Energy Group

Chapter 1126:

Episode 1126

"Everyone listened well, and they all retreated immediately. It is not time to resist. They all retreat to the fourth floor under cover, leaving a few people on the stairs on the third floor to block them. After everyone retreats to the fourth floor, they will settle in the room. Some time bombs, you immediately blow up the stairs from the third floor to the fourth floor, and execute them as soon as you hear the order, otherwise you will be engaged in military law.” Everyone’s earphones reminded of Su Can’s cold voice, although there were some people who had just died A bunch of lovers are angry, but now they also know the reason for the commander’s order. They all know that reinforcements are coming soon, but the enemies outside are rushing in like a tide, and some of them have been thrown away. I have replaced my original weapon with a new one, but it’s still too hot. Now it’s a must to retreat to the fourth floor. After retreating to the fourth floor, at least the pressure inside the building will be reduced a lot, and the people outside are in the top three. You can still climb up when you are on the fourth floor. The fourth floor is not a low height. They need a lot of effort to climb up, which is good for defense.

"Hurry up, don't be crowded and leave fifty people at the top of the stairs. Other people will move to the upper floors immediately. Don't transport too much ammunition. It will be enough." Su Can saw the chaos of the stairs on the fourth floor. Yes, he immediately shouted that the wounded and sick were all transported to the ninth floor, but the weapons and ammunition were all littered when they came back. This is remarkable. If a grenade explodes here, the entire building is unnecessary. This is a terrible thing. What the roaring crowd needs at this time is a backbone. This is what Su Can has done very well. At least people will know what to do after hearing this guy's shout. , I can also feel some warmth, and the crowd immediately starts to bustle.

The Burmese army downstairs was exactly the same as Su Can guessed. They did not immediately launch an attack after entering the third floor. They killed a lot of the people hiding upstairs, but they did not accept the lesson at all. People don’t attack private buildings at the first time, but look around in every room on the third floor. They want to know if there is any money left in the house. These Burmese people really don’t know what to think. Perhaps it was because of the poverty and madness all these years, Su Can saw that two Burmese military officers kept robbing a pen in the house. It seemed that these people were not here to fight at all, but to rob. Su Can welcomes their behavior now. He ordered his subordinates to just aim, not to shoot casually, so as not to draw their attention, and ask them to grab enough, new people. It's better to confront the people who came in the morning, and start work when they are finished and ready to attack.

But Su Can’s thoughts didn’t last long before they had to shoot. Later, the group that came up was the direct line of General Kari. They understood what the main thing was doing now. After a shuttle killed a dozen robbed soldiers, These people began to organize the offensive, and the same defensive battle as before began again, but it was much less pressure than just now, at least not many people came up, and the time bomb did bring a lot of psychological pressure to these people. , They were not fools, and they knew that there might be bombs in the house, so they crowded in the corridors so that they had no room to dodge, and they died faster.

"Report, General, our observation post has found the helicopter formation of the Energy Group. There are a dozen armed helicopters and more than 20 transport helicopters. It is estimated that there will be fifteen minutes to come to us." An adjutant I received an important piece of news and quickly report that the plane has almost reached the edge of Yangon. Among all the troops that came to Yangon, they were the first to arrive. This news can not be delayed. If there is no intention to strike down. Now is the final retreat time. There is a wasteland around it. The most suitable thing is a helicopter attack. This must be retreated to a house not far away. Otherwise, you can only wait for death here.

15 minutes? , How come so much earlier? Fortunately, I also set up an observation post. Otherwise, I don’t know if these planes really come. "You go and cause them a little trouble. You must hold them back. We have hit the fourth floor. It’s about to be defeated, and the success or failure is up to you.” At this time, General Kari obviously didn’t want to give up the fat in front of him and retreated. It took so much effort to get nothing in the end. It was not what he wanted. He had to get the money in it, otherwise his future path would be very bleak. Even if President Angkor replaced him, it would be difficult to live without money.

The adjutant turned around and left, and brought dozens of people from the two trucks to resist. They were holding rockets in their hands. It is estimated that this thing still has a certain effect, but the adjutant didn't want to stop anything. Ascend the plane, even if they can hit the next or two, but did they come so little? After exposing the target, the result is death. Now the adjutant’s mind is relatively clear. What he took away was his direct lineage. He didn’t want to die here with General Kari. In his opinion, this previous The general is already crazy. The best choice at this time is to retreat immediately, but he has to attack. The hundreds of people under his own are left with so many dozens. They are the foundation of their own foothold. Dozens of people are gone. Then I wandered like rootless water in Burma. I wouldn’t be valued by anyone at all. Then I can only hold General Kari’s thigh tightly. He can do it when he is strong before. , But the current General Kari estimated that he would not be able to protect himself, let alone a small adjutant himself.

After getting into the car, the adjutant simply made a small mobilization. Unexpectedly, all the soldiers in the car had the same idea as the adjutant. Although they had experienced many wars, they were considered veterans, but they also knew the mortality rate here. It is too high. The building and the branch building of the energy group are like a meat grinder. As many people as they enter, as many as they die. Looking at the dead body thrown out of the window, it seems like it is raining. , The surrounding dead bodies are more than a meter thick, and the entire battlefield is full of body parts exploded by the **** rapid-fire cannon. If you don't retreat at this time, you are really a fool.

I hope they can resist for more than ten minutes. What they took away was their last bit of air defense force. General Kari watched the two cars leave quickly, thinking that these people were going to resist the helicopter formation of the energy group. Hurry up, everyone is rushing to me, we have hit the fourth floor, and there are several floors, all the money and the beauties are yours, rush to me." General Kari held the loudspeaker toward The Burmese soldiers in the building shouted that the combat surface inside is too narrow now. Most of the troops can only be surrounded outside, but the people in the building dare not shoot outside, they can be killed. There are more than a dozen people, but their lives have basically come to an end. The tens of thousands of troops below can immediately sift any employee who has emerged. At this moment, their eyes are also triumphant, and they think they will be able to do it soon. Go in and rob the huge wealth in it. General Kari has just announced that everything can be robbed by himself, as long as half is handed in. Such a ratio has never been seen before.

The adjutant who drove away glanced at the boiling crowd behind him, without the slightest envy. The money in it was nothing but flowers in the mirror. It’s better not to think about it so much. It’s the most uncomfortable feeling to have money and never spend it. "Turn left. We left Myanmar from the north. With the arms in our car, we can create a cottage with us in a few days. Then these soldiers will enter the mountains and forests. We will soon pull As part of the force, whoever has a gun in Myanmar is the boss. We can also rob several cottages. The days after that will be considered good." The adjutant decisively issued an order at an intersection, and the car came from behind when it was turning. Two corpses were thrown out of the car. Just now, the people in the car were all a family, but the two wanted to return to General Kari. If these two guys go back, they will definitely report it, maybe There will still be chasing soldiers, so in front of most people's lives, these two people can only be sacrificed. Who told you to not understand the form? You should die.

The urban area of ​​Yangon can already be seen from the helicopter, and the squadron leader used a high-powered binoculars to see the people fleeing indiscriminately on the edge of Yangon. It seems that the security minister’s report there is true. The entire Yangon has become a waste. If the group took over the reconstruction plan, it would really cost a lot of money.

"Baoao, squadron leader, our radar has scanned the front. Only some people are carrying some light weapons. We haven't found any weapons that threaten us. Do we need fire detection?" How advanced is the energy group's radar? It is estimated that only they know about it, and even this can be detected. It is absolutely abnormal.

"What is the waste of ammunition, order the troops to go through the city at full speed and move towards our goal, so that all those who are ready to land will be prepared, and they will be dropped on the roof as soon as possible, and all armed helicopters will sweep away the enemies outside. You have to be careful. According to the report over there, they have posted it with the building. If anyone wants to enter the law office, they will work carelessly. If the group's branch building is blown up, I will shoot him directly. ." The squadron leader must also give careful instructions at this time. If his troops hit the branch building, his face will be lost, and he will be shot.

The helicopter formation also encountered some attacks when it entered Yangon, but those submachine guns hit the helicopter just like itching. Although the gunships of the energy group are the same in appearance as those of some countries, the materials are poor. It’s too far to leave a trace. For these small groups of enemies, they just passed away. Time is money. Now there is no time to care about them. Minister Su has already made two calls on their side. I have already withdrawn to the fourth floor, and now I am retreating towards the fifth floor. Basically, I can’t hold on. There is a reserve warehouse on the fourth floor before retreating. There are more than 100 million yuan and two tons of gold in it. In the end, a grenade was thrown in and it was considered reimbursement, and the renminbi was directly burned out, but the remaining gold still excited those people for a long time. It seems that the situation is really critical there, otherwise it will not be retreated. Wouldn't even bring such expensive things.

The situation in the building is really on the verge of collapse. The entire building can fight no more than a hundred people. They can only continue to retreat to the fifth floor. Basically, they cannot retreat when they reach the fifth floor. There are storage centers from floor to ninth floor. If you continue to retreat, you will only lose a large amount of assets. There are 1.5 billion yuan and 17 tons of gold on the fifth floor. With their current manpower, they absolutely cannot continue. It was transported to the upper floors, so the fifth floor was the first floor they defended, and the most important reason was that the fifth floor also had their largest ammunition depot. If the fifth floor was lost, the Burmese soldiers would get these advanced weapons. You can shoot grenades directly outside to kill them, so this layer must not be lost. Su Can brought the last 100 people to the blood station here, and even Liu Jia has already joined the blood. The standing team came, and he was shot in the leg without going down. In the past, Su Can told this kid to go down and rest, but now there is really no one, and an injured Liu Jia also Much better than some untrained people. At least Liu Jia has killed dozens of people by sticking to his post alone. If he were to change to an ordinary person, he would have to be carried down long ago. They just know how to attack the fundamentals. I don't know how to protect myself and save energy.

"I said, you look at the people in the building as if you can't stand it anymore. Look, they have all climbed to the fourth floor. These Burmese people are really strong." Fatty Zhou was still watching like a movie. Li can only watch the situation over there helplessly from this time. At this time, a person’s strength is still too small. If he can rush in, he can help, but it’s too difficult to rush in now. Seeing that the people behind them want to rush in for money, but they can only be crowded indiscriminately and can't get in at all.

"Fatty, you stay here and do nothing. Remember, close the door. Don't open the door except when I come over. I'll go out." Li Cong said and went out directly. At this moment, there is no effect and nothing. Staying here, I am not the kind of person who sacrifices his subordinates to protect myself. My employees are desperately protecting their assets. I am still drinking tea in a relatively safe place. This is not plausible. Fatty Zhou still wants to say something. What is the use of you running out alone? When he turned around, Li Congdu had no shadow. Fatty Zhou also wanted to go out, but after thinking about his own ability, he could only go out for Li. From adding chaos, let's continue to look at it honestly.

After coming out, Li Cong actually had nothing to do. He just picked up a submachine gun from the side. After checking it, there were still a lot of bullets. He can only start from the outside, but here and there. The distance is a bit far away, I can only hit the enemy outside. It is basically impossible to hit there with this gun. It seems that I am still my own line of business. I press the brim of the hat and continue to play the role of a Burmese officer in the enemy's command room. Go inside, catch the thief first. This is the best thing you can do, and it's the most effective way to support the previous method.

Li, who put his eyes on, would never attract the attention of others. At this moment, when he pressed the brim of his hat, no one knew him. It just felt like where this guy should come from. There are less than a few hundred people, and all of them have already rushed in. Even the supervising team has advanced to a place 20 meters away from the building at this time. There is really no one under General Cary. Li Cong’s card appears. Naturally, General Li would not care. In his opinion, what role a little monarch can do, just linger on the side, and it doesn’t matter if you send it up. I didn’t see a large number of people around the building and couldn’t get in. Just 30 meters away from Li's approach to General Kari, a rumbling voice suddenly came from a distance. This voice Li Cong is very familiar with. Everyone here is very familiar. The familiarity of this is the sound of the helicopter. The helicopter formation of the Energy Group has arrived. The fifth floor was already almost unguarded, but now they heard the sound, they all felt like they had strength again. , A dozen people abruptly repelled another round of offensive. The Burmese left more than 30 corpses and retreated. They were preparing for the last offensive.

what happened? Why did you come here so soon? I still sent a blocking unit. Why did he get here in a while? This is General Kari’s question at this time. It’s just that I don’t have time to think so much now. General Kari glanced back. There are still meters of anti-aircraft machine guns in several cars. Although it is not necessarily useful, at least it can Resist it. As long as you can take down the building, the hundreds of people in it will be your hostages. The Chinese will definitely not shoot at their own people. This is their rule.

"You guys, drive over and stop it. As long as we can take down the building, all the initiative is in our hands." General Kari said to several confidants, and now there is no one he is. , It can only be you.

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