine glass and motioned to the number one next to him to pour the young master, and the two of them had another drink.

"Well, I will remember my father's words, I will definitely fulfill this responsibility and obligation." After the glass of wine, Li Er felt that in fact, this white wine was not as terrible as he had originally thought, and he knew that his father was with him again. I have passed an important hurdle, and I am a person who can drink baijiu in the future. Baijiu is actually not that terrible. In the future, you can still pass some places that you are not familiar with. It is okay to be accompanied by your father. No, rely on I'm fine.

The father and son ate this meal until very late and late, but neither of them drank too much. When they walked out of the restaurant, neither of them got in the car. Both father and son have a preference, that is, they like to come out on a cold night. Breathing some cold fresh air is good for my own brain. This habit makes the father and son smile at each other, and it really is the father and son.

"Father, things in America are already like this. I have an idea. I don't know what my father meant?" Li Er thought that America was still messed up by himself. If he fell from somewhere, he would have to get up somewhere, absolutely not. It just fell down, and Li Er felt that the things over there were so bad, but he ran back, a little suspected of deserting.

"Let me talk about your thoughts first. I have no other meaning. It is the site I assigned to you. Now you are still the minister of the Americas Division, so you have to give me a generation A, otherwise you will be my son. , I also want to hold you accountable, but if you have a good plan, I will consider withdrawing my punishment." Li Cong said as he walked, what he feared most at this time was his son and himself Want an idea, I have no idea.

"Father, I know what I did not do right before, but I thought of a remedy. First, I will stay at home for a few days and then return to America. Try to continue to hide our relationship with the Panama incident. Second, I will Create some other things to guide the investigation of the Skull and Bones, let them find a few opponents, third and most important point, I want to destroy this emerging energy of the Americans, this is the biggest hidden danger of our group." Li Er's little head quickly organized a series of various measures. Li Er and some of the group's senior staff behind him looked at the group's prince with admiration.

"Very well, I thought you would think that the Panama incident is the most important thing for our group. Now it’s fine. My son’s head is still sober. You are not the only one who made a mistake in dealing with the new energy in the United States. A person, I am also responsible. In order to reclaim Japan, an important Asian stronghold, I did not care about the problems in the United States. It would be wrong to give you all these a, but I believe you can do very well in the United States. Perfect." Li praised his son for driving after getting in the car. This is how children should behave. If they are right, they must praise.

"Father, I think we are going to use more powerful energy. We used assassinations to prevent these things. I think that assassinations can only be used for one aspect. I think we have to deal with the Americans. That batch of oil is here to make a fuss. As long as they have no consumers, I don’t think they would want to continue their research." Li Era said fraudulently. If the source of consumption is cut off, this is different.

"Son, the Skull and Bones created this thing not to compete with us for profit, even if their oil is the same as our environmental oil, we have formed our market mechanism on a global scale, we The global partners are the strongest in the local area. My father has led this group for more than ten years. Even if the Skull and Bones copied an energy group, it would take more than five years for their skills. Of course this is our advantage. What is their advantage? It is this oil that gives them hope and the hope of ending our energy group's global hegemony. Therefore, we must disappear this hope, and everything will disappear." Li Cong said firmly. , This is a signal to my son that we must erase all people and things related to this matter. There is no need for so many new energy sources in this world.

Washington DC

There are already thousands of protesters in front of the White House. They are all gathered from all over the United States. These people have only one purpose. They asked the president to come out and explain what happened in Panama. Why three days have passed, the president. There is no answer yet. They absolutely don't believe that the **** Panama Liberation Organization did it. Do they have that kind of strength? Some U.S. TV stations have hired some retired senior officials to explain the matter. Judging from what is left on the scene, this is caused by the strongest bombing in the world. At present, only the United States and Russia have mastered this technology, even China. It is under study.

Moreover, these retired officers also pointed out the mistakes of the US Intelligence Department. Where did so many weapons come from? The U.S. Department of Intelligence is about to face national condemnation at the moment, and people have an idea in their minds. If these things were not shipped to Panama but shipped to the United States, what is the situation now? ?

"We ask the President to give us an answer... We ask the President to come out and explain... We ask all the officials of the Intelligence Department to resign. They are a crime against the American people. They brought our great America to the point of a knife... "Such propaganda has been in front of the White House for a long time. These Americans can't do anything else. Demonstrations are their strengths.

"You two idiots, do you still have hearing in your ears? Let me go out to explain? What do I explain? What else can I do besides stepping down? Are you two pigs? It's been three days now. Why is there no news at all? How do you usually tell me that there are only a few things in this world, as long as you are willing to investigate, you will never hide it from you, but what are you going to tell me now? What I want to know is not a trivial matter but a major event, a major event related to the survival of our America. Today is Panama, and tomorrow may be our great America." The current US President Paulus shouted He accused the Secretary of Defense and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. These two guys received no news at all, and in the three-day investigation, they had no effect except testing the contents of the bomb.

"Sorry, Mr. President, our people have tried their best, but they still have no effect. I will urge them to do things as quickly as possible. I will report everything to you as quickly as possible." CIA Zhang knew that he was the whole incident. The most responsible person, if he had not been the president’s right-hand man, I am afraid that his head has already gone. This is no longer a matter that can be explained by resignation. If those things really reach the United States, maybe the entire office. You have to play cards with God now.

"Shut up your stinky mouth and take back your official rhetoric to me. I don’t want to listen to this. Listen, I will give you twenty-four hours in this oval office. Outside, either you explain this to those people and the media, or you take your own gun and go out and shoot yourself. I think the news of your suicide can quiet them for a while." Paulus Without showing any face to his childhood friends, he pointed to the crowds outside the downtown area and said expressionlessly. h

[...The latest update of the confusing text of the young master in the first section...] a! !

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