Energy Group

Chapter 1127:

Episode 1127

As soon as these staff members heard, they gathered the remaining dozens of people and drove in the car and left. At this time, what is the difference between asking them to block the helicopter and asking them to die, but these people left without saying anything. Isn't it an abnormality? Although General Kari was already crazy, he still felt that his employees were a little too obedient, but then he understood what was going on. These people didn't move in the direction of the helicopter after getting in the car. It was a straight turn and ran towards the north. There is a mountain forest out of the city. As long as they enter the mountain forest, no matter how powerful they are, basically they have not grasped their own skills. The tropical forests in Myanmar are just as famous as Vietnam. It’s so hard. Back then, there were tens of thousands of troops in the U.S. There was nothing to do. Not to mention an energy group. They just made up this idea and went so simply. The soldiers followed the generals crazy and wanted to take the huge wealth in the energy group. , But these officers are still not crazy, look at the helicopters in the sky, can you take the money away?

Although the number of helicopters is not very large, it can be seen from their formation that they are really well-trained. Such a helicopter formation is not something that Myanmar can have. Helicopters have always been handy in dealing with the army. The armored infantry did not have the ability to fight back in front of them, let alone the infantry in front of them who had no protection at all. These officers knew that there might be a massacre next, and they had to leave here before the massacre. It’s important to keep their lives, and they left with these 127mm heavy machine guns. If these things were in the hands of General Kari, they might have to clean them up when they left. Okay, there is no threat, and I run away with all my strength. This book is from  du58

General Kari can only curse bitterly when he sees this scene. There is no one around him, except for the dozen bodyguards. There is no one left. They can't leave anymore. These People are the support of General Kari. If these people also leave, General Kari will become a polished commander. Those people in front may have to kill themselves if they look back. Time is running out and they must rush in, otherwise If you wait until the helicopter launches an attack, you will immediately destroy yourself. Thinking of here, General Kari directly took a submachine gun and brought his subordinates to rush up, but when this guy was about to go up, an adjutant stood in the way. He had no chance to leave his command vehicle.

"Mr. Li Li?" This is the last sentence of General Kari in this world. After this sentence, Li Congji broke his neck directly. Because it was carried out in the car, except for the card. Li Cong’s driver didn’t see anyone else. When the driver just wanted to open his mouth and shout, Li Cong stunned this strong looking guy with a punch. The bodyguards outside just heard what was in the car. The sound rang, I guess it was the general who broke something again. The general's mood today is really bad. The things in the car are basically destroyed by this man, and those things are also very valuable. Something, if you don’t want it, it’s good to give it to us, but now we all know that the general killed the red eye, and anyone who talks too much has to die. ??⑤???? Read chapters in this book

General Kari of Hero I died in his command vehicle without finishing his words. He may never have thought that he would die here. Of course he must have thought that he would die before. In the hands of a Chinese, but this Chinese is either Mr. Liu or Mr. Pi, definitely not Mr. Li in front of him. He still imagined holding this guy to pinch Pilong and Mr. Liu. He didn’t expect He died here.

There is no way for the army in front to control it. The RMB flying out of the windows on the fourth floor has given them to nòn stupid. Now they are not a twister, but a full-fledged gold swallowing beast. Too much money, a full house of renminbi, in the past, they would never dream of such beautiful things, but now they have a fact, a fact that allows them to make a fortune quickly, so they must If you want to rush forward, it doesn’t matter who you are working for now. The important thing is that you can get huge wealth from here. You can make yourself a high-level person so easily, and you don’t have to sell yourself for a few hundred dollars a month. Xìn is dead, and you can use the money to buy an nv person to live well.

Li Cong also knows that killing General Kari is not very useful at this time, but the equipment in this car is still useful. "Now the enemy's helicopter has rushed over from the west, all the soldiers outside Attention, you immediately raise the steel guns in your hands and start to strike at the helicopters in the sky. Don't let them rush over, or it will be the beginning of our failure." Li Cong saw that there were still many soldiers trying to rush desperately. Go in, you can't tell them to rush in at this time, you have to tell them to stand in an open place, after all, these people are still in the army, and some officers know what their mission is, and they hear the big horn in the command car. After ordering them, one by one was still numb to make their soldiers crowded out. Anyway, they couldn’t squeeze them in. If they could block these planes, the general might think that they were doing well. For Lee's sake, it was a bit sweet. About tens of thousands of people withdrew from the battle at the same time. The pressure upstairs was reduced a bit. At least fewer people rushed up, and there were no climbers outside.

"Wait, this person is not ours, God, this person killed the general." When Li got out of the car, he felt that he had done everything, so he didn't wear a hat, but this brought him The trouble is that someone has already recognized this guy, and blood has flowed from the car. That position can only be the position of General Kari, and it is not an order issued by General Kari. It used to be like this. It was the general who spoke by himself, and now it seems that this is really the case. The general was killed by this guy.

Several other bodyguards also reacted at this time. Fortunately, there was still a 127mm heavy machine gun left. The person on it swept towards Li Cong's position without saying a word. If such a large-caliber thing is Being marked will definitely cause problems. Li didn’t think about anything, he just started running. There was always a bullet on his heel. A scene from the movie finally appeared in reality. The difference between air-explosive rounds is that everything in Li from here is real, and if his speed is a little slower, he will immediately be dropped. It is definitely a stabbing moment. Li Cong turned around and looked around. At a glance, I can’t hide anywhere now. The good place is the crowd in front. I just went in immediately after a jump. The bodyguards stopped at this moment. They can sweep toward the open space, but they must not sweep the crowd. Now there are no generals, and they can't do their best work. If the people in front are really killed by Genuo, maybe no one is dead enough. This book is from  du58

"Haha, it seems that something went wrong on their own side. General Kari’s order is really good. You see, most of them have gone outside, so that we can add helicopter formations that are beneficial to us to destroy. They, now our luck is coming, brothers, work harder, everyone can hear the sound of our helicopter engine, our reinforcements are here, let these Burmese know that we are great, they can’t charge Come up." Su Can was also injured at this time. Although it was not too serious, there were also wounds on his face. The blood flowing out made him look very terrifying, as if he was an evil god, not just the Burma below. People are a little afraid, even the people above are also afraid.

At this time, the people upstairs saw a person who was very fast. He didn't attack at all. He just flew towards the entrance. Su Can just shot past, just as Li was about to continue shooting. From the time he shouted, "I'm a Chinese, not a Burmese." Hearing this voice, Su Can stopped. He knew that these Burmese can basically speak Chinese, but they are very blunt. The person in front of him spoke very fluently. Su Can didn't see what was going on with this guy, but Liu Jia next to him could see clearly.

"He's right, don't shoot. This guy just seems to have made a big húnluàn. We let him come up." Liu Jia solved the few Burmese around Li Cong with just a few shots, allowing Li Cong to step on it. On their shoulders, a few Burmese soldiers saw Li Cong who was about to go up and shot Li Cong with a gun, but Li Cong didn’t give it in vain. A grenade was thrown over, and these people fled everywhere. Su Can just took it. Pulling Li Congzi up, it wasn’t like he hadn’t pulled anyone before. Normally, under such circumstances, he had to put in 100% of his strength, but now he just felt a gust of wind and he came up. It was strange that the wound on his body had not been opened.

"What's the matter with you, how do you wear Burmese clothes?" Su Can asked after he came up. Although this guy is a Chinese, the Chinese are not necessarily all good people. It is necessary to maintain a certain degree of vigilance. Yes, but Liu Jia believed in the person in front of him very much. Like Su Can, he didn't know the origin of this guy, but he believed this guy from the bottom of his heart, which was strange.

"I don’t wear Burmese clothes. I guess I had to be kidnapped by them. I was a businessman from China and I was kidnapped by them. Fortunately, I practiced both hands before and killed General Kari. I have come to join you now. Is there any special treatment?" Li Cong said with a smile, as if the man he just killed was just an ordinary Burmese sergeant, not the commander of these tens of thousands of troops.

"What are you talking about? Why didn't I understand? You said, um, you said you killed General Kari? Isn't that wrong?" said a guy next to him, obviously he didn't believe this much, what about General Kari It is said that it is also the commander-in-chief of these tens of thousands of people. How could this man kill him so easily? Even if you have good skill, you can get up to tens of thousands of people, but it is also stained with the Burmese uniform on your body Can you just come here?

"It seems that you don't really believe that I have this ability?" Li Cong slapped the dust on his body. When he asked this question, he knew the answer. The faces of the people below had already given the answer. Even Liu Jia's face is a bit wrong.

"Now the enemy's helicopter has rushed from the west, all the soldiers outside are paying attention. You immediately raise the steel gun in your hand and start to strike at the helicopter in the sky. Don't let them rush over, otherwise It was the beginning of our failure." Li Cong did not explain anything. I believe they are very clear about this passage. This is what the general just said in the command car, and now it is said again, and it is still imitating the voice of Gang. This is a strong proof. When Li Cong said this, these people believed it, and now he feels that this guy is not an ordinary person, very capable, and definitely not as ordinary as he was just now.

"Unexpectedly, you are really a person at a young age. What do you do in your family? Isn't it some ancient martial arts family in ancient China." Li immediately, after verifying his strength, many people came to ask questions. There are a few young nv kids who are still sending autumn bō to Li Cong'an. I really don't know what these people are thinking about. They are not out of danger yet.

"Minister Su, the helicopter formation has arrived, call." A staff member quickly walked downstairs and handed over the phone. At this time, contact is very important.

"I am Su Can in the building. Please inform your plan and we will cooperate immediately." Su Can put everything away at this time.

"I am the squadron leader of this task. What I have to do now is to vacate the roof immediately, and we will immediately carry out an air landing. We have two hundred heavily armed soldiers who are going to enter. I want to help you guard the branch building. Do you need us to transfer the wounded to your material reserves and damage?" The voice of the squadron leader came from the microphone. This voice gave them a sense of stability and a very powerful support.

Su Can knew about these issues a long time ago. When he was studying at the headquarters, he knew that they must be paid back. If he said that he wanted to make statistics now, he would definitely be disqualified. Then he would have to leave. Although there are many people in the group, each position has its own role. If you take the salary of this position, but you can't do anything, you must leave.

"I’m Minister Su. We have plenty of supplies here, and we can stick to it. We just lack the barrel of the speed gun. The top floor can be landed at any time. We can stick to it for ten minutes. I hope you can do it. We have Dozens of seriously injured people need to be treated immediately. How many seriously injured people can you afford to transfer?" There is no nonsense, so the answer is what the squadron leader needs.

"We can vacate seven planes and fly back to the headquarters in ten minutes. It is estimated that we can carry 30 people. Please bring back the 30 people who need to be treated. We will take half an hour to transport the wounded next time. Our plane provides fuel for the next cruise. Otherwise, we will only have to fight for half an hour before returning home. According to the information, you have a lot of fuel.” The squadron commander was not idle when he spoke. Has begun to sweep the crowd outside.

The army outside has lost its high commander at this time. Although they will fight on their own, the rifle is really too difficult. In history, only Iraq has a record of shooting down a U.S. helicopter with a submachine gun. Let’s forget it here. The energy group’s helicopters are a little different from others.

The gunships split into two teams and started sweeping toward the crowd. Everyone didn’t know where to go. Too many rockets came down from the This is similar to the speed gun that just happened. The power of is different. One rocket can almost reimburse hundreds of people. If there are one or two, they can still hide. But this is a few hundred, which is basically a saturation attack. Everyone is basically already at this moment. Crazy, they squeezed the trigger in their hands frantically, whether it’s the plane in the sky or the people around, in their eyes, all of this is going to be destroyed, as if they had shuffled all the bullets out, and they could do it. It's the same alive.

Looking at the crowd of húnluàn below, the squadron leader sneered. This is the result they need. He knows that it is only a theoretical number to eliminate tens of thousands of people. Such a intensive attack will definitely leave fish that slip through the net. After panic, they will find a place to hide. These people are not stupid, so all they have to do is to use this húnluàn to send their people up. This is their ultimate goal.

The first transport helicopter began to land. They took 29 soldiers and landed on the roof of the Energy Group branch building. They were accompanied by several first-aid personnel who would stay on the roof for five minutes. After being filled with six severely wounded people, they left immediately, flew to the nearest rescue center, and then brought weapons and equipment. The pilots were all veterans. Otherwise, it would be impossible to endure more than ten hours of long-distance flight. They were all proceeding tensely and orderly. The more than 20 soldiers who came down did not stop for a moment. They immediately went to the fifth floor to replace all of them. With them, there is no problem on the fifth floor for the time being.

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