Energy Group

Chapter 1071:

Section US Response

It’s no wonder that Paulus’s mood is so bad. Yesterday an agency’s investigation indicated that if the president fails to properly handle this issue, the entire American people will carry out a series of demonstrations. If the opposition party takes this as a fuss. , I might be the first U.S. president to step down before his term of office. These years have been the most glorious moment in my life. I am about to step down because of such a sudden incident? How can this be? I cannot bear it.

Twenty-four hours? What can you do in twenty-four hours? The director of the CIA seems to have seen the moment he pulled the trigger. Isn't this president obviously looking for himself as a scapegoat, but if he steps down, those people outside will be dispersed? Probably not that simple thing, right? People may have other ideas and they are uncertain.

President Paulus actually understands that some things cannot be solved by the **** director stepping down. Just like now, he may be in danger of stepping down, but he still needs to be maintained if he can maintain it. He hasn't. As for the news over there, if Mr. Anderson supports him, then he is not in any danger, people? free? These two words are sacred in their own mouths, but are they really the masters of America? No, the real owners are those five families.

"Has the specific losses been counted?" The president asked the Secretary of Defense when he saw the **** director walk out.

"Mr. President, the losses have been counted. All of our nearly 6,000 people in Panama were killed, none of them survived, involving the U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy Team 6 and dozens of special forces. There were also 1,000 casualties among American nationals. The remaining people, most of them are American workers in the Panama Canal Zone. Our various military facilities in the Canal Zone are all gone, and there is nothing that can be used, and the entire Panama Canal Zone is destroyed. If you want to restore it Before the war, it would cost nearly 60 billion U.S. dollars. This does not include the money for re-trimming the canal. If you want to make the canal navigable again, the amount of money needed will be an astronomical figure." The Minister of Defense also has a grain on his head. Beads of sweat, almost fainted when I saw this report.

In the past, I only knew that the Panama Canal was very important to the United States, but only when it was really ruined did I know how important it was. When the news came back, all three major U.S. stock indexes began to fall across the board, especially shipping. The industry then reached almost all marine transportation-related industries, which fell 5% throughout the day, and the entire US financial market was gloomy.

Paulus had been mentally prepared before, but at this time he heard this guy say this in his heart, it seems that things are not as good as he thought. It is very difficult to keep his position after such a big change. Up.

"Mr. President, these losses are superficial, and some are hidden. Our two fleets used to be able to converge through the Panama Canal, but now we have to go for nearly a month. , Our strategic maneuver time will undoubtedly increase a lot, our American combat effectiveness will decline, and the economic decline this year is an unchangeable problem, our military expenditure calculation may not pass." The Secretary of Defense said bitterly. This is the most important thing. Don’t look at the Americans’ annual budget of hundreds of billions of dollars, which seems to be a lot. In fact, it’s not enough. If this is to reduce military expenditures, you will not be able to update your equipment. It is also difficult to recruit personnel. Up.

"I see. You go out first. Ask the people in the Department of Defense to prepare a detailed document, and then a. Give those people in Congress. They can do whatever they want. I can't control it. I need to be quiet." The president said weakly. What he cares most about now is not this, but how long he has in his position, and the greater the loss, the greater the chance that he will step down.

The secretary of defense actually despises the president. In the mind of the secretary of defense at this moment, he is thinking about the interests of the entire United States. He is not a person of his own, and it does not matter if he steps down, but this danger must be allowed. All Americans see that the Americans are still the world’s most powerful country, but the destruction of the Panama Canal will make the United States’ combat effectiveness drop a lot, whether it is going to the south of South America or the south of Africa, the connection between the US Atlantic Fleet and the Pacific Fleet It will increase time. Everyone knows that the most important thing in a war is time. Maybe an hour or even a minute will increase the weight of victory.

"Mr. President, now is not the time to look at our own personal interests. I think we should hold a meeting of congressmen overnight. We must tell them about this matter. We Americans are facing a challenge, and I must let them know that we are trying to Tighten our belts and do nothing else. We must first guarantee our strongest military power." The military style of the Minister of Defense did not scare this guy, but for the first time in his life, he smashed his boss. Let him know that the interests of the country should be put above the interests of his own people at this time, otherwise he will be a complete villain.

It is a pity that the president is a complete villain. He and the Secretary of Defense are definitely two people. At this moment, he is squinting at the Secretary of Defense in front of him. Is this still his confidant? What does this guy mean by saying these things to call all the councillors to meet? Can a meeting be held at this time? Then they will step down immediately, and they will immediately find a new president. Such a thing can never let him be born. Is this guy in front of him already betraying him? These words were told by those from the opposing party? Yes, if he steps down, the military crisis he said will make those lawmakers immediately choose a military tough president, and the most suitable person in the two parties should be the guy in front of him. No wonder he will let himself go. Holding a meeting, this kid is doing everything for himself, and he has never thought about my future. You kid want to rely on me to take the lead? impossible.

"I want you to go out. You have to understand that I am still the president. What is the interests of people? I always put the interests of the United States first. You don't need to say anything. I think we have been friends for so many years. You will know me very well. I didn’t expect that you didn’t know me at all. I was so suspicious of me. It disappointed me too much. Convening a meeting of congressmen would cause panic and make the current United States even more. What's the intention? Anyway, I won't hold a meeting in advance." The president gave this guy a blank glance and went straight out. What he has to do now is to get the support of the Skull and Bones.

But everything born in this office is already on Anderson’s desk. Everything this president has done is really disappointing. The Skull and Bones’ interests have always been tied to the United States. Patriotic people have always been favored by Anderson by the Skull and Bones. People who are not patriotic are not allowed to be here, especially in the position of the president. It is really a worrying thing, so I didn’t wait for the president’s call. , Anderson ordered the Speaker of the National Assembly to convene Congress.

And this time the Congress discussed only two issues. One is the issue of military spending. Because of the Panama Canal issues, the strategic maneuverability of the US military has been affected, so next year’s military spending will be increased by another 70 billion US dollars to purchase large strategic aircraft. The second issue is the impeachment of the president. This guy is no longer suitable for continuing to serve as the president. All he needs is a cemetery of more than ten square meters. Such a self-conscious guy will not be met by Mr. Anderson.

Washington Skull and Bones Branch, Anderson came here early in the morning, because the Panama issue has affected the entire United States, even if the old guy is as calm as this old guy, he must start to show up, and meet some so-called big figures in American politics, as long as this guy With a smile on his face, those guys won’t have too many thoughts, otherwise these guys might guess that the Skull and Bones’ country might have been picked by others overnight, and it’s still up to now. No one was found.

"President, the news has been sent back from Capitol Hill over there. Our people have passed the high military expenditure totaling 850 billion U.S. dollars. Although it was a bit difficult, it was passed, and the president’s impeachment case is complete. Adopted, the interim president is also served by Secretary of Defense Mr. Higgins in accordance with your instructions. He will make an inaugural speech at the White House tonight." The confidant said respectfully, and he knew that the talent in front of him was from the United States or the entire America Wang, everything is in the mind of the old man in front of him.

"Very well, have our people in Panama come back? There should be some news in co-investigating with those in the US government?" Anderson knows that there is still no problem with his ability to control in the United States, and there is no need for the matter there. Worry, but things in Panama need to be cared about by myself. Things over there can be said to be the only thing in the past few years that is beyond my control. The deaths of so many people are secondary. At most, some people protest. I don’t care about that. The most important thing is that the Panama Canal is gone. This is a huge disaster for the entire United States, and through this incident, the restless forces in South America should have their heads up again, and they themselves have been **** suppressed. After a while, I can't let them all get up.

"President, the people who went to Panama have come back. What we can know is that this thing should not be done by the indigenous people of South America. They don't have that great ability. Our analysts finally concluded that there are only three companies that can do this. One of them is the Russian political fǔ or the Chinese political fǔ, but we feel that we can rule out their motivation to do this. The last suspect is the energy group, but they don’t seem to have such military strength, and we also I found Li Er’s whereabouts. It turned out that he had returned to China. He had a meal with his father at the airport. This happened a few days ago.” The confidant said, in fact, most of the suspects People are skeptical of the energy group, because this is the enemy of the organization, but there is no intelligence to show that they have such a strong military strength, and according to some people’s description, there are also the emergence of fighters. Although the energy group has Their plane, but how did they get to the Americas? Without an aircraft carrier, they would definitely refuel in the middle. There should be a record at any airport in any country, but there is no such thing now.

Anderson smiled strangely. In fact, he was not sure who did it. The Russians and the Chinese have long wanted to ruin this place, but they should have done it long ago, but they are all on the surface. If they want to mobilize troops like that, they should have news. After all, they also have their own people within them. It should not be them. This is the last one, although there is no one. Evidence, but judging from intent, it should be them.

But if it were them, I'm afraid Anderson would not be able to sleep. This is a large-scale military operation. To what extent has the energy group's military strength reached such a level of strength? The most wondering is how they shipped the planes, are they the shipped parts? They were assembled in Panama? That should be it.

"Give me a call from China, and let me see what our former friends say about our affairs." Anderson doesn't care what time it is in China, he feels he needs to talk to Li Cong a, this is not A little thing.

Although it was already ten o’clock, Li Cong and Li Erye were still chatting, and they were still chatting. Li Cong and his son were not surprised when they heard the call from Anderson. They just felt that this call might be possible. It's a little late.

"My dear friend, we haven't talked for a long time. Recently, I know that you have made a lot of wind in Japan. Is it okay?" Anderson was as if he was facing his own friend, without any anger at all. If you change someone else and ruin one of your military bases to communicate with A, it’s good not to scold you at this time, let alone talk like that.

"Hehe, I am a young man who has physical problems, but you have to pay attention to it. Okay, we are all acquaintances. Needless to say these unnutritious words, I think you must ask me about Panama. Yes, right?" Li Cong speaks so directly. What he doesn't understand is how these foreigners have learned to speak roundly.

"Of course, although I don't have any evidence in my hand, I think this matter should have something to do with you, right?" Anderson became nervous after speaking. The next words may cause a world war. If Li If he admits it, he will start to take military action against Li Cong if he doesn't admit it. If he doesn't admit it, he will have to probe it. This result is what he needs.

"It has something to do with me? Are you kidding me, Mr. Anderson, you should know that I am just a businessman. Although I also have some arms, what am I compared to you? The Panama issue is not a trivial matter, I You will not know the strength in Africa. At best, it is tens of thousands of troops. If this incident is in Africa, you suspect that I should be, but now it is in the Americas. Such a strong transportation capacity? Besides, many of my tankers need to pass through there. Is there any benefit to me if I blow up the Panama Canal?" Li Cong naturally would not admit it, and has always emphasized his reasons. But in Anderson's head he didn't think so. He didn't find anything from Li Cong's answer, because it was a standard answer, but his subconscious felt that Li Cong was related to this matter.

"Really? Since that's the case, I won't bother Mr. Li. It should be night on your side. Goodbye." Anderson has received his own revelation, and it doesn't make much sense to go on, but even Li Cong really admitted just now. Now, do you really dare to confront the energy group opponents? From the heart, I think very much, but from the intellectual point of view, it is not possible.

This energy group is not a country, it is an enterprise, but it is not an ordinary enterprise, so it can’t be sanctioned just like It must be done slowly, he has his own in the world For the industry, let’s start with the United States first. This is where we are most powerful and we can definitely get them out of here, just like we left China back then.

"Son, it looks like we are in trouble. You can't stay in China anymore. Go to the United States to minimize our losses." Li Cong, who hung up the phone, knew that his industry in the United States would definitely suffer. Suppressed, this old fellow Anderson won't be a little soft.

"No problem, father, I have almost rested at home, and I also want to see what kind of means this old guy will use to deal with us, our most important industries in the United States are some hotels and entertainment industries, big deal We don’t need it, but I will definitely let their energy industry disappear, and we still make money.” Li Er said with confidence, on the one hand it is just some auxiliary industries, and the other side is the main thing. , It can be seen naturally.

Li Cong nodded. The days to come should not be so easy. If the Americans want to go with them, they have to show their absolute toughness. These Yankees are not those stupid Japanese, and they must not lose. Yes, if you lose, you are in danger of destruction. h

[...Section 71, the United States has the fastest response text update...] a! !

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